Next Possible Terrorist Attack?

The impression I had was that you load a fuckload of stuff onto the train, send it to the big port, then at the big port, it's put onto trucks that can take it right up to the door of the final destination.

Making al...nothing more than door-to-door delivery. :D
I used to regularly load more than 22tons on trucks, when I worked on the docks.

It wasn't uncommon for it to be hard for the driver to keep the front tires on the ground taking off.
I'm not buying the gusset thing.
I used to work in a machine shop and have made many different bridge gussets.
(and done some engineering)
There's a very large tolerance there.
Nuke Plant Shutdown Causes Widespread Florida Power Outages
MIAMI — A nuclear reactor owned by Florida's largest electric company automatically shut down Tuesday, causing sporadic power outages throughout the state that affected 3 million people. Authorities did not specify the cause of the shutdown but say there were no safety concerns.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said that the two Florida Power & Light nuclear reactors at its Turkey Point power point 30 miles south of Miami automatically shut down. Two other power plants farther north in the state, the Crystal River reactor and St. Lucie twin reactors, continued to operate, although officials at those two facilities noticed the grid disturbance.

"We don't know whether the grid disturbance caused the units to shut down or that their shut down caused the grid disturbance," said Kenneth Clark, a spokesman at the NRC regional office in Atlanta. He said the two reactors were automatically shut down.

"There are no safety concerns. The reactors shut down as designed," said Clark in a telephone interview. He said both reactors continued to have offsite electric power. He said two coal-burning power plants at Turkey Point also shut down.,2933,332808,00.html

I've pointed that out before in this thread I think.

Fear mongering really works on a lot of people it seems.
Paranoia makes you afraid of things that aren't real. Fear makes you easily controllable. :vader:

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
well, I try not to take Anything to extremes.
I have management skills, and I access most decisions, on if an action
will benefit me, or correlate with my morals.

The mind is a powerful thing, and to be able to recognize, and control a persons'
emotions and intellect at most all times, is also powerful.
Life is just a series of decisions, and so I try not to jump head-first on anything.
well, I try not to take Anything to extremes.
I have management skills, and I access most decisions, on if an action
will benefit me, or correlate with my morals.


The mind is a powerful thing, and to be able to recognize, and control a persons'
emotions and intellect at most all times, is also powerful.
Life is just a series of decisions, and so I try not to jump head-first on anything.

yes, all very powerful. all very powerful indeed.