question for the girls :S

chcr said:
BTW, Q, grandkids are the best. Make sure that whenever the child is visiting, they get lot's of candy and cokes and remember that the more noise it makes, the better a gift it is. :elaugh2:
Ooooh yeah. I used to wait tables and when the parents were letting the kids run wild...THOSE kids got free refills on Mt. Dew or nuclear strength chocolate milk...before free refills were in fashion. :yell:
not forgetting of course that the pill won't protect you from galloping crotch rot if the person you are sleeping with is a bit scrubby. jonnies - they ain't perfect but you stand a good chance of not knocking your bird up or having your cock go green and fall off.
'condoms can seriously free up a trip to the vd clinic'

'condoms can help prevent unwanted preganancy'

'condoms - it's still your fault you shagged that biffer though'
ris said:
'condoms can seriously free up a trip to the vd clinic'

'condoms can help prevent unwanted preganancy'

'condoms - it's still your fault you shagged that biffer though'
:rofl3: we should submit those..

Warning: These prophylactics are not guaranteed to prevent all forseeable complications.
ris said:
'condoms cannot prevent your mother walking in on you'
I'd call that an "unforseeable" complication. :D
Ever have it happen? I had a girls parents come to her apartment on a surprise visit when I was in college (oh fuck, where's my other sock...)
my mother has never walked in but a housemate of mine when i was in uni has never fully recovered
Q said:
She has decided not to breastfeed, since that might ruin her figure.
get her to talk to a doctor/nurse about that...the opposite is actually true *knows from experience*

the pounds just FALL off :headbang:
Oooh noooooo...she already knows everything. HER baby is never going to spit up on her...HER baby is never going to pee on her when she takes HIS diaper off...HER baby is never going to keep her up all night crying...for no APPARENT reason. HER baby will never throw up. AND she's going to get pregnant again when this one's potty trained. She's never been one to suffer silently....labor should be interesting.
and I'm sure that's exactly the way child rearing will go for her :rolleyes:

I know a few of those too...and I bet from your vantage point, labour would be freakin' hilarious :lol:
Oh, I'll be viewing it as entertainment :yell:

...but what the hell? I don't know anything anyway...right?? :shrug:
I give it about a week. She'll have every friend she ever had or might have come in contact with over to help take care of that baby, so she can get some sleep.