[quote="a13antichristI find it disgraceful that this is heralded as an enlightening realisation. No wonder no-one can manage to keep a marriage together. [/quote]
Yeah, I know, its too bad.
I think many folk, like myself perhaps, expect our sexuality to be no more fulfillin' than a trip to McDonald's. Order, pay, eat, burp, go on to the next more interestin' experience..............
A view, which I believe, undermines the value an' significance of the uniqueness of our human existence, an' particularly, the beauty of the potential complementary relationship between men an' women.
Spent most of my 34 years, thinkin' sex was somehow intended, (by default), to fulfill selfish needs.
Instead, I'd rather I hold to a view that I think, is more becoming of a maturing mind. One of, others-centered, perspective, which, I believe, transends all we could ever hope to gain from a perpetual mindset of pleasin' ourselves. (We spend so much time actin' a lot unlike hamsters, on a wheel, never reachin' our desired "destination". Only stoppin' for breath, between the next attempt to be satisfied).
However, for many years of recent, I've had a great desire to mature in character, includin' havin' a MUCH more selfless view of sexual expression, in relationship to the one I love.
Perhaps for me, at this time in my life, it seems a perfect endeavor, to try to give my lover every possible reason to believe that she matters, more than me, to me.