yeah, every time someone does something like this, and people say, "why wasnt she taking her meds!!11!!1" i start wondering how much those people really know about psychotropic drugs.
sometimes meds work great and dandy.
sometimes they dont do anything.
sometimes meds make things worse (re: someone i knew who broke windows in his house in a wellbutrin-induced rage, and the night i spent in the hospital because of a manic eposide brought on by the meds i was on, and the fact that my fiance has neurological damage from being overmedicated for too long, and also that i have a friend who has become suicidally depressed after he was prescribed and dutifully took a mood stabilizer.).
even if you go to your followups and tweak and adjust as necessary, meds dont make it all better. even if you genuinely try to let them help you, they still can fail. they can stop working. i'm unmedicated now because they all stopped working. my psychiatrist gave me the ok on this.
by the way, my fiance is schizoaffective (bipolar with schizophrenic effects... much the same thing), and attests that often when schizophrenics are put on meds, when the symptoms stop, they think they're cured and go off the meds, only to "schiz out" again. that's just how it works sometimes. i know that's something a lot of bipolar people do too. that's why i initally stopped.... because i felt better. turns out i pretty much was, but that's not always the case. but yeah. i told jay about this thread and he told me to add that bit as his .02. cos he's dealt with it since he was a kid.