Mid Twenties Crisis


New Member
Anybody ever feel like packing in the job, withdrawing all the savings and heading to Australia?

Yep, Fi is bouncing off the walls...:banghead:
fi said:
Anybody ever feel like packing in the job, withdrawing all the savings and heading to Australia?

Yep, Fi is bouncing off the walls...:banghead:

not australia...but the idea of leaving...yeah. planning already.
Heh... two years ago I actually did quit my job, withdraw my life savings and head off to Australia. Not really the same thing though, lol.
fi said:
Anybody ever feel like packing in the job, withdrawing all the savings and heading to Australia?
Daily, fi. I'm in my mid forties, though, so it may be only natural.
I heard somewhere that Australia won't let you come over unless you have enough in your bank account to buy a ticket back. I don't know where I heard that, though, or if it's even possibly true.
fi said:
Anybody ever feel like packing in the job, withdrawing all the savings and heading to Australia?

Yep, Fi is bouncing off the walls...:banghead:

finland baby, finland ;)

you'll only find the grass is browner on the other side. and no bitching about your job sweety, you'll find few jobs where you can change the scenery quite as often as yours.
MuFu said:

Where do you work?
Edited by fury - read the AUP

Forget Australia... you need to come to the states. As a redhead with an accent, you would be treated like a god.

too slow as usual.. - Justin
Unc, to the best of my recollection, I never told anyone here what I do for a living, and while I don't particularly mind the people on OTC knowing, it's everyone else who's not a member and who's able to read this that I worry about. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't reveal bits of my private life. OK? And I don't appreciate being looked up on the Internet, either.