Now we know

It must be embarassing for all the Christian churches to see so many members dancing in the streets when the Klan succeeds at anything. Did you catch that story in the USA Today about the Klan burning a Cuban flag & dancing around a Castro effigy over the commie/terror leadership meeting in Havana? Had to have been, oh I don't know, 600-750,000 Baptists in Montgomery waving their hoods & shouting Death to non-Christians.
Welcome to the Ku Klux Klan!

Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America! A Message of Love NOT Hate!

It never occured to you to wonder why they hate the Jews and Catholics too, huh?

I'd wonder what it's like to be you but I honestly don't want to know and couldn't care less.

Oh, but you're the expert. :rofl4:
I do wonder about the Catholic thing. A belief in Christ is Christian. :shrug:

How about knocking off the personal insults? It's getting old.

Again...the Christian community, as a whole, despises the Klan & bashes them at every turn. The same cannot be said about Muslims & their brand of terrorism.
I do wonder about the Catholic thing. A belief in Christ is Christian. :shrug:

How about knocking off the personal insults? It's getting old.
1. A lot of "christian" groups consider catholics to be non-christian. It's not just the Klan. I don't get it either, I"m with you on the whole christian/non-christian thing.

2. I'll take it under advisement.
if i recall, the klan's hatred of catholics is an offsoot of their hatred for foreigners. when the klan was an up and coming group, a lot of catholics were immigrants...italians, poles, irish. today, no different (mexicans) plus their skin is brown, so the klan gets bonus-hate.
if i recall, the klan's hatred of catholics is an offsoot of their hatred for foreigners. when the klan was an up and coming group, a lot of catholics were immigrants...italians, poles, irish. today, no different (mexicans) plus their skin is brown, so the klan gets bonus-hate.

makes a perverse twisted sense. still stupid.
I do wonder about the Catholic thing. A belief in Christ is Christian. :shrug:

How about knocking off the personal insults? It's getting old.

Again...the Christian community, as a whole, despises the Klan & bashes them at every turn. The same cannot be said about Muslims & their brand of terrorism.

okay. so you know this through your extensive exposure to muslims? you know how all or most of 'em think, eh? yeah they all love bin laden and never criticize or distance themselves from that shit...

i'm sure you've met many muslims and spoken to them extensively about these issues IN THE CAVE you've obviously been living in


your idea of muslims is EXACTLY like what some less-satified-with-life muslims in remote villages in pakistan think of us.

they live IN CAVES too.

you're smarter than this, so maybe we can just assume someone forced you into the cave, and is holding you there at spearpoint?
Oh yea, minkey, we're talking about every single human alive, with no exceptions.

GENERALIZATION...just like STEREOTYPE...basis in fact.

Hell, I'd bet most of them don't agree, across the board. BUT, they don't raise hell when someone hijacks their religion. Guilt by association. If & when they start to stand up & denounce the islamofascists the grouping will begin to change. Until then, it's safe to assume that Christians don't burn the enemy in effigy & Muslims do.

It's their religion, not mine. Why would I bother to defend it?
BUT, they don't raise hell when someone hijacks their religion. Guilt by association. If & when they start to stand up & denounce the islamofascists the grouping will begin to change. Until then, it's safe to assume that Christians don't burn the enemy in effigy & Muslims do.

It's their religion, not mine. Why would I bother to defend it?

Speaking out publicly against acts of terrorism is tantamount to painting a big target on your back in many Muslim countries. They don't exactly have a constitutional right to freedom of speech, and the people they would be speaking out against would be the ones most likely to put a bullet in your head while you are sleeping, and take out your family while they are at it.

Muslims in non-Muslim countries, as well as religious leaders "in" Muslim countries have always vocally denounced terrorist acts. They just don't get as much US press coverage as the widows and crying babies.

Post after post after post of apologist, spineless, defeatist rhetoric. We seem to be falling all over ourselves to hand these bastards the keys to our kingdom.

It makes me wonder who the enemy really is...those who have avowed to kill us, or those within our own culture who just want to be able to say, "I told you so."

Disgusting, the lot of it.

We have some who hate the concept of a deity so much that they defend the very people killing us in the name of their deity. What that is supposed to accomplish escapes me entirely.

We have others who are so blindly opposed to our elected leader that they would seemingly welcome our national downfall just so one man can be "proven wrong".

Your parents should disown you. Their generation, and the generation of their parents, fought tooth and nail for this country and the freedoms it affords you to shit all over it.

When you are speaking Arabic, you might have different thoughts. It'll be too late then of course, but you might finally see what you squandered. I doubt it'll still be bitching about some meaningless semantic hair-splitting perceived slight. Besides, even when we are conquered, we can still look down our collective noses at a certain segment of our population and call them names and laugh at how backward and inbred and redneck they are, right?

So have it. Reason escapes you, logic enrages you, common sense bypasses you. All you seem to be concerned with is proving some petty point or justifying some personal vendetta. I never thought I would live long enough to see American citizens betraying their own country all in the name of Me-ism. And if this is what our society has fallen to, then it's time for me to again retreat from it and do all I can do...defend, preserve, and protect myself and my own. If it's going to be mass Me-ism, then I better get busy...I hear the fiddler tuning up.

If I am not mistaken, people fought for the freedom both you and I to be able to speak our minds and to hold our own opinions without fear of repercussion. Is that not the essence of America?
Main Entry: per·se·cu·tion
Pronunciation: "per-si-'kyü-shon
Function: noun
1 : the act or practice of persecuting especially those who differ in origin, religion, or social outlook
2 : the condition of being persecuted, harassed, or annoyed
One thing i can agree with Snp on is that yes we fought for our freedoms from serfdom through the black Death (ironically the birth of freedom in many ways) through war and struggle, we fought our enemies and defended our lands and for the rights of man and law and justice and democracy against monarchs, tyrants and etc - and still fight to maintain our way of life and our concept of freedom and liberty from those that deem us corrupt and unholy and who deem it their religious right and duty to destroy us.

Is that all Muslims however?
You want it simple?

Just because we hate terrorists and islamic fascists and have the right to defend ourselves, it does not make the statement that our own amargedonists or the like are any the less dangerous or deluded as the Muslim fanatics.

Hatred and intolerance breed hatred and intolerance and fanatics on both sides seem to want to prove themselves right with the predicted holy armegeddon - cheers guys!

Take Northern ireland - pointless sectarianism, violence, war, terrorism on both sides - attack - reprisal attack - result? another attack in response ...more drawn into hatred ...

funny old game hatred innit?

addictive you could almost say...
you admit it WAS logical then? :eek5: :D know it wasn't really a tear jerker experience for me ... :shrug: ;)

(/sidetracked - an impotent chcr ? :bgpimp: /sidetracked)

I suppose by your argument there then Gato - that cuts both ways?
i.e. an emotional attchment to religion thus becomes emotional and loses it's logical potency or validity?

where do we thus draw the line?
An emotional attachment to our Country or our liberty?

you propose we cannot therefore debate logically or with any real meaning or potency if we have ANY attachments or points of view? :eek:
you admit it WAS logical then? :eek5: :D know it wasn't really a tear jerker experience for me ... :shrug: ;)

(/sidetracked - an impotent chcr ? :bgpimp: /sidetracked)

I suppose by your argument there then Gato - that cuts both ways?
i.e. an emotional attchment to religion thus becomes emotional and loses it's logical potency or validity?

where do we thus draw the line?
An emotional attachment to our Country or our liberty?

you propose we cannot therefore debate logically or with any real meaning or potency if we have ANY attachments or points of view? :eek:

We draw the line when it becomes personal. He has a personal 'grudge' against religion, so anything he says must be taken with a grain, or twelve, of salt.