question for the girls :S

Hmmm...I remember once, when I was in Victoria, BC, I was having some seriously great sex, and the woman's cat, which I didn't know about, decided to start licking my toes...Talk about your SPCA episodes... ;)
ok, well im not sure where this topic has gone, but someone said something about std's ? my girlfriend as clean, im her first boyfriend, she was a virgin, as was i until a few weeks ago
K62, I wasn't talking about what's happened so far, I'm talking about what's going to happen. NOne of the bad stuff that happened to my son took place till he'd been married five years. As I said before, you change more between 18 and 25 than you did before or ever will. You do what you want to, though. I always have. :D
chcr said:
Ever have it happen? I had a girls parents come to her apartment on a surprise visit when I was in college (oh fuck, where's my other sock...)

I've had a girls father walk in on me. She was 16, I was 17. He really took it amazingly well. I on the other hand feared for my life for the next year.
chcr said:
You do what you want to, though. I always have.:D
Ahhhh, now we're getting somewhere. *sticks a kleenex flower on chcrs head and yanks him up on my float* :dance:
Take that damned piece of fufu tissue off my head, whatsizname will think I'm gay. :D
I never had a parent walk in on me, but I did have a realtor do an unplanned walk-through with some prospective buyers. Managed to get dressed before they got that far back.
alright, very very very very very good news for me maybe. last night i asked my gf to call me from her work, because she was working all day today if anything new happened, like if she got her period.... this morning i got a email from her when i was still in bed saying "something new happened :) but now i have major cramps" im hoping hoping hoping the "new" is her period :D :D thats what it sounds like but i wont know unitl later on when she calls me on her break :D
now if the new thing is jsut the cramps and no period, then i think i might die today
K62 said:
now if the new thing is jsut the cramps and no period, then i think i might die today
You won't really, but you might think you're going to. :D
no trust me, her dad doesnt like when we fall asleep together watching a movie, he would kill me, for real
Seriously.. be careful! Its my current belief that i'm never gonna have kids. My parents and girl are fine with that, and its my choice anyhow, marriage and kids do not appeal to me at this time, though it may someday.
@!##!@#!@# talking to her now :D she got her period this morning :D:D:D , the pills must of made it 4 days late, god those were the longest 4 days of my life
Keep your pants zipped & use the aspirin method for birth control until marriage.
lol thanks gonz, i dont know about the whole marriage thing tho, i dont want to get married for another many years lol... but next time we sure will use the pill, along with a condom, pill is 99% effective if used corectly, with a condom ontop of that, i should be safe :D (i hope)
K62 said:
@!##!@#!@# talking to her now :D she got her period this morning :D:D:D , the pills must of made it 4 days late, god those were the longest 4 days of my life

Sad thing is, you think you won something.