
Gonz, I had told you before the war that the sanctions were working and Sadam wouldn't be able to last much longer. But you insisted on a fireworks & death show to satisfy you... :disgust2:
Squiggy said:
If you're going to play the 9/11 card, then why the fuck weren't you screaming for us to attack the guilty country like I was? Don't try to cheerlead your way out of this by draping yourself in the flag again. IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.

Thats the BIGGEST reason I'm pissed about all of this. Thats the biggest part of the lie. Saudi Arabia (read: Bush's buddies) Got a free ride for 9/11 because of this diversion....The whole fucking thing played right into Bush and his friends. And they desecrated the honor of the victims of 9/11 by using their name to pull it off. :cuss:

I can see a much larger problem if we take on SA directly. I've been pissing & moaning about that also. 9/11 is bigger than SA or Afghanistan or Iraq. It is an entire region. why do you refuse to see that?
interesting. 2 of the axis of evil powers & one lone wolf. 3/3 have made strides to "get along with" the US. Maybe teh policy is working already.

Dr. Kay told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the program he found was far less advanced than parallel projects in Iran, Libya and North Korea — where United States intelligence underestimated progress.
what is the problem you foresee if we go after SA? their wmds? our oil? trade wiht them? the Muslims hating us more?
Gonz, I realized long ago that 9/11 was OUR fault for allowing our government to act as thugs for the oil industry. Iran is only our enemy because the Iranian people got tired of us supporting the oppression of the Shah. You see them as evil. They just wanted it to stop. But the government is doing the bidding of the oil industry and telling you that they are evil and YOU are buying it. Just stay covered up with your flag anfd don't bother looking at the serves you well...You make a big stink about the illegality of France's deals with Saddam but excuse our selling arms to Iran when it was listed as a hostile nation and trade restrictions were imposed. You are the typical "America Right or Wrong" that sent so many Americans to their death in Viet Nam...
Intersting that ou bring 'Nam up. It has just occured to me (sorry, I don't have a great imagination) that much of your anger, I'd bet, stems from your service in the Marines.

Now, I don't know if you were a cook in Jersey City, a grunt in Da Nang or a general in Ho Chi Min City...and it doesn't really matter...what I'm getting at is;

Whether it's 1965 or 2004, do you think the mess of/in Vietnam worked?

Are you still pissed at Johnson for letting the pols take over a soldiers job?

one more thing
I realized long ago that 9/11 was OUR fault
[edited by Gonz for being unnecerssary]

I can't believe you said that.
Gonz said:
Intersting that ou bring 'Nam up. It has just occured to me (sorry, I don't have a great imagination) that much of your anger, I'd bet, stems from your service in the Marines.

Now, I don't know if you were a cook in Jersey City, a grunt in Da Nang or a general in Ho Chi Min City...and it doesn't really matter...what I'm getting at is;

Whether it's 1965 or 2004, do you think the mess of/in Vietnam worked?

No. I don't think it worked. The government was only interested in posturing for Russia. They knowingly lied about the body counts that kept America beliving there would soon be a successful conclusion to our efforts. And they fed the death and distruction for undisclosed reasons.

Are you still pissed at Johnson for letting the pols take over a soldiers job?

Johnson was an ass. But I've no idea what your asking. :confuse3:

one more thing
Fuck you

See...You can't even admit things after the truth is out....:shrug: Do you even know why we supported Osama in Afgahnistan?
there wasnt a good reason but they had a reason. but there is never justification for killing an innocent let alone 3000
freako, as compassionately as Gonz speaks of the dead Iraqis who were victims of his favorite 'evil-doer', have you ever heard him mention the victims of the Shah ...whose families have EVERY right to hold US responsible.
We have, for decades, allowed big corporations to decide who is and who is not our enemy.
Squiggy said:
No. I don't think it worked. The government was only interested in posturing for Russia. They knowingly lied about the body counts that kept America beliving there would soon be a successful conclusion to our efforts. And they fed the death and distruction for undisclosed reasons.

Johnson was an ass. But I've no idea what your asking. :confuse3:

See...You can't even admit things after the truth is out....:shrug: Do you even know why we supported Osama in Afgahnistan?

The Vietnam thing, as screwed up & misused as it was, in the long run, did work. We shouldn't have been there in the first place, that was Frances to lose, not ours. However, the Soviet Union put a stop to most of their expansion after seeing we weren't going to sit idly by as it happened. 30 years later, the US still stands & the Soviets era is done.

I asked about Johnson because he is the President that decided to experiment with American GI's, not George Bush. Dubya's troops believe in him, unlike Lyndons.

I am blown away that you would even say that in public. Just flabbergasted. I've been calling the wrong people commie it seems.

Let's see, why did the American government supply the Afghan rebels with weapons? Why did the CIA hand train a few Arabs to lead the rebellion? Maybe because it was, like Vietnam, a place the Soviet Union wanted to call thier own. It provided an area large enough & close enough to Asia to help a down on its luck communist empire expand with room for further movement. binLaden wanted to keep the imperialists out. The US wanted to keep teh imperialists out. The Afghani's were too busy trying to find food to care & those that did care wanted to keep the imperiamlists out. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Bad advice that has worked for eons.
Wrong...We were hoping to keep a major OIL PIPELINE out of Russian control. Big business strikes again...:shrug: surprise, surprise....
Jesus H Christ Squiggy. I've been so blind. How could I miss it? All our troubles come from those damned corporations. They rule the country. You could never get off your ass & run for government because they might shoot you dead, those evil vile monsters. How could I have been so blind? :rolleyes:
BTW-I was about 15 when Carter began fucking up the middle east & allowed the religious nuts to take hold. Had Bush been in charge, they wouldn't, today, be saying, "that Shah, ya know, he wasn't so bad after all"

Oz-tell that to the 300,000 victims of his regime.