Oh those progressive Liberals!

The guideline says euthanasia is acceptable when the child's medical team and independent doctors agree the pain cannot be eased and there is no prospect for improvement, and when parents think it's best.

Kinda missed that part, eh? It isn't the State that decides whether the child will be euthanised..it's the parents.

The state lends its medical opinion on the chances of survival, improvement and the amount of pain being endured.

'nuff said?
I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite. Although I have very little problem with abortion, (Unless it's used for simply birth control), I do have a problem with this.
Either way, you've got a dead baby. Don't tell me that it's having left the mother's body makes that big a difference ....
Professur said:
Either way, you've got a dead baby. Don't tell me that it's having left the mother's body makes that big a difference ....

You've got a dead baby anyway... it's either you've got one that got euthanized or you've got one that suffered for 3 or 4 days before dying.

Quick...pick one!
Bishy stop and thunk for a sec.
duh doctors and by extension the state in a socialistic medical setting have the control over the dispensation of medical care.


They come to the customer and say:
Yer wee tot ain't gonna make it. We can put it down for you. Hey maybe I don't know nuthin' but even here with our Govt. insurance Medicare denied my Mom care when she was terminally ill with cancer.
Hey of course I understand that but don't fool yourself thinking that if the parents want the State to spend zillions on a lost cause that they will.

Here if your paying your playing the folks with dah bucks can get whatever they want. There because the Govt. runs it your taking what their givin' or we can kill your Kid\spouse\Parent for ya!

Yep this is merely a logical extension of the nanny State!

So it is the States choice whether or not they will give ya the care not yours.
What recourse do you have?
MrBishop said:
Kinda missed that part, eh? It isn't the State that decides whether the child will be euthanised..it's the parents.

The state lends its medical opinion on the chances of survival, improvement and the amount of pain being endured.

'nuff said?

I did miss that myself and I support the parents decision.

PT it does not make you a hypocrite. One is killing a fetus the other is killing a baby. I am pro choice but against the killing of a born baby(I will make an exception for this IF THE PARENTS WISH IT)
freako104 said:
I did miss that myself and I support the parents decision.

PT it does not make you a hypocrite. One is killing a fetus the other is killing a baby. I am pro choice but against the killing of a born baby(I will make an exception for this IF THE PARENTS WISH IT)

Okay...Scenario time...

You have an 18-month old son, who has become a burden to you, or your spouse. You both get together, and decide that euthanization is the best recourse. Here's your exception...run with it.

BTW...did I mention that the child is not sick?
Tell me, Freako. What difference is there between a fetus and a born baby, that isn't there between a born baby and an adult?

As far as I can tell, the term fetus is a word, given by scientists to describe a stage of development of a living being. It isn't a dividing line between living and non-living.
fetus is really more of an organic matter(not to down play it is living) but the baby hs been born and an adult has gone through the earlier stages of development and are going through the adult stages of development
that is the option I choose. Sorry but euthanasia is for the sick. You siad the baby wasnt sick. I am not going to kill him if he is going to live.
freako104 said:
that is the option I choose. Sorry but euthanasia is for the sick. You siad the baby wasnt sick. I am not going to kill him if he is going to live.

But the baby will die, eventually. :shrug: What's the big deal? And once more...adoption is not a choice in this. ;)
MrBishop said:
Kinda missed that part, eh? It isn't the State that decides whether the child will be euthanised..it's the parents.

The state lends its medical opinion on the chances of survival, improvement and the amount of pain being endured.

'nuff said?

No. Not 'nuff said? Stan. Not hardly.

I've a cousin. Major kidney damage. Wasn't supposed to live past 6. He's adopted, btw. My aunt got him, because he wasn't supposed to survive. She was fairly low on the list, because of her age.

Well, Bish. You met the little cunt. Did he look dead to you? unhealthy? In pain? He's well into his 20's now. Still on treatments, on his own partly working kidneys.

Well, with this new law that you're so fucking happy about, his birth mother would just have had him put down. Does that make it any more clear to you?
freako104 said:
that is still what I go by. If he has a chance to live let him live.

But doesn't that go against the parents wishes? What happened to that?
freako104 said:
fetus is really more of an organic matter(not to down play it is living) but the baby hs been born and an adult has gone through the earlier stages of development and are going through the adult stages of development

So squeezing out a woman's twat gives it more rights? Sad, Freak, very sad.
it is sad how?

Gato: Yes it does go against the wishes, but I would say death as a last resort. Adoption before abortion is where I stand
freako104 said:
it is sad how?

Gato: Yes it does go against the wishes, but I would say death as a last resort. Adoption before abortion is where I stand

So why did you pick that place to stand? Why not after the first tri-mester? If you're going to be arbitrary, why not wait until kindergarden?
I chose it because I feel once it is born it is now human. It wasnt particularly aribitrary. As said I dont like death. That should be apparent in posts on war and the like. Thus I would rather a choice other than death be considered first.