Mexico is full of druggies

It makes Gonz be evasive some more. It's funny when you and Gonz get too scared to answer simple questions.

Ever been driving the speed limit and someone comes up behind you and either tailgates or flashes their headlights at you? I slow down by 5mph (in town) or 10 or 20mph (on highway) until they get a fucking clue. And maybe I'll flip on my turn signal on, too. :brow:
Well, now that you mention it......I drove by one of those stationary radar boards the other days and it reflected my speed as 4 mph less that what my speedo said. I was driving 45 but it said I was doing 41.......
Ever been driving the speed limit and someone comes up behind you and either tailgates or flashes their headlights at you? I slow down by 5mph (in town) or 10 or 20mph (on highway) until they get a fucking clue. And maybe I'll flip on my turn signal on, too. :brow:

And people who do that to me get passed with me so close to their bumper that most of them have to change their pants.....
And people who do that to me get passed with me so close to their bumper that most of them have to change their pants.....

I am encouraging them to pass me. There's no minimum speed on a state highway or city street, but there is a law that requires the driver behind to maintain a safe distance.
if you are poking along in the LEFT lane, then it is perfectly acceptable to flash headlights at you to request courtesy - "please move into the lane appropriate to your choice of speed" - especially if you're holding up a long line of traffic.

cerise have you ever done anything that is in technical violation of the law? perhaps even the most minor civil infraction such as a parking ticket? maybe peed on the sidewalk during your drinking years? :drink2:
if you are poking along in the LEFT lane, then it is perfectly acceptable to flash headlights at you to request courtesy - "please move into the lane appropriate to your choice of speed" - especially if you're holding up a long line of traffic.

Hammer down in the hammer lane. Coast in the slow lane.

cerise have you ever done anything that is in technical violation of the law? perhaps even the most minor civil infraction such as a parking ticket? maybe peed on the sidewalk during your drinking years? :drink2:

Over the past 5 years, in the last 7 stops by the police for speeding........I received 6 warnings. I was always about 4-8 over.

I'm all "yes sir, no sir," hands on steering wheel, dome light on at night, never say more than I want them to know.......

The one that broke my lucky streak was 12 over in a 65, and I ended up taking a STOP class to dismiss it. The STOP class was my ace in the hole.

I've had a clean driving record since 1988, cheap insurance on 2 cars and a house, high coverage with a low deductible, and I'm done pushing fate.

Flash your lights all you want.
six warnings out of seven pull-overs but you've had a clean record since 88? what was number seven? (other than uncle jessie's mule on that other show.)

how in the fuck does anyone get pulled over seven times in five years? i haven't been pulled over seven times in the past 20 years... i've been pulled over once in the past five years and it was a rather paltry speedtrap and i did not end up with a ticket. my record has been clean for 20 years.

golly, maybe i should get a church lady outfit too!!!
six warnings out of seven pull-overs but you've had a clean record since 88? what was number seven? (other than uncle jessie's mule on that other show.)

I only drove like that for a period of time. #7 was the 12 over in a 65.....and it was by a "bear in the air." I've heard that 10 over is the unlucky number. :shrug:

how in the fuck does anyone get pulled over seven times in five years? i haven't been pulled over seven times in the past 20 years... i've been pulled over once in the past five years and it was a rather paltry speedtrap and i did not end up with a ticket. my record has been clean for 20 years.

golly, maybe i should get a church lady outfit too!!!

I had places to go, people to see, things to do. I liked the wind in my hair, the scenery blurring by, making those yellow lights. Gotta get there, ya know. Seriously though...... there was the 30 in a 25 going downhill, 46 in a 40 on a 4 lane city street with no traffic and the cop on the other side of the hill......but it was usually on a highway, interstate, or a wideopen road, not during rush hour, of course. Plus, it wasn't my car or my gas. :shrug:

And now since I've used my get out of jail free card I do drive like the quintessential church lady. I've seen the light, I toe the line, I've been reformed. :angel:
six warnings out of seven pull-overs but you've had a clean record since 88? what was number seven? (other than uncle jessie's mule on that other show.)

how in the fuck does anyone get pulled over seven times in five years? i haven't been pulled over seven times in the past 20 years... i've been pulled over once in the past five years and it was a rather paltry speedtrap and i did not end up with a ticket. my record has been clean for 20 years.

golly, maybe i should get a church lady outfit too!!!

I don't think I've been pulled over seven times in my life.
I don't think I've been pulled over seven times in my life. two moving violations in the 24 years driving. One for pulling a "U-turn" in a spot where it wasn't legal... stupid place, really. Miles of straight roads with all cross-roads being one-ways leading in. And the second for having a plate that wasn't legible enough. Old damned plate and some of the paint had worn off or been sunned-off.

The former cost me $40 and the latter $80. No demerit points on either. :toast:
Well, horse was the primary mode of transportation for most of your life, right? :cool2:

ooooh, snap

When I was a kid my great grand parents still had an old wagon.
It never moved from it's place in the field, and I could probably find
pieces of it with a metal finder.

The only working wagons I've seen in person, were Amish neighbors.
And the second for having a plate that wasn't legible enough. Old damned plate and some of the paint had worn off or been sunned-off.

How can you get a ticket for that? Didn't they give you the plate? I thought the law was that the plates technically belonged to the DMV, and that you had to have it on your car, and give it back when you sell your car - which would mean that the DMV, not you, is responsible for the condition of the plate, as long as it's being displayed correctly.
The 'DMV' here allows you to keep your plate with the car as long as the car's being destroyed after the fact. This was a plate dating back from my first wheels 15 odd years ago.

I have a new plate car and the old van was used as a trade-in, so the plate stayed with the van.

*You can also get the same ticket for not removing snow/ice from in front of the plate.
Great Scott, folks- It's REAL simple. The Government has no right to your body, unless you surrender that right.
You have the right to shadow-box and swing your fists in the air all you want, until it comes close to my nose.
Do all the booze and drugs you want, just keep yourself in check.
Stay snockered 24-7, I don't care, just don't expect me to pay for your habit.
That includes all those hooked on hookers and gambling, too. You hear me, politicians? It's YOUR habit, not mine.,