OK so the camels are coming home to roost?

Just as I don't think American citizens should be killed or attacked because of what their government has done to the rest of the world.

We the people.

We the people have done more to progress the daily life of the average earthling than any other nation. We the people have done things you may disagree with but that does not make them incorrect actions. Want to make this world a better place, across the board? Live like Americans. Want to make this world a safer place? Live like Americans. Want to make the world less dangerous? Live like Americans.

Want to continue the status quo? Live like the French.
Gonz said:
We the people.

We the people have done more to progress the daily life of the average earthling than any other nation. We the people have done things you may disagree with but that does not make them incorrect actions. Want to make this world a better place, across the board? Live like Americans. Want to make this world a safer place? Live like Americans. Want to make the world less dangerous? Live like Americans.

Want to continue the status quo? Live like the French.
How self-righteous of you.
Gonz said:
We the people.

We the people have done more to progress the daily life of the average earthling than any other nation. We the people have done things you may disagree with but that does not make them incorrect actions. Want to make this world a better place, across the board? Live like Americans. Want to make this world a safer place? Live like Americans. Want to make the world less dangerous? Live like Americans.

Want to continue the status quo? Live like the French.


I've been to the USA for extended periods, and there is no fucking way I could ever live there. No offence intended, but the American way is not for everyone.
Gato_Solo said:
They're people are the main reason they're having violence! The emigrees moved in and, instead of being welcomed, the French moved out. They (the emigrees) soon had their own neighborhoods, and now the French are upset? They gave up quite a bit earlier in this than you think...and it wasn't the government. It is, and always has been, the attitude of the people.

The government built cheap housing in and around the suburbs of their cities to keep the inner cities middle class and "clean" thus creating "shanty towns" or ghettos of North African immigrants.

The opposite can be seen in places like the UK or the US where the poor have been housed in the inner cities and the middle class out towards the suburbs. The areas of crime and violence are always directly correlated to city planning and condensation of poverty in particular areas.
Bobby Hogg said:
The government built cheap housing in and around the suburbs of their cities to keep the inner cities middle class and "clean" thus creating "shanty towns" or ghettos of North African immigrants.

But before the North Africans moved there, who lived in those suburbs? Who 'ran off' when the black people started showing up? You're still trying to blame the government, who provided cheap housing, with the population of said country, who took away the tax base and work when the immigrants showed up.

BH said:
The opposite can be seen in places like the UK or the US where the poor have been housed in the inner cities and the middle class out towards the suburbs. The areas of crime and violence are always directly correlated to city planning and condensation of poverty in particular areas.

:rolleyes: Gee...like I didn't know that. :rolleyes:

When your tax base (working poor) leaves, the next thing to go is your small businesses. When the businesses leave, that's when you end up with the 'shanty towns' you speak of. You can't blame the government for that. It falls squarely upon the shoulders of the first family to run. The phrase for that in the US is "White Flight", and causes no end of problems.

The reverse is even worse...gentrification, when the people who left decide to return, and drive the values of the property up, displacing the poor.
Well...it's spreading to Germany and Belgium. Italy is showing signs of strain, but no violence there, yet.
Gato_Solo said:
The phrase for that in the US is "White Flight", and causes no end of problems.

Ain't just colour. English leave Quebec for the same sort of reason. Now we're left with a Quebec population fo rabid idiots who actually believe what the politicians tell them, and an Ontario population of self serving whiners. Not you Les. I mean the former Montrealers who wouldn't stand up for thier own.
Professur said:
Ain't just colour. English leave Quebec for the same sort of reason. Now we're left with a Quebec population fo rabid idiots who actually believe what the politicians tell them, and an Ontario population of self serving whiners. Not you Les. I mean the former Montrealers who wouldn't stand up for thier own.

Exactly...The name changes from country to country, but the end result is always the same. You either assimilate, or you ostrasize. There is no middle ground.
How's your french?
Yes...there were a few videotaped rioters screaming God is Great...Allah Ackbar.

The rest of it... let's see. Two young adults talking about how they have no legal avenues left to them to use in complaints. No access to lawyers, inability to be able to safely and effectivly talk with the police re: neighbourhood issues, ignored by beurocrats.

Later..there was one man who said that they have been pushed into these neighbourhoods on the outside 'like rats' ... refused housing elsewhere.
MrBishop said:
How's your french?
Yes...there were a few videotaped rioters screaming God is Great...Allah Ackbar.


Later..there was one man who said that they have been pushed into these neighbourhoods on the outside 'like rats' ... refused housing elsewhere.

So is that the governments fault, or the peoples fault?
next question on this topic.
this has been going on for 12 days now. when does it stop being a riot and become an uprising?
the cat's out of the bag. laziness & drug use strike again

Theirs is a drab life of days spent smoking hashish, hanging out on street corners. They fidget and talk big. The only things they have in abundance are time and rancor. Ask what their dreams are, the response is blank stares.

chcr said:
Yes. ;)
Depends on whether you're the government or the people, huh?

Not one bit. The government didn't do anything to stop the flight from the neighborhoods, but that's not the governments job, is it? The government did nothing to stop the cycle of poverty and hopelessness, but, once again, that's not the governments job, is it?

1. The government cannot tell you how, or where, you can live. That is determinied by your economic status.
2. The government cannot tell you what you can, or cannot, do with your future. That is determined by your sense of self respect and your economic status.

That being said, the government is made up by the people, so, in a small way, you are correct, but the government is also restricted in its functioning by the majority that placed it into power...I hate tangents...

Bottom line, it wasn't the government that failed in this case. It was the population of France, and their attitude towards immigrants.
Gato_Solo said:
So is that the governments fault, or the peoples fault?
That they've been refused housing everywhere but in 'those areas' ? The population's fault... very similar to how ghettos in the USA were formed. Not because the people couldn't afford better but weren't allowed to move into 'clean neighbourhoods'.

Now...the population is paying for their shortsightedness.