I was hoping to land in a town that gets picked for Google's gigabit-to-the-premises project.
But, since that's no go here, I settle for my lowly AT&T DSL at home, and 3G on my iPhone.
They claim the DSL is 6mbit down, I rarely see even as much as 2-3 and it drops a lot. My 3G connection is usually faster and more reliable, but they don't want me using it as a primary internet connection. Because, you know, that would require them to build their network up better. Oh well.
No complaints, really. I'm living in a freaking Star Trek world where information is at my fingertips wherever I'm at, and the computer in my pocket is faster than the computer that sent man to the moon. After 15 years of hacking and tweaking computers to get them to boot Windows 5 seconds faster and run 10 more FPS in Quake, I have grown quite fond of these little things that just let me get on with it without crashing.
I can't imagine what we will have in 12 years, considering the rate at which all of this just happened.
Also, lol @ my first post. I can't believe I'm still playing that stupid game... or that I went and made 2 of my own...that I'm also playing.

It seems I will have some sort of presence in them for the foreseeable future, since I can't even get away from them if I tried.