question for the girls :S


New Member
hmm ok im now in a world of shit... me and my gf had sex for the first time about 3 weeks ago, i just turned 18, and shes 16, abot to turn 17... i wore a condom, and it didnt break or leak that i know of... ok my problem is... she was supposed to get her period on saturday, its now wednesday :( and im scared shitless. my question is, what can cause girls to have their periods late besides if they are pregnant, if she is, i swear her dad will kill me... i think i have only one chance, and that is she was taking these pills for her cramps, i cant remember what they were called, but she was very regualar until she started taking them, they made her period later and later... this month she stopped taking them, so i think that might of made it late, i raelly really hope so or im in bigg trouble
If she's taking pills or just stopped taking pills that mess with her hormones, that could very well be it. I'd give it another week or so before I really started to worrry.
ahh alright, you dont know how much better that makes me feel, she told me the name of the pills today, but i forgot, so i just did a quick search on google, and Naproxen stands out to me
I take Naproxen 500mg for my back... I haven't noticed any change in my cycle............................. :p
ohh maybe that wasnt what it was, that name just really stands out to me, ill ask her when she gets home, but i guess everyone is different too.. if this all works out ok, she is going to get BC bills from the doc, if we can do it without her parents finding out
From now on keep your dick in your pants. You're not ready for sex.
Although lacking tact, Gonz has a point. You better think about whether you're ready to be parents before you consider having sex again. In the meantime, go get a pregnancy test from the pharmacy. Cycles change for many reasons but you can't count on that, just like you can't count on ANY form of birth control. None of it is 100% effective except not doing it at all. I hope for everyone's sake that she's not pregnant.
thanks for the replys, but i didnt come here to be told what i already know, next time we will be using a BC pill along with a condom, but its not like the condom broke, i mean i wasnt worred a bit until her period was late, so what i really want to know is if that drug she was taking.. affects her period when she gets off it, like it did wehn she started taking it.... also she told me today that she had cramps for the first time this month, that started today, she said she usually gets them before her period... that helped alot, she said she always gets her period at night or in the morning, maybe she might get it tonight I guess all i can do is wait...:(
and, abotu being ready or not, I think i am, we made sure we had good condoms, i took it out right after i was finished, I took sex ed a few times, i did everything i could of done i think, except get bc pills.. ill make sure i do that next time.... but please i really dont need a lecture, or to be told what i should of done this time,
K62 said:
thanks for the replys, but i didnt come here to be told what i already know, next time we will be using a BC pill along with a condom, but its not like the condom broke, i mean i wasnt worred a bit until her period was late, so what i really want to know is if that drug she was taking.. affects her period when she gets off it, like it did wehn she started taking it.... also she told me today that she had cramps for the first time this month, that started today, she said she usually gets them before her period... that helped alot, she said she always gets her period at night or in the morning, maybe she might get it tonight I guess all i can do is wait...:(

Just hope for the best dude. And whatever happens, you too will work it out together. :)
Gonz said:
From now on keep your dick in your pants. You're not ready for sex.

ill agree with gonz since you didnt seem ready for the consequences. good luck with that tho. hope it works out.
K62, with all due respect, we're not just going to tell you what you want to hear. If you post a thread on a message board, expect to get opinions, lots of them.

That said, why do you think you're ready to be a parent? If she is pregnant, what do you think you would do?
I dont want you guys to only tell me what i want to hear. I know im not ready to be a parent, but if she is pregnant, i will stay with her for sure, for what my lifes worth, hers and the babys would be 4 times that.. no way in hell i would just ditch them... we have been goign out for 1 year and 3 months, so its not like we just jumped right into sex, we talked about it first... she didnt get the pill because if her mom found out she was on it.. she wouldnt be able to see me again.. i know thats kind of dumb. and we talked it over, and we thought the chance was worth taking just using a condom, I pulled out right after, didnt let her touch it at all, didnt rip, didnt leak (that i could tell) im sorry if im being a bit of a dick.. I really thank you all for your opinions, but ive just been very shook the past few days
Chances are...if she was taking a pill for cramps it WAS a low dose birth control pill. If she recently stopped taking that, she may just miss a period entirely. I'm not telling you she's definately not pregnant....but I personally think the chances are quite low. Wait a week, if she still hasn't started, get one of those tests from the drug store....or she can probably get a free test at the health dept.
$15 for an EPT at the drugstore.

And at the risk of being an asshole myself, read what Gonz typed. Again. And again, and again, and again...