New Orleans goes 3rd-world, rest of country business as usual?

Mayhap we have different definitions of looting. To clarify:

in my realm, should a natural catastrophe occur, and I find myself cut off from relief, I'll do what it takes to keep my family alive. I fault no one in that.


My family can (and does) survive amazingly well without Nike shoes, plasma TVs, little hand held gadgets, etc. A catastrophe is not excuse to help oneself to said trinkets. It's lower than theft. It's deplorable human behavior that should be dealt with in caliburs instead of courts.
MrBishop said:
3 posts slipped inbetween there...
sorry for the mistake, but the lack of 'quote' kinda made the message lose it's direction, eh?

I was reading. And I didn't expect three other posts to all include Minority in them. Doucement, mon ami. Doucement.
Gonz said:
Don't argue foolishness. The people taking food are not to be equated with people taking *bling bling* and even of those taking food should return at a later date & pay for their acquisitions.
I hate the looting of TVs, DVD players and all that aesthetic crap. but I can't blame those who are taking blankets, food, medicine and water.
Professur said:
I was reading. And I didn't expect three other posts to all include Minority in them. Doucement, mon ami. Doucement.
Sorry dude. I've always hated being called racist...consider it a trigger responce. Even though I know that you know that I'm anything but racist... hell, you were there for the ceremony :)
Good, is that all over with? Good. Hug each other, with as little groping as possible and lets get back to calling the NO populace a bunch of animals.
MrBishop said:
Sorry dude. I've always hated being called racist...consider it a trigger responce. Even though I know that you know that I'm anything but racist... hell, you were there for the ceremony :)

Please don't rub that in my face. If I hadn't been thinking of my own coming up, I'd have spoken up, and stopped it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Mayhap we have different definitions of looting. To clarify:

in my realm, should a natural catastrophe occur, and I find myself cut off from relief, I'll do what it takes to keep my family alive. I fault no one in that.


My family can (and does) survive amazingly well without Nike shoes, plasma TVs, little hand held gadgets, etc. A catastrophe is not excuse to help oneself to said trinkets. It's lower than theft. It's deplorable human behavior that should be dealt with in caliburs instead of courts.
I saw 'looting' more as a blanket statement. B&E with taking of stuff that ain't yours, usually involving more than one person and usually not stealthily.

*** BTW. That last bit openen up a can o' worms. How the hell are the authorities going to be able to differentiate between people using their guns in self-defence, from people filling in grudges, from straight murder? Hell, finding bodies of those killed illegally will end up being as difficult to do as finding those who drowned in the flooding. Finding who did what, or even the 'how' of people's demise will be pushed aside to speed up recovery and burial.

What a clusterfuck!
Professur said:
Please don't rub that in my face. If I hadn't been thinking of my own coming up, I'd have spoken up, and stopped it.
The getaway 'Colt' :rofl: If I'd have know what was coming...I wouldda joined ya!
The time & the vicinity for the perfect crime has presented itself. Drown someone in the rising sludge..."of course they were struggling, officer"
MrBishop said:
The getaway 'Colt' :rofl: If I'd have know what was coming...I wouldda joined ya!

I knew. I kept telling my self that I could be wrong. Still telling myself that.
Gonz said:
If you see a non-minority neighborhood with such blatant thievery, show it.

Here's the deal, Gonz. The people in the non-minority neighborhoods were the first to high-tail it out. Question...Did they offer a lift to any minority person, in order to bring just one more person to safety? I don't think so. In fact...I saw plenty of non-minorities on Fox looting...pity they were in the background. :rolleyes: You wish to speak as if only the minorities are criminally inclined, but I beg to differ. The non-minorities were some of the biggest thieves in history. If you don't believe me, just go down to your nearest Native American 'reservation', and ask them. While you're at it...shake the Kennedy family tree and see the bootleggers fall out. Look at the Rockerfeller roots, and watch the heroin flow from Asia to the US. ;)
99% of those who stayed behind had transportation. They didn't use it. The majority of NO is minority-inclined so I expect to see skewed numbers. Unfortunately, as in the LA riots, it's not one group exclusively but there is a definite majority doing the law breaking, and it's the standard one to get blamed.

Sadly, there is sufficient evidence to point blame at a group. Strangely, I'd like to see more white trash getting smoked by authorities, just to balance the perception.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Sorry, chief. You're a good man, intelligent, all that. But there is absolutely no excuse to loot. Period. Dot. Semicolon. None.

Since I came in late I'll put my two cents here.... To a point there is... If I'm stuck where I have no other way and help isn't going to get there in time to keep my family from starving/freezing/whatever to death, I'll take what is needed to make damn sure they live... This however, is not saying to take as much as you possibly can...Others are out there too, others have children to take care of, take what you need, leave the rest for another....

TVs, computers, gizmos of any sort at this point is the most pointless, idiotic thing to be taking... Hope they enjoy the taste of circuitry cuz it certainly isn't going to work before they starve to death.
I'm sure they're not available. I'm also sure if you drove thru there on Saturday night, you'd see more cars than not. A lot more.

As soon as America's poor are in the bottom 90% of the worlds poor, I'll be more sympathetic. Right now, they are also-rans with a color TV.
And to clarify once again...

Taking what one must have to survive is not looting. Let's break the word down. Looting...root word: loot. Slang term for illgotten goods, typically understood to be beyond the scope of those things needed for survival.

I'd wager that many store owners wouldn't go after someone who made off with fifty bucks in food, water, and medication. They do have insurance, ya covers so much of their losses, and my money says the majority of store owners would gladly apply their losses in these areas to that claim. The insufferable thug bastards who are harvesting computers, gold chains, running shoes, Playstations, and stuff like that oughta be lined up in front of a pit and shot. Society is better off with them out of it.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.
Why is so much energy and personnel being given over to prevent looting when there are already enough issues with getting food/water those affected? I understand putting soldiers in place to protect rescue workers from being sniped at or busses from being car-jacked, but to stop looting?

That recent 'shoot to kill' order and the additional 1600 n.guardsmen being sent in specifically for looting. There's better things that you could be doing with those troops and transports.

Let's face it...the majority of what's being looted is now considered 'unrecovereable' and a 'total writeoff'.
Brought your HazMat suit?

NEW ORLEANS - An explosion at a chemical depot jolted residents awake early Friday, illuminating the pre-dawn sky with red and orange flames over a city awash in corpses and under siege from looters. There were no immediate reports of injuries.

Vibrations from the blast along the Mississippi River and a few miles east of the French Quarter were felt all the way downtown. A series of smaller blasts followed and then a cyclone of acrid, black smoke.

To jittery residents of New Orleans, it was yet another fearful sight in a city that has deteriorated rapidly since Katrina slammed ashore Monday morning.

Congress was rushing through a $10.5 billion aid package, the Pentagon promised 1,400 National Guardsmen a day to stop the looting and President Bush planned to visit the region Friday. But city officials were seething with anger about what they called a slow federal response following Hurricane Katrina.

"They don't have a clue what's going on down there," Mayor Ray Nagin told WWL-AM Thursday night.

"They flew down here one time two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, AP reporters, all kind of goddamn — excuse my French everybody in America, but I am pissed."
MrBishop said:
Why is so much energy and personnel being given over to prevent looting when there are already enough issues with getting food/water those affected? I understand putting soldiers in place to protect rescue workers from being sniped at or busses from being car-jacked, but to stop looting?

That recent 'shoot to kill' order and the additional 1600 n.guardsmen being sent in specifically for looting. There's better things that you could be doing with those troops and transports.

Let's face it...the majority of what's being looted is now considered 'unrecovereable' and a 'total writeoff'.
Because once the mobs of looters realize that the law is looking the other way it will escalate. Blue jeans and Nintendo's will quickly escalate into gang rape and bashing peoples heads in with pipes. Then everyone will start bitching about why nothing was done to prevent it. They were the ones that forced the efforts to slack off. They are the ones preventing all efforts from being good. If the professional asshole crowd wern't being so busy being assholes we could do three times as much to save everyone. It has to be stopped now before it goes full-blown Mad Max apocalyptic chaos.