Next Possible Terrorist Attack?

Really? Everytime you see some tragedy you think terrorists? The fear mongering has worked wonders I guess.

Nope (I have profile situations, and this fits one)
I never said I was affraid. I'm just prepared.
Obviously not. The sky is falling stuff doesn't work as well.

The sky is falling stuff clearly works remarkably well. Always has.

The terrorists/global warming/bird flu/AIDS/asteroids/whatever else you can think of is going to kill us all!!!!

:yawn: Old news. Too bad that most people are incapable of taking any lesson from history, isn't it?
Not a secret really.

:canada: *phanwink* :alienhuh:

chcr said:
The sky is falling stuff clearly works remarkably well. Always has.

I was reading this old book from the 60's last week at a friends house called "Rhythm, Riots and Revolution" about how the Rolling Stones, Beatles, and Bob Dylan were leading a communist brainwashing takeover of the country through music.

Funny as hell.
...and Stairway to Heaven played backwards tells you to worship Satan.

...and Paul McCartney's dead. (That one, at least, will be true one day)

Bob Dylan said:
I used to care but things have changed...
the Rolling Stones, Beatles, and Bob Dylan were leading a communist brainwashing takeover of the country through music.

Considering we're arguing the merits of homosexual marriages & whether$81000./yr qualifies your kids for free gov't controlled heathcare, I'd say they succedded.
The sky is falling stuff clearly works remarkably well. Always has.

The terrorists/global warming/bird flu/AIDS/asteroids/whatever else you can think of is going to kill us all!!!!

:yawn: Old news. Too bad that most people are incapable of taking any lesson from history, isn't it?

Psst..."Second hand smoke"...:devious:
Considering we're arguing the merits of homosexual marriages & whether$81000./yr qualifies your kids for free gov't controlled heathcare, I'd say they succedded.

Cause all homosexuals are communists because of the Stones. :laugh:
Personally, I say, get rid of trains. They're slow, dangerous, noisy & inefficient.
Personally, I say, get rid of trains. They're slow, dangerous, noisy & inefficient.

They also haul more freight, at a greater savings in fuel and, conversely, money, than a fleet of trucks. :D

Sorry, Gonz. I couldn't resist...
They also have a far worse record for on-time delivery, including terrible records for misdelivered, non-delivered & spoiled freight.
The impression I had was that you load a fuckload of stuff onto the train, send it to the big port, then at the big port, it's put onto trucks that can take it right up to the door of the final destination.