New Orleans goes 3rd-world, rest of country business as usual?

Unc said:
gang rape and bashing peoples heads in with pipes.

Which not only happened in the streets of aftermath, it happened under the very noses of authority in the Superdome.
unclehobart said:
Because once the mobs of looters realize that the law is looking the other way it will escalate. Blue jeans and Nintendo's will quickly escalate into gang rape and bashing peoples heads in with pipes. Then everyone will start bitching about why nothing was done to prevent it. They were the ones that forced the efforts to slack off. They are the ones preventing all efforts from being good. If the professional asshole crowd wern't being so busy being assholes we could do three times as much to save everyone. It has to be stopped now before it goes full-blown Mad Max apocalyptic chaos.

This has already happened. If they've regressed to the point that they'll shoot at choppers, geuss what they're now going to do to incoming troops? The troops will be forced to kill many, I think, when a stop could've been put to it by whacking a very few earlier.
We have received an alert from Louisiana to be vigilant for felons on probation/parole migrating to other areas. Seems the offices that monitor this in LA are understandably incapacitated.

Just another of those pleasant by-products 99% of us don't think of.

Louisiana's child molesters may be in your town now, and nobody would know it. Prepare for a headline somewhere in the next six months when one of them rapes/kills a kid in parts as yet to be determined.
My company has just implemented a plan to collect donations from any employee who wishes to help. Donations will be sent to the American Red Cross. The President and a VP will be personally matching donations as well.

This comes only after I personally sent an email to the president asking him if the company could institute such a plan.

Originally they were going to collect until Sept. 9, but that day is a pay day. I suggested to them that they make it a few days past pay day, since getting paid makes some people feel more generous, and other people may not have any money to give until then. The sooner the money gets to help people, the better, but I felt a few extra days might be worth it if it got more money collected. They (the VP and President) agreed, and extended it a few days.

From some comments I have heard, the company was much faster to institute a similar plan in the wake of the Indonesian tsunami. This goes back to the point of my original post that started this thread. I'm glad we're doing it, but why did it take the suggestion of a lowly, newly-hired bottom-rung guy like me to do it?
This company will be making a donation, and several employees will be adding to that amount. I was going to bring it up today, but the owner beat me to it.
Just got a press release from the Anglican Primate of Canada (no jokes please - the head Archbishop). The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is seeking and organizing donations from all Canadian parishioners towards the relief Efforts.

That's what my work is doing :)
MrBishop said:
Just got a press release from the Anglican Primate of Canada (no jokes please - the head Archbishop). The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is seeking and organizing donations from all Canadian parishioners towards the relief Efforts.

That's what my work is doing :)

And that is one aspect of the anglican church that will never, ever see a single red cent from me.
Well, that took longer than I thought.

"Many people in the African-American community are saying the reason that the federal government did not respond as quickly as it should is because those are black people in New Orleans," U.S. Rep. David Scott said. "Prove me wrong."

Link may require free registration.

Hey, David - we don't have to prove you wrong. Prove your own point, dimwit.
HomeLAN said:
Well, that took longer than I thought.

Link may require free registration.

Hey, David - we don't have to prove you wrong. Prove your own point, dimwit.

The federal government cannot become directly involved until asked by the state government. This is one of the 'fallouts' of the Civil War. That, and that pesky Posse Comitatus law. ;)
One more thing...looks like FOX is blaming the governor for this fiasco because she waited too long to ask for help. I'll flip through the other channels to see if this is being echoed by the other cable outlets...
Gato_Solo said:
One more thing...looks like FOX is blaming the governor for this fiasco because she waited too long to ask for help. I'll flip through the other channels to see if this is being echoed by the other cable outlets...

If only Rush & Fox could keep up :D
Interesting how the French Quarter looks to be mostly dry. Could it be that when they first established the city, they built it on the highest ground in the area so it wouldn't flood?
Inkara1 said:
Interesting how the French Quarter looks to be mostly dry. Could it be that when they first established the city, they built it on the highest ground in the area so it wouldn't flood?
Which part in that photo is the French Quarter? You can use the Superdome as a reference to guide me. Is everything in the photo in New Orleans?
Gato_Solo said:
The federal government cannot become directly involved until asked by the state government. This is one of the 'fallouts' of the Civil War. That, and that pesky Posse Comitatus law. ;)

It's also how the country was framed. Just certain parts forgot/neglected it for about four years there. Then they put it back so there wouldn't be a later ass kicking/retribution.