obama gets 6x more donations from troops

hmmm. seems like the folks in our armed forces might have some different sentiments than the luminaries here that continue to bash obama on foreign policy/military affairs.


maybe the troops are unpatriotic too! :rainfrow:


Our troops? Did that article say anything about our troops?? "Our" as in "oui"? It only mentioned "troops deployed overseas". Hmmmm. Whose troops were they talking about, Mr. Jump the Gun????
I'm trying to remember who it was that referred to your armed forces as a bunch on illiterates who weren't smart enough to get into a good university.
Our troops? Did that article say anything about our troops?? "Our" as in "oui"? It only mentioned "troops deployed overseas". Hmmmm. Whose troops were they talking about, Mr. Jump the Gun????

Contributions from U.S. Troops Deployed Abroad
Recipient Total Number
Obama, Barack $60,642 134
Paul, Ron $45,512 99
McCain, John $10,665 26
Huckabee, Mike $7,950 10
Thompson, Fred $6,350 7
Romney, Mitt $5,550 10
Clinton, Hillary $3,240 6
and that has what bearing on this?

Well, if it was a Democrat who said it, and those same 'illiterates' and now supporting them ..... Well, saying that you're supporters are idiots doesn't really convince me that anyone should be taking their opinion seriously. But then, I'm a monarchist. Your whole popularity contest method of Gov't would have me on the floor in stitches if it didn't have such tragic consequences world wide.
did he really say that, exactly?

or did he say something about wanting to improve educational possibilities for soldiers? or perhaps changing the military pay/incentive structure to attract more educated and professional folks into the military, rather than, largely, a group of recent HS grads?
I believe I asked it as a question, not said it as a statement. I can't remember who said it, only that it was said. I think it was a Democrat, but I don't know for sure.

it's pretty clear who they are talking about in the article.

try again.

Sorry. :mope: I jumped the gun. I didn't realize the article was referring to contributions made to the entire pre-primary campaign roster. Isn't this news nearly a year old, or are the totals just coming in now?

Did you also hear that Obama gets more donations from terrorists? $30,000 worth? http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/08/05/obama-camp-routed-out-illegal-donations-from-palestinians/

And that the money he "gave back" to Hamas didn't make it home? http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/4319
I believe I asked it as a question, not said it as a statement. I can't remember who said it, only that it was said. I think it was a Democrat, but I don't know for sure.

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

:shrug: He asked a question.

Did you hear of the speculation that Kerry is on Obama's short list for VP?

Oh, my ADHD was kicking in again.

Who do you think a terrorist would like to see elected?

Better? ;)
Who do you think a terrorist would like to see elected?

a real terrorist would most certainly prefer a more belligerent, aggressive US. helps recruiting. a lot. and continues to give them a rationale for being terrorists in fighting the great big bully, right?

nah, don't look past the obvious. of course those bad guys want obama. and we should be scared, at all times. vote for mccain. he'll keep the evildoers at bay.

a real terrorist would most certainly prefer a more belligerent, aggressive US. helps recruiting. a lot. and continues to give them a rationale for being terrorists in fighting the great big bully, right?

A real terrorist would rather have a US that would roll over and submit to them. One that would waste time trying to talk them and understand why they do the things they do rather than stop them from doing them.

nah, don't look past the obvious. of course those bad guys want obama. and we should be scared, at all times. vote for mccain. he'll keep the evildoers at bay.


So the theory is they want a fight, if we don't give it to them, they'll simply go away. We should just be magnanimous, and they'll leave us alone.
A lot depends on the type of terrorist, doesn't it? A tried in the blue Jihadist would want one who gave in to his demands. A political terrorist, on the other hand, wants power, not over his enemies, but over his followers. He'd want a strong opponent to focus his followers on, so that they're not realizing that (for all his talk) he's not wearing a bomb vest like he's instructing them to.

True Jihadist don't tend to be a problem very long. Political terrorists, on the other hand .... tend to wind up running countries.
yep, but, then, what you're referring to as "political terrorists" are certainly masquerading as "jihadis" these days, eh?
1. A real terrorist would rather have a US that would roll over and submit to them.

2. One that would waste time trying to talk them and understand why they do the things they do rather than stop them from doing them.

3.So the theory is they want a fight, if we don't give it to them, they'll simply go away. We should just be magnanimous, and they'll leave us alone.

1. um, right. :drink2:please refer to what prof mentions about "political terrorists"

2. understanding why they do what they do is not particularly challenging for many of us. the political and cultural history of the middle east is understandable if one bothers to do some reading on it. and that is step one in understanding how to combat it effectively. reading bullshit fraidy cat material on websites like newsmax doesn't really count toward this, though. but it certainly helps with the bandwagoning! weee!

3. who said that? that sounds like a dumb idea? is that what you think should be done?
Just talk nice, give'm what they want, and they will go away.


Worked great last time, didn't it?