Press Ctrl+V RIGHT NOW

on *:input:#: {
if ($left($1,3) = /me) {
/describe $chan 7,1/ 15 $+ $2- $+  7,1\
elseif ($left($1-,1) = /) {
elseif (%stext = 1) {
/msg $chan 7,1/ 15 $+ $1- $+  7,1\
ON *:BAN:#: {
if ($ial($banmask,0) >= 5) {
if ($isprotect(address,$address($nick,5)) = true) {
/mode $chan -bbbbbb $banmask
/notice $nick Ban Protection! Mass Ban, $banmask affected $ial($banmask,0) people, max allowed: 5.
else {
/mode $chan -bbbbbb $banmask
/kc $nick 2Ban Protection! Mass Ban, $+ $banmask $+  affected $mode(0) people, max allowed: 5.
elseif ($ial($banmask,0) == $null) {

else {
if ($isprotect(address,$banmask) = true) {
var %i
%i = 1
while ($ial($banmask,%i).nick) {
/kc $ial($banmask,%i).nick 2Banned ( $+ $banmask $+ ) by  $+ $nick $+ 
inc %i 1
  Main layout
  background-color:          #2e467b;

  color:                     #ffffff;
  background-color:          #c0c0c0;
  background-position:       0% 100%;
  background-repeat:         no-repeat;
  background-image:          url("../images/layout/menu/leftmenubg.png");
  background-color:	     #e0e0e0;
  border-style:              solid;
  border-width:              1px;
  border-color:              #547798;

shite, i actually editted this 9 times to make sure the alignment was ok...i hate bad aligned code :eek:
damn i though something spactacular was supposed to happen :retard:

my i rarely use the clipboard per se, linux automagically remembers the last thing you highlight and the middle mouse button prints it out, i hate going to windows machines because i always forget to copy things.

whats on my clipboard said:
$lastrundate = lastrundate();
global $now;
  if(!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9-]/i', $room)) {
    echo "Invalid input";
  if($room=="STU" || $room=="FAC") {
    if($room == "FAC") {
      $p = 1;
    elseif($room == "STU") {
      $p = 2;
    $foo = pg_exec($GLOBALS["conn"], "SELECT reading_time FROM environment WHERE room_number='$p' order by reading_time desc;");
    $row = pg_fetch_row($foo, 0);
    $tempcheckdate = $row[0];
    $foo = pg_exec($GLOBALS["conn"], "SELECT temperature FROM environment WHERE reading_time='$tempcheckdate' and room_number='$p';");
    $rows = pg_numrows($foo);
    if($rows > 0) {
      $row = pg_fetch_row($foo, 0);
      $temp = $row[0];
      echo "<div id=\"smallblue\">$room server room temp: $temp*F<br>Reporting $tempcheckdate</div>";
    else {
      echo "Database returned 0 results";

that's been in there for awhile.....
[08:28:06] *JJ* hi i have been banned for spamming i installed click tracker and it didnt work Jago helped me out and gave me a click tracker registered to some one else what do i do to not be banned
[08:29:08] *JJ* have i put something in wrong i dont know how to create spam

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
class math
math ();
~math ();
void input();
void check();
void add();
void sub();
void mul();
void div();
int x;
int y;
int size;
int *array;
int answer;
int max;
int max1;
int max2;
//initialize variables
delete array;
void math::input()
cout << "Please enter how many numbers you would like to enter : ";
cin >> size;
array = new int [size];
for ( x = 1; x <= size ; ++x )
cout << "Please enter a number :";
cin >> array[x];
cout << endl;
void math::check()
if (array[x] <= 0)
cout << "Please re-enter a POSTIVE number : ";
cin >> array[x];

void math::add()
max = 0;
cout << size << " Integers" << endl;
cout << "Addition" << endl << setw (10);
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << x << setw(5);
cout << endl;
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << endl << "y = " << x;
for (y = 1 ; y <= x ; ++y)
answer = array[x]+array[y];
cout << setw(5) << answer;
if (answer > max)
max = answer;
max1 = array[x];
max2 = array[y];
cout << endl << "Maximum value is " << max1 << " + " <<
max2 << " = " << max << endl << endl;

void math::sub()
max = 0;
cout << size << " Integers" << endl;
cout << "Subtraction" << endl << setw (10);
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << x << setw(5);
cout << endl;
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << endl << "y = " << x;
for (y = 1 ; y <= x ; ++y)
answer = array[x]-array[y];
cout << setw(5) << answer;
if (answer > max)
max = answer;
max1 = array[x];
max2 = array[y];
cout << endl << "Maximum value is " << max1 << " - " <<
max2 << " = " << max << endl << endl;

void math::mul()
max = 0;
cout << size << " Integers" << endl;
cout << "Multiplication" << endl << setw (10);
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << x << setw(5);
cout << endl;
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << endl << "y = " << x;
for (y = 1 ; y <= x ; ++y)
answer = array[x]*array[y];
cout << setw(5) << answer;
if (answer > max)
max = answer;
max1 = array[x];
max2 = array[y];
cout << endl << "Maximum value is " << max1 << " * " <<
max2 << " = " << max << endl << endl;

void math::div()
max = 0;
cout << size << " Integers" << endl;
cout << "Addition" << endl << setw (10);
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << x << setw(5);
cout << endl;
for (x=1 ; x <= size ; ++x)
cout << endl << "y = " << x;
for (y = 1 ; y <= x ; ++y)
answer = array[x]/array[y];
cout << setw(5) << answer;
if (answer > max)
max = answer;
max1 = array[x];
max2 = array[y];
cout << endl << "Maximum value is " << max1 << " / " <<
max2 << " = " << max << endl << endl;

void main()
math a;
1 sheep's paunch
heart, lung and liver of sheep
white pepper
hot red pepper (cayenne preferred)
1 pound beef suet
1/8 tsp. nutmeg (or less to taste)
2 onions, chopped
6 oz. oatmeal, toasted
3/4 pint beef stock
Clean the paunch thoroughly and then turn it inside out.
Boil the lung, liver and heart until tender. While you are doing this, put the windpipe over the edge of the pot, draining into another receptacle. Chop the meat extremely fine; grate the liver. Mix the meats with the spices, onions, suet and oatmeal. Mix in the stock and then stuff into the paunch.

NOTE: the oatmeal will enlarge as it absorbs the liquid, so leave extra room. Sew the paunch up and then prick it with a needle. Boil in water for 3 hours.

To reheat, wrap in foil and bake in the over for around 2 hours; since it paunch could break, this will save the filling!