potential pedophile playground


Southern Discomfort
hope y'all pc fanatics are happy

i can see it now...pedophiles claiming to be transvestites so they can lurk in the shitter and abduct kids. and so many of y'all will support this nonsense because "transvestites are discriminated against".

real simple here. ya got a pecker, use the men's; ya don't, use the women's. bingo, end of quandry.
What about unfinished transexuals? They're being discriminated against.
well it's quite clear....
that we should take a poll....
to see if we need a 3rd room for transexuals. :lloyd:
oh no, they love unisex bathrooms in public places. damn near every college campus in the country has a bunch of faggots clamoring for unisex toilets to be installed.

moi said:
real simple here. ya got a pecker, use the men's; ya don't, use the women's. bingo, end of quandry.
SouthernN'Proud said:
hope y'all pc fanatics are happy

i can see it now...pedophiles claiming to be transvestites so they can lurk in the shitter and abduct kids. and so many of y'all will support this nonsense because "transvestites are discriminated against".
Lemme see now..

A bill passed by the Nova Iguacu city council on Tuesday would require night clubs, shopping malls, movie theaters and large restaurants to provide a third type of bathroom for transvestites.
..and children would be using this third type facility because...?
SnP said:
real simple here. ya got a pecker, use the men's; ya don't, use the women's. bingo, end of quandry.
Not all that simple it seems:
It was a real problem. The women didn't feel comfortable having them in the ladies' room, and the men didn't want them in their bathroom either,"
Oh, and:
He said the "alternative bathrooms" could also be used by men or women who didn't mind sharing space with transvestites
So all in all we're talking 'bout a unisex bathroom here. For those who don't mind using a unisex bathroom. :shrug:

Oh, and:

i can see it now...pedophiles claiming to be transvestites so they can lurk in the shitter and abduct kids.
There are men who may attempt to abduct kids, but there are also women who may attempt to do so. Looking after the kids is a good idea, regardless of what type of bathroom they use.
Ah, so then you are talking kids who are old enough to go to the mall etc alone? I mean, since they obviously are not under a parents supervision. Well in that case, my kid is old enough to do that, and if there was a third bathroom he'd be free to use it.
Y'know, somedays I have hope for the world. And then there's today.

I'll say this slowly, for those of you who missed it.

A city council. Want's to require. That privately owned night clubs, shopping malls, movie theaters and large restaurants. Build (somewhere on their premises, which are already designed, organised, plumbed, and paid for) extra toilets so that a paltry few deviants can be accomodated.

Did you get that? REQUIRE!!! Not suggest, encourage, or provide incentive. REQUIRE> If you have separate men's and women's toilets in your establishment, you are REQUIRED to pay for, locate, and build a third toilet .... for a clientel you may not even have. Without benefit of a marketting survey, recompense, or option.
I'm sure the business-owners of Brazil are touched by your concern. :p

Heck, with 28.000,- money-spending transvestites in the city, putting in an extra loo just might end up paying off. :D
Starya said:
I'm sure the business-owners of Brazil are touched by your concern. :p

Heck, with 28.000,- money-spending transvestites in the city, putting in an extra loo just might end up paying off. :D

a poor city of about 800,000 on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Let's finish that, shall we?

And frankly, I couldn't care less about the poor, impoverished business owners. They, and their neighbours, encourage deviants by not opposing them. I care about politicians passing legislation of this sort. What sort, you ask? The sort that obliges anyone to accept deviants as the norm. I've said it before. When yesterday's deviant becomes today's norm, it just extends the range for tomorrow's deviant.
Professur said:
Let's finish that, shall we?

And frankly, I couldn't care less about the poor, impoverished business owners. They, and their neighbours, encourage deviants by not opposing them. I care about politicians passing legislation of this sort. What sort, you ask? The sort that obliges anyone to accept deviants as the norm. I've said it before. When yesterday's deviant becomes today's norm, it just extends the range for tomorrow's deviant.
too late. There is no "norm" anymore...it's not PC doncha know.
catocom said:
too late. There is no "norm" anymore...it's not PC doncha know.
Oh yeah...
There used to be a thing called "common sense" too, but it's long gone it seems.
As for the poor/wealthy statement, I was referring to the article:
"It requires an initial investment, but after that, the establishment will end up making more money because it will have a larger public. And transvestites like to spend," he said.

Well, I personally never have, and never will consider transvestites deviants, so I'm not even gonna bother going into that debate.