New Orleans goes 3rd-world, rest of country business as usual?

Re: Unrest Intensifies at Superdome Shelter

and how is that any different from what I'm proposing?

Never mind, Gonz. You just can't seem to see further than your nose.
Re: Unrest Intensifies at Superdome Shelter

And you can't get past putting the pols sticky fingers in my pocket.
Seems more like a city without sufficient support in place (security, transport, supplies) and major issues getting the syupport there quickly. Can't do it by road easily, can't do it by water easily and fying everyhitng is time consuming to say the least.

Take several thousand people, remove their electricity, their shelter, their food and water, add heat and simmer..make'em wait too long for help and guess whatcha got?

People helping whatever isn't nailed down.

I'd bet that the majority are trying to get food, clothes, blankets and other essentials to survive for the upcoming week or so. Many of them are going armed because even before this disaster, New Orleans wasn't the safest place t'live.

Toss in a few idiots who don't realize that they have nowhere to put that flat-screen TV, plus a few who don't trust cops and certainly not the military and voila! Apparent chaos with the classic "If it bleeds, it leads" news idiology.

I seriously doubt that everyone stuck in N.O. is vandalizing, looting non-essential goods, and shooting at anyone who gets in their way. Most, IMHO, are just trying to live from one day to the next.
Re: Unrest Intensifies at Superdome Shelter

Gonz said:
And you can't get past putting the pols sticky fingers in my pocket.

On the contrary. I'm just proposing a way for them to punish irresponsible behaviour. You can close that pocket easily. Get your car to 50mpg.
MrBishop said:
I'd bet that the majority are trying to get food, clothes, blankets and other essentials to survive for the upcoming week or so. Many of them are going armed because even before this disaster, New Orleans wasn't the safest place t'live.

If you watch the news they're taking TVs,Computers,Makeup etc..... hardly necessities ,especially when you you consider there won't be electricity for months .
SouthernN'Proud said:
Gonz said:
People needing help are getting it until the good samaritans are threatened with death.
As far as I have been able to learn, I cannot disagree with this portion of your statement.
What about this...
Doctors at two desperately crippled hospitals with 360 patients called The Associated Press pleading for rescue, saying they were nearly out of food and power and had been forced to move patients to higher floors to escape looters.

“We have been trying to call the mayor’s office, we have been trying to call the governor’s office. ... We have tried to use any inside pressure we can. We are turning to you. Please help us,” said Dr. Norman McSwain, chief of trauma surgery at Charity Hospital.

Other parts of the city saw similar desperation. “We need help,” Polly Boudreaux, clerk of the St. Bernard Parish Council, told WAFB-TV in a phone interview in which she broke down crying.

“We're just been absolutely devastated,” she said, and many residents still need to be rescued.

Little outside aid has reached the parish, she added. “We are not seeing it.”
From the same article in my previous post...
“Hospitals are trying to evacuate,” said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesan, spokesman at the city emergency operations center. “At every one of them, there are reports that as the helicopters come in people are shooting at them. There are people just taking potshots at police and at helicopters, telling them, “You better come get my family.”
Brilliant. You want them to help you so you shoot at them?
A.B.Normal said:
If you watch the news they're taking TVs,Computers,Makeup etc..... hardly necessities ,especially when you you consider there won't be electricity for months .
Yup... "If it bleeds, it leads" + the minority causing trouble = the minority, getting filmed causing trouble.

You won't be seeing a whole lot of neighbour helping neighbour on the TV, but I'll betcha dollars to doughnuts that you're going to be seeing a whole lotta footage of reservists standing on corners with rifles, people with bleeding head wounds, overturned cars and broken windows over the next few days.
If you see a non-minority neighborhood with such blatant thievery, show it.
MrBishop said:
Yup... "If it bleeds, it leads" + the minority causing trouble = the minority, getting filmed causing trouble.

You won't be seeing a whole lot of neighbour helping neighbour on the TV, but I'll betcha dollars to doughnuts that you're going to be seeing a whole lotta footage of reservists standing on corners with rifles, people with bleeding head wounds, overturned cars and broken windows over the next few days.

You were saying people were looting necessities,I pointed out they were taking anything not nailed down.
MrBishop said:
Take several thousand people, remove their electricity, their shelter, their food and water, add heat and simmer..make'em wait too long for help and guess whatcha got?

People helping whatever isn't nailed down.

I'd bet that the majority are trying to get food, clothes, blankets and other essentials to survive for the upcoming week or so.

Sorry, chief. You're a good man, intelligent, all that. But there is absolutely no excuse to loot. Period. Dot. Semicolon. None.
Gonz said:
If you see a non-minority neighborhood with such blatant thievery, show it.
I wasn't saying 'minority' as in visible minority. I was saying 'minority' as in less than 50%.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Sorry, chief. You're a good man, intelligent, all that. But there is absolutely no excuse to loot. Period. Dot. Semicolon. None.
Should these people wait for the store-owners to come back, open up and clean their stores and buy the food-stuffs?

Until the rescuers can get food and water inside NO or get everyone evacuated to where shelters, food and water...people stuck inside have little choices.

Let me put it this way. You and your family didn't get out in time (pick a, transport, circumstances, illness). You need to get water and food. Your money is useless right now in NO. Nobody in the stores to take it from ya. All stores are closed. Some have food and non-perisheable foodstuffs.

Do you?
A) Watch your family starve because you don't believe in theft?
B) Take the food and try to make reparations later. *If possible*

Even in the Bible, a thief who stole food to feed his family wasn't punished if he had no other choice.

By all means...I hate the looting of TVs, DVD players and all that aesthetic crap. but I can't blame those who are taking blankets, food, medicine and water.

**Ps..and thank you for the compliment.
Professur said:
Just to put a fine point on it. Down there, the whites are the minority.
I couldda sworn that I just said a moment ago that it wasn't a racist statement nor meant to be taken as one.
Funny. I thought that was my side of the argument, Bish? Or are you only against it when it's the national guard taking the food, water and drugs?
MrBishop said:
I couldda sworn that I just said a moment ago that it wasn't a racist statement nor meant to be taken as one.

I was replying to gonz. Your post wasn't even there when I started typing. Don't get your panties in a twist. You're not so far off the list that you can't find your way home.
Professur said:
I was replying to gonz. Your post wasn't even there when I started typing. Don't get your panties in a twist. You're not so far off the list that you can't find your way home.
3 posts slipped inbetween there...
sorry for the mistake, but the lack of 'quote' kinda made the message lose it's direction, eh?
MrBishop said:
Should these people wait for the store-owners to come back, open up and clean their stores and buy the food-stuffs?

Don't argue foolishness. The people taking food are not to be equated with people taking *bling bling* and even of those taking food should return at a later date & pay for their acquisitions.