Post #1000 - How do you measure your milestones?


Well-Known Member
This is my 1000th post. For some of you out there, this is no big deal. I've seen people with upwards of 10,000 posts on here and they barely notice the numbers pass them by.

Some people seem to set their milestones by their karma (or anti-karma), by the number of posts, by the number of threads (and that's just on here).

On the internet in general, some would tell you that it's the number of current contacts in their Outlook, MSN etc... or my the number of e-mails that they receive per day (not spam).

Do you bother keeping track? How?, and more imporatantly, why?

In honour of a13antichrist - do you consider this site and others, a popularity contest for yourself or others?

non monsieur!

I just come here to have fun

and congrats!

I thought you were signed up here before march 03....or maybe im just used to seeing ya over at jjr512
Hmmm. Popularity contest. No, not really. I could really give a fuck if you like me or not most of the time. When I say nice things, it's cause I want to say nice things. If I don't, then I don't.
I remember a certain someone being very chuffed when they hit 10k.... wonder who that was
steweygrrrr said:
non monsieur!

I just come here to have fun

and congrats!

I thought you were signed up here before march 03....or maybe im just used to seeing ya over at jjr512

Nah....I got dragged here by Prof, the same way I got dragged into JJR's by him. It'd been so damn long since I'd BBS'd that I jumped right in with two left feet :)

Personaly...I like being liked, but I prefer to be liked by the quality of my posts instead of the quantity. I guess that I'm a karma-hog in this case.

...but, I will post unpopular posts and unpopular opinions despite the bad-karma that I'd get from it. It's an intellectual excersize.
steweygrrrr said:
not two words Id generally assosciate with this place!

What? "Intellectual Excersize" ?

Damn....there are a bunch of brains on here! Wether they show it on a regular basis or not, or if you have to crack their skull before you see the brains leak out, is a different matter.

There are exceptions...too many idiots on herre too :)
When I got online about 10 years ago, it was my contacts in AIM. Then on bbs's it was post count (remember even having a post count contest with someone at JJR's), then it was popularity or the number of replies to a new thread I had posted or the "cliques" or secret forums I was in...

Now... If you like me, good for you. If not, so sad, your loss. ;)

Seriously, I haven't done the post count milestone thing in a while and let me 5k roll by unnoticed. It's nice to be liked but it doesn't break my heart if someone doesn't. Typically it's someone who I have no respect for in the first place. When you have no respect for someone, it's easier not to give a shit about what they think of you.

Oh and I like karma because of all the little green pips and the comments. It's like getting a short PM each time, I really love PM's. But I try not to measure anyone by something like that. It's better to measure them by who they are (and not who they want you to think they are) in terms of whether you enjoy them or not. :shrug:
I post because I enjoy it, not because i wanted to achieve X thousand posts, i used to care about entertaining myself and about postcount and now i just care about the entertainment part :D
I rember getting all excited on two different forums when I hit the 1k mark. On one of them I passed the 2k and never even noticed. The other I got banned before I got there.

My problem is the number of email addresses that I have to own to try and keep things separate for each forum.

Is it bad to have over 20 email addys?
snuffles said:
I rember getting all excited on two different forums when I hit the 1k mark. On one of them I passed the 2k and never even noticed. The other I got banned before I got there.

My problem is the number of email addresses that I have to own to try and keep things separate for each forum.

Is it bad to have over 20 email addys?

Bad...nah. I've got at least 12, mostly because sites give them away like candy. Some just dissapear after a while, some never go away. I've got one that I've had for over 5 years, and I'll be damned if I use it more than once a year (Delete all)
MrBishop said:
Bad...nah. I've got at least 12, mostly because sites give them away like candy. Some just dissapear after a while, some never go away. I've got one that I've had for over 5 years, and I'll be damned if I use it more than once a year (Delete all)

Mines a case of my ISP gave me 15 addys when I set up my dial up account. Then when I got BB I kept the dial up for the other lappy and so got a new 15 addys available for use. I have 4 hotmail addys too.

If I wanted to use them all then it would be a nightmare trying to keep up.
hmm, I just left a message board where I had nearly 4k posts....can say I ever noticed them :D

Here is a lil' different, make 30 posts before ya can have an avatar.....make 100 before yer can spread some of that karma stuff (which was a bit annoying 'cos someone gave me some karma as a "welcome" to the boards and I wanted to reciprocate it).....but other than that the number really isn't important to me :)

I only use two different email addy's.
bleach said:
hmm, I just left a message board where I had nearly 4k posts....can say I ever noticed them :D

Here is a lil' different, make 30 posts before ya can have an avatar.....make 100 before yer can spread some of that karma stuff (which was a bit annoying 'cos someone gave me some karma as a "welcome" to the boards and I wanted to reciprocate it).....but other than that the number really isn't important to me :)

I only use two different email addy's.

I have to say that I have never used a board where you have to make x posts etc before you become a fully fledged member with all the bells and whistles.

Actually I tell a lie there. I did join one board who said that you had to have 100 posts before you could get your PM facility and so I totted up my 100 posts over 3 days and then was told in no uncertain terms by the site owner that I could not have a PM facility as he had got wind of my reputation and thought that I would use it to abuse people.

I hardly use the PM facility as it is and find it annoying when someone would PM me and I couldn't reply to them
snuffles said:
I have to say that I have never used a board where you have to make x posts etc before you become a fully fledged member with all the bells and whistles.

Actually I tell a lie there. I did join one board who said that you had to have 100 posts before you could get your PM facility and so I totted up my 100 posts over 3 days and then was told in no uncertain terms by the site owner that I could not have a PM facility as he had got wind of my reputation and thought that I would use it to abuse people.

I hardly use the PM facility as it is and find it annoying when someone would PM me and I couldn't reply to them

Yeesh, that sounds a bit harsh, avatars etc are cute but they don't stop anyone communicating if they aren't there.......PM systems are important to a lot of folks tho'

I ain't used the PM here (mainly 'cos I don't know anyone yet) but do yer need a certian # to use it?
bleach said:
Yeesh, that sounds a bit harsh, avatars etc are cute but they don't stop anyone communicating if they aren't there.......PM systems are important to a lot of folks tho'

I ain't used the PM here (mainly 'cos I don't know anyone yet) but do yer need a certian # to use it?

Well I've been using mine today so I guess not seeing as I only joined yesterday and only have a few posts.