question for the girls :S

Also, if there is a planned parenthood in your area, she can most likely get birth control pills (or whatever method you choose) there at a reduced rate. That patch seems easy and pretty effective. I think you should go with her, where ever she goes and talk to the doctor together. Choose the method together. This is a decision that involves both of you.
hmm ive never heard of planned parenthood, but ide gladly pay for the bc pills, but i am going to stay away from having sex for sure until we get bc pills and condom, we stil can have lots of fun without having sex
normal, thanks for the laugh, but i did use condoms, i know thats not the point tho.... i dont want any kids
Sorry, I just did a quick check, I guess planned parenthood is only a US thing. :( ....but I'm sure you guys can go to your local health dept.

Almost everybody that responded has been 18. You've never been 30 or 40 or 50. We may seem like uptight old fucks but we've see the terrible effects of sex between people not in a position to care for the consequeneces. We will have zero affect on what you do, so let me say in advance TOLD YA SO. :D

Get a pregnancy test, they are more inaccurate this early but it may provide piece of mind. Condoms are safer sex-abstinance is safe. The numbers don't lie. :shrug:
Oh put a sock in it, ya old windbag. :D
He doesn't want a lecture...and you know damn well you didn't listen at his age either. I didn't. AND I'm older than everybody that's posted so far. :p
I think it's better for us to provide information on how to prevent pregnancy at this point, so they can make an informed decision together for which they are responsible.
I know that your not uptight olf fucks, and i understand what you guys are saying, but think back when you were 18, did you say no to sex? its a hard thing to do, and i thought i was prepared for it... but now i know i was wrong.. and i knew that for a few days, and likei said i thank you all for taking time to post your opinions. Im sure most of you have had a preg scare when you were young, and i hope thats all it is for me. I just really want to know if anyone has any info on if the drug she was taking, which made her period late and irugular.. could make it later when she stops taking it
It really depends on what the drug was. If it was a bc pill, then definately, it could cause her to be late or miss an entire period. See if you can find out the name of what she was taking.
i think it was Naproxen, i cant ask her until about 10:30pm tonight when she gets home frmo work, its 6:30pm now
that name stands out to me soo much, but i could be wrong, im wrong alot but i think that is it
Gonz said:
Isn't that what makes me special
I knew there must be something.
Q said:
I didn't. AND I'm older than everybody that's posted so far.
I didn't feel qualified to comment, since my son got his ex-wife pregnant when he was 17. You're not the oldest anymore, though. :D

K62 I'll just say this. You will change more between now and when you're twenty-five than you ever have before, or ever will after. My son grew up, his wife did not. They're divorced, she has custody (she also has HIV and another baby by someone else that came while they were still married, but that's a long sad story for another time) and he has spent a lot of time being miserable (not to mention worrying that she gave him HIV, not so far). So, as the rest of the old fogies have said, think long and hard about the consequences. There are after all alternatives. Jesus, what a fucking windbag I am.
Q said:
I think it's better for us to provide information on how to prevent pregnancy at this point,
Gonz said:
Condoms are safer sex-abstinance is safe. The numbers don't lie.

K62 said:
did you say no to sex?

Personally I was the slut of the month for, what was it, 287 months running. Difference is, we wouldn't DIE from sex. Things have changed too much. Read chcr's post. Stop worrying & go get the test.
Naproxyn is an antiimflammatory, not a hormone. It should have no effect on her cycle....if that is the correct drug.

chcr...I'm gonna be a gramma in about 3 weeks and my 20 y/o stepdaughter got pregnant because she refused to use birth control (she didn't like what it did to her body...prolly the weight gain) I suspect she thought motherhood would put her in the "real" adult category a little faster too. She has decided not to breastfeed, since that might ruin her figure.:confuse3: This is a kid who is far too immature and selfish to be a parent...and in 3 weeks she will be.
As much as I would prefer to preach the abstinence route....and hope they listen. I just know how I was at that age. So in leiu of abstinence, I'm standing tall on the "informed and responsible" float in this parade.
BTW, Q, grandkids are the best. Make sure that whenever the child is visiting, they get lot's of candy and cokes and remember that the more noise it makes, the better a gift it is. :elaugh2:
the added stress of worrying about her period is probably not going to help matters. if she has been noticing her cycle getting later and later then your only option is to wait it out or take a pregnancy test.

i can recommend using bc pills and condoms as a sensible 'belt and braces' approach to not being unexpected parents. it takes the fun out of the monthly cycle [is she isn't she...] but there is that increased sense of security and it reduces the margins by a whole load more [not discounting the ever present 0.1% :)
K62, i know how you feel. I was 18 only 3 years ago and i don't feel any different now then i did then. I am on the pill and erm..hes gonna kill me AGAIN but i make sure he uses a condom as well, better be safe than sorry. Good luck lad! :)