P.O.W. rescued


molṑn labé
Staff member
shs' already been offered schoalships to two WVa schools, a free car & a trip to Hawaii.


molṑn labé
Staff member
* while being shot at & lost in a foreign country & who knows what else?


Squiggy said:
:confuse3: You're angry that she wasn't shot?
No, I'm angry that she was beaten to the point that she had both her legs and an arm broken.

It was first reported that she suffered the broken bones due to being shot. If she wasn't shot, then the broken bones were due to the treatment she received from her captors.

It sounds like torture.

Are you still confused?


habanero said:
It was first reported that she suffered the broken bones due to being shot. If she wasn't shot, then the broken bones were due to the treatment she received from her captors.

Hard to tell until we get the full story.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Ahhhh, fer chrissakes....which is it?

PALESTINE, W.Va. - Former POW Pfc. Jessica Lynch suffered gunshot wounds when her convoy was attacked in Iraq (news - web sites), her family said Friday night.


New Member
My impression was that the story about her heroics came from an Iraqi pharmacist who worked at the hospital. It could've been a case of him telling them what he thought they wanted to hear.

Personally, I was skeptical about the story from the beginning. I've been watching Fox most of the time, and I know they have a tendency sometimes to run with the story that they want to be true, so I didn't trust it. Then I saw that it was coming out on other news outlets, but it still sounded a little bit much... We're not going to know what happened until she's in a position to speak for herself. It may be a story she doesn't want to tell.

Whatever happened, I'll always think she was courageous just to join the army and be on that road that night. I'm glad she made it through alive, and I hope she heals quickly.


Too cute for words
Whatever happened, I'll always think she was courageous just to join the army and be on that road that night. I'm glad she made it through alive, and I hope she heals quickly.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Methinks we've sufficiently praised the woman. Don't want it going to her head ;)

It's the media that has me nuts right now...yes, no, yes, no, maybe, yes


Major contributor!
The family is now saying that she was, in fact, shot twice with a small caliber weapon. They plan to travel to Germany this weekend to see her.

I bet that'll be one hell of an emotional time.


What about creating a Jessica Lynch fund. Ok, I know all you liberals are probably saying she deserved it or whatever, but this she deserves. I know her family will be dealing with some serious financial issues and some really hard times with her as she settles back into life. After all the attention wears down, she's going to have more time reflect. That's when it'll creep up you....trust me. That's when you start to remember.

Maybe we could get a nice welcome home basket, something really big, and send it to her. Anyway of getting her address? Anyone in here live in West Virginia? According to her father, he's going to throw the biggest "shin ding" West Virginia has ever seen (what in the hell is a shing ding anyway? I guess you have to come from West Virginia... :lol: ) After the dust settles though, it's going to get tough for them as she starts to have to time to recall. That's when the support is most needed. Not now.


Posty, not to undermine your idea, but I can gaurantee the publication and film rights will solve many of their financial woes.


molṑn labé
Staff member

WASHINGTON - Eight of the bodies found during the rescue of an American POW in Iraq (news - web sites) this week were members of her ambushed Army maintenance unit, the Pentagon (news - web sites) announced Saturday.

The eight soldiers were with Pfc. Jessica Lynch when their unit, the 507th Maintenance Company, was ambushed near Nasiriyah on March 23.

The U.S. commandos who freed Lynch from a hospital in Nasiriyah this week also found 11 bodies, nine of which were believed to be those of Americans. The nine bodies had been returned to a forensics center at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware for identification and investigation of how they died.

The Pentagon issued a statement early Saturday morning saying the status of the eight soldiers had been changed from missing to killed.

The soldiers were:

_Sgt. George E. Buggs, 31, of Barnwell, S.C.

_Master Sgt. Robert J. Dowdy, 38, of Cleveland.

_Pvt. Ruben Estrella-Soto, 18, of El Paso, Texas.

_Spc. James M. Kiehl, 22, of Comfort, Texas.

_Chief Warrant Officer Johnny Villareal Mata, 35, of Amarillo, Texas.

_Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa, 23, of Tuba City, Ariz.

_Pvt. Brandon U. Sloan, 19, of Cleveland.

_Sgt. Donald R. Walters, 33, of Kansas City, Mo.

All were members of the 507th Maintenance, an army unit based at Fort Bliss, Texas.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
As far as I know there's already been a fund set up for her... you'd be best donating to that or if there is an official fund for killed or injured service personel over there if you want to. I would think many people have aready thought of sending gifts, whereas I would say the money will be more useful to those who need it afterwards.

Personally I'm donating to the fund set up for all killed or injured personel over here. :)


molṑn labé
Staff member
the CIA has gotten to them in Germany too. everybody, watch your back:hmm: :eek6: :glasses:

Word that Lynch suffered two entry and exit wounds contrasted the commander of the hospital, Col. David Rubenstein, who had said she was not shot or stabbed.

The wounds were found during treatment of her left leg and right arm for fractures and were "consistent with low-velocity, small-caliber rounds," such as a small rifle or handgun, said Dan Little, Lynch cousin.

"It's not a machine gun. It's not a large caliber-rifle. It's nothing like that," he said.