Quitting the ol' Cancer-sticks

Holy Shit!!!!! Up here, with our wonderful, free medicine, you'd still be sitting in triage. Wouldn't actually see a doctor (unless you went into arrest, or turned blue) for at least another 4 hours.
catocom said:
They gave me a nitro, and it went away.

Well that's not good. That means it was cardiac. What you want is for the nitro to do nothing, and the Mylanta to cure it. Then it was just really bad heartburn.

I definitely won't be doing any smoking though.

You were supposed to be quitting anyhow. Even without this, you wouldn't have been.

Keep in touch with someone.
Glad that you are okay, you had me quite concerned. Just you make sure you attend your appointment on thursday or I'll have to get nasty with you....er...nasty in a bad way.
You can get nasty with everyone who's dragging their feet where the quacks are concerned. Someone needs to.
Professur said:
Well that's not good. That means it was cardiac. What you want is for the nitro to do nothing, and the Mylanta to cure it. Then it was just really bad heartburn.
yeah, that's what they said...is why they wanted to keep me.

I guess I'd be a little more concerned if I had more of the classic symptoms,
like nausea, getting tight across the chest, shortness of breath, arm going numb....
I had none of that. My left peck hurt, and left hand tingled on the way there,
and the aching.

and yeah, I was quitting the smoking anyway, this just seals the deal this time. :lloyd:
Be concerned anyways. I don't have so many friends that I can afford to lose one through carelessness.

Or need I remind you of the family that's counting on you?
Did they not blood test you for cardiac chemicals? Theres a basket of stuff that can be ruled out with bloodwork. I've been having anginas for a year and been through screenings, stress tests, bla bla... with no discernable cause. The only thing they know is it is NOT my heart.
yeah, they took 5 vials of blood.
I don't know if they'll call me with results or not. If they don't, or maybe
even if they do, I'm gonna get my regular doc to get all the info after I go
to see him Thru.
They really kinda pissed me off at the hospital, like they were after the most money they could get.....
I dunno how to explain it, but I just didn't like the docs on hand.
Holy shit, cat. Get a stress test. That was how mine started. It was just dumb luck that I didn't have a heart attack before I got my stents. Two vessels were 85% occluded. Better to get it fixed before the heart attack rather than after. Keep us posted. BTW, you know if your heart stops beating you're dead, right????
catocom said:
I guess I'd be a little more concerned if I had more of the classic symptoms,

You did. They all aren't lit up like the Hollywood sign. Individuals vary. You don't have time? Screw with your heart & you'll have nothing but...
yeah the paramedic that lived next door to me
"once it begins you've got about 9 minutes, start to finish"

you'd not want em' to do anything after that cuz yer brain is fried
I'm feeling pretty good this morning.
I think the Wellbutrin I took brought out the symptoms maybe.
I'm taking some precautions 'til I see the doc....
No smoking, no Wellbutrin, no kind of labor like yardwork...
Take an aspirin, and keep the nitro close...

I think I will go ahead and get a stress test just to be safe.

Damn, I guess this means I'll have to give up pork too. :crying4:
Professur said:
Hey, I'm the one trying to drop 30lbs. At least leave me my fantasies.

When I'm eatting chicken and salad and fruit you don't get to spread your fantasies all over these boards :p