Also Following in Gonz's footsteps (not that we are saying he has big feet or nuthin'
Friday - Work work work ...stress, craziness, beer, more work
Saturday - mad hectic chaos theory i-ching present shopping, then travel down to Wiltshire for family get together
Christmas eve - get up groggy from night before , the lads will helpfully add advice about how to cook to me mum and sisters if we perchance happen to pass the fridge on a drinks run ... evening piss up and good food, wrap presents in old newspaper at last minute
- Christmas day - bacon butties with champagne for breakfast, presents , Goose christmas dinner (lunchtime i think? - by preference for me anyway) general piss up and fun
Boxing day - turkey soup for lunch, brother and family with my godaughter and nieces come over - get dizzy /put back out swinging them around and whatnot
general piss up and good food ... (there's a theme here somewhere ... )
Back to work on the 3rd of january.
Join Gym give up booze ideally for 7 weeks - did 6 last year.