Oh, the weather outside is frightful

Level 2 Snow Emergency can do that (close doors).

However, on the other side of the county, GM decides they would be the only employer to NOT close up shop....until most of their assembly folks told them they understood that L2 means EMERGENCY TRAVEL ONLY so they'd be staying home. 2nd started at 4pm & stopped at 5:30. :rolleyes:
Last night, driving to the gym, the radio said it was 61F. This morning when I walked out to come to work, it was 18F and my doors were frozen shut. Whee!!! :blank:
Snowing now, snowing later - expecting somewhere over 1' of snow.
Throwing up now, throwing up later - expecting to be sick all day.
Put the two together...mix in having work to do...you have my day.

Half my yard is barely covered, maybe 2-3". Then, the driveway is half clear. COmpletely. However, the other half is almost 2' deep. God Bless Snow Blowers & teenage sons :D
been on the lash, Bish - or are you not feeling well?

The lash? If you mean, have I been drinking..the answer'd be no. I've got a stomach flu of some type. My daughter had it Saturday night to Sunday morning, my son had it tuesday at school, MrsBish had it yesterday and now, it's my turn :shrug:

Not bad..only thrown up twice. :)
Andrew anyone ;)

Andrew came off the Atlantic, sir. :p

Now, Opal or Ivan, that's a different story.

Cutting up a few downed trees for a couple of days beats the tar out of shoveling out of eight feet of snow for weeks on end, in my book. :lloyd:
I actually prefer earthquakes to most midwestern problems...as long as the Cali weather is included in the deal.
Yeah, but that Cali weather is way too biblical . . . earthquakes, wildfires, mudslides, drought, plague, liberals . . .

Nothing like sitting on Venice Beach in Feb, right after the rains have cleansed the air (and some Malibu homes) watching Orange Co go up in smoke & viewing the beauty of the snow packed mountains nearby, thinking how maybe the next 6.9 will shake Sacramento politics up a bit.
Nothing like sitting on Venice Beach in Feb, right after the rains have cleansed the air (and some Malibu homes) watching Orange Co go up in smoke & viewing the beauty of the snow packed mountains nearby, thinking how maybe the next 6.9 will shake Sacramento politics up a bit.

almost comparable to a nice walk in Epping forest of a spring morning smelling the woodsmoke and wondering if old mrs Bungler's lambs will get out into the road (again) ...and you just know that the subsequent slaughter will be brought up by angry drivers at the next meeting?