Pedophilia Panic

MrBishop said:
This one's interesting..wonder when they'll reword it

RAPE [/font]

So if Big Bubba Brown bullies and boffs Billy Bobkins ain't rape.

That would make it a class "A" felony...

Class A Felony -- The offense is committed by using or threatening the use of deadly force, committed while armed with a deadly weapon, or results in serious bodily injury to a person other than the defendant.

I don't know about you, but nobody without a medical need and purpose is sticking anything up my butt, or in my mouth without my permission, or active participation, or there will be serious bodily injury...
MrBishop said:
You said that it'd be rare that a statutory rape offender would find himself/herself on a sex-offender's list.

As for property theft...I agree. T'aint property theft...but it's hardly the equivalent of rape either.

I said it'd be rare for a "sex-play" offender to appear on that list. Jeez, are you reading backwards today?
Class A felony only if force is used. If the person is drunk, stoned or mentally incapacitated, it'd fall to class-B...but not if it's a member of the same sex. If they remove "with a member of the opposite sex"'d be all encompasing.
This morning, on the news, they were sentencing one 17YO man for having consensual sex with a 14YO female to 5 years, and another 17YO boy to 5 years for forced oral sex upon the same female. The bus driver, who had been paid the paltry sum of $10.00 to ignore this reprehensible act, got 12 years. All three of these individuals also bought themselves a lifetime on the sexual predators list. The one thing that bothered me during the sentencing phase was when the girls mother stood up and had the audacity to say the judge was being too lenient. I can agree with the bus driver's sentence, and I can even agree with the bj bonehead's sentence, but she was most vocal about the one who was invited. Now...before you lose your mind and type a withering riposte, re-read the first sentence, and pay close attention to the middle of that same sentence.

Offense names, such as sexual battery, vary from state to state. Trust me, it's frustrating as hell trying to sift through them.

Same with felony degrees. Each state has its own structure. Class A felony in one state might be a B elsewhere. Class E felony here might be a Class A misdemeanor in another state.
I use to work at a place that counseled abused children and sex offenders. The thing you have to keep in mind is that there are several categories of offense. The first level is consensual sex between minors. This can happen at any age ranging within 2-3 years of difference between the children’s ages. This is not only perfectly normal but 75% of people experience it though they may not remember it. Most of the time this is used as a discovery tool not for sexual gratification and can be seen under the law as legal, but this is not true in all states.

The second level is consensual sex between minors with more then say 3 years of age difference. This is a tricky case because often what you find is 16 year olds hooking up with 13 year olds. The problem here is this can still result in pregnancy which is what typically gets the ball rolling in such cases.

The next level is when the legal system typically steps in and makes rulings and sets jail time. In level three also known as Romeo and Juliet cases one young adult and one minor have sex. This can not be considered consensual though many times it is and all too often results in pregnancy. Most of these offenders are still under the age of 18 so the crime is removed from their record within a few years.

All level 4 cases result in conviction of indecent liberties with a minor/child, if proven guilty. These are adults normally 18 years or older that have not forcibly had sex with a minor. This is the case with the teacher that seduces the student.

The remaining two categories involve aggravated rape and indecent liberties with a minor/child. These are the real nasty ones where force is used on the victim to make them submit to the offender

Level 5 is for minors who force another minor to have sex against their will. Often though this is not seen and before it is brought to trial many times it is lessoned to an aggravated rape charge.

Level 6 is by far the worst, it involves an adult "of sound mind" forcing a minor with to have sex. These child rape cases are the worst because it is done forcibly and often causes psychological problems. Some studies have shown that 1/3 victims of this type of abuse become the abuser later in life. This is why treatment of the victims is paramount to try and stop the cycle from continuing.
I'd bet that pretty much all of those levels can get you on the sex-offenders list...depending on whether the law steps in on their own accord or if a parent asks for the law to step in.
ekahs retsam said:
Level 5 is for minors who force another minor to have sex against their will. Often though this is not seen and before it is brought to trial many times it is lessoned to an aggravated rape charge.

Level 6 is by far the worst, it involves an adult "of sound mind" forcing a minor with to have sex. These child rape cases are the worst because it is done forcibly and often causes psychological problems. Some studies have shown that 1/3 victims of this type of abuse become the abuser later in life. This is why treatment of the victims is paramount to try and stop the cycle from continuing.

They need killing.
child moloesters shoudl be killed.

they should print the NAMBLA membership list, and every single member should be taken out into the street and shot

in the kneecaps

then the balls

then let em bleed out
paul_valaru said:
child moloesters shoudl be killed.

they should print the NAMBLA membership list, and every single member should be taken out into the street and shot

in the kneecaps

then the balls

then let em bleed out

Hallelujah Brother A-MOTHERFUCKING-MEN
Any thoughts on the 37 year old woman in GA? She is preggers with a 15 year old's child, and they married just a while back. She is now a registered sex offender and is court ordered to NOT contact him in any way (phone, mail, email, etc.)
They're "in love".
kinda like the originator of this latest teacher student craze? Wasshername? She got out of prison & now they're happily married. Sick-puppies, if you ask me & ya know ya did.

Any person of authority sexualizing a child adult relationship needs to be fixed, or killed.
Rapers and paedophilics should be kept alive in prison, that way the rapers will deal with the paedophilics :D :D
Well yeah, we put a big banner outside of the prison: "rape a paedophilic for free"
You take out of streets the rapers and you punish the other scum.
Somehow, I've got the feeling that rapers would probably still enjoy raping victims more without having "permission", and also passing up having to spend time in prison. I still say we stick 'em all on a shuttle to mars and leave 'em to fend for themselves.
*along with santa's elves and Wesley Snipes
Whatever it is that they wish for death the rest of their lives. Killing them is just too easy on them.