R.I.P. America July 4, 1776- Nov. 4, 2008

Or said:

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know....

You voted for his bigotry and childishness.
I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm starting to find your bigotry and childishness very tiresome. It would be a nicer little board without your racism.

I didn't make the Photoshop you find so objectionable -- it was just a cut/paste, but did you ever consider maybe an African-American person did create it? If so, how could it possibly be considered racist? :shrug:
I think it's more racist to station members of the BBP twirling nightsticks at the entrance of a polling place to intimidate little old lady voters into voting for a particular candidate

Wow, you found 2 idiots. Are you trying to make some sort of broad generalization now? It's not working.

No intimidation is seen, no aggression from the 2 men at all, no video of the 2 leaving after the cops show up, no confirmation that they are affiliated with the Black Panthers, no rational reason for sweeping generalizations.
"the black man was going to win the White House no matter what."



If they didn't want to be mistaken for the radicals, they shouldn't have dressed like them.



Black Panther endorsement before it was removed from Oblahma's website.
The New Black Panther Party for the record, has not officially endorsed any candidate for the Presidency of The United States. However, we would like to take this time to congratulate Senator Barack Obama for a campaign that has inspired and uplifted masses of people throughout the country and around the world. The Obama campaign has conducted itself with extreme professionalism, and has maintained a sense of dignity through some of the most negative tactics and scurrilous accusations we have ever seen during a campaign. Whatever the results of this election, we are extremely proud of the contribution that Senator Barack Obama, his wife Michelle Obama and his children have made to the collective of African-American History as yet another representation of the Black Family. This campaign alone has shaped the minds of generations to come. We have indeed witnessed change.

To be clear, the New Black Panther Party does not now nor ever has, engaged in any form of voter intimidation. We recognize the long legacy of our people who were martyred and paid for our right to vote in their blood. The very origin of the Black Panther Party lies in Lowndes County, Alabama which was birthed as a Voter Registration Drive in an area that had been under-represented, oppressed and where Black People were made afraid to organize and vote under threat of the Klan.
In 2008, the New Black Panther Party stands for the right of our people to vote, free and clear from any and all forms of intimidation or threat whether physical or otherwise. Regardless of any of our members personal feelings as to who to support, we as an organization have been supremely careful and respectfully have withheld either our endorsement or any condemnation. Rather, the New Black Panther Party has chosen to focus its efforts on supporting any of our people who wish to vote, whomever they may vote for, and ensure that they are informed on the issues, have proper transporation to and from the polls and of course that our people, especially our women, youth and elders are completely free from intimidation and threat as they exercise their own individual right to choose and vote.

The New Black Panther membership represents a wide range of views, both politically and spiritually, we are a grassroots national community-based organization which is made up of several chapters throughout several regions in the US and abroad. The New Black Panther Party has over 350 of its members on the ground in 15 Cities in order to ensure that people of color particularly our women, youth and elders, are ensured their right to vote and in order to provide security protecting our people in the face of real and confirmed Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, KKK, Aryan Nation and other White Supremacist threats.

Specifically, in the case of Philadelphia, the New Black Panther Party wishes to express that the actions of people purported to be members do not represent the official views of the New Black Panther Party and are not connected nor in keeping with our official position as a party. The publicly expressed sentiments and actions of purported members do not speak for either the party's leadership or its membership. At this critical time in history, emotions and rhetoric are bound to be intense. As an organization, the New Black Panther Party is committed to the fair representation of all peoples of color in whatever pursuit they should choose. Whether it be fair employment, fair housing or fair voting the New Black Panther Party stands for the full and total representation of the disenfranchised black, brown, yellow and red people who have many times been victims of America rather than treated as citizens of the United States of America.

We only have to look at the case in Paris, Texas where a young 24 yr. old Brandon McClelland who could have grown up to be the next Barack Obama was cut down in his prime by yet another dragging death in Texas. If we look at the case of the Neo-Nazi Skinheads who planned to kill 88 Black Schoolchildren, 14 by decapitation, and culminate their murderous spree in the assassination of Barack Obama then we can clearly see that this may not be the America that some may think. The New Black Panther Party does not issue threats of violence to those who we may not agree with. We are the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and we defend our people against the virulent oppression and racism that unfortunately has not yet been purged from this nation. Whether it is on the ground in Jasper, TX for James Byrd, or in Cincinnati for Timothy Thomas, or in NY for Sean Bell, or in W. VA for Megan Williams, or in Paris, TX for Brandon McClelland or in ATL for Catherine Johnston, the New Black Panther Party has stood time and again for liberation, justice, equality and peace for our people.

Official Statement of the New Black Panther Party
If they didn't want to be mistaken for the radicals, they shouldn't have dressed like them.

Maybe they did want to be mistaken for them. Also you realize the new black panther party has nothing to do with Bobby Seale and Huey Newton's Black Panthers right?

Are you trying to make some sort of point by bringing up these two guys hanging out at the polling place? What is it?
The wanted to make sure, in their own way, that "the black man was going to win the White House no matter what." Didn't you watch the videos?
The wanted to make sure, in their own way, that "the black man was going to win the White House no matter what." Didn't you watch the videos?
Then they wasted their time...they were trying to swing the vote in a county that is 90% Democrat-supporter.
"i am not a racist. i am simply a white person pathologically obsessed with things that black people do. or don't do. or wear, eat, smoke, fuck, plook, snort, send by surface mail, photocopy, scrutinize, vacuum, spin, mutilate, squeeze, dodge, parry, spin, or boil."

The wanted to make sure, in their own way, that "the black man was going to win the White House no matter what." Didn't you watch the videos?

Maybe. So? You found a couple guys wasting their time. I'll ask you again, what is your point?

Is it simply that you don't like what these 2 guys were doing? Is that it?

Do you like what these people did better?

Obama supporter's home vandalized with racism

LOXAHATCHEE, FL -- A Loxahatchee resident is rattled after he says he came home Sunday evening to find his vehicle and home spray painted with racist graffiti and anti-Obama messages.

The homeowner, Kevius Hodges is an Obama/Biden supporter. Hodges says white supremacy messages were spray painted with an angry anti-Obama tone.

Local residents are outraged over the racist comments threatening violence.

Besides the expletives spray painted on his home, McCain and Palin's names are painted on the owner's SUV.

He believes he was the target because of his race and the Obama sign in his front yard.

Hodges says he is not angry about the damage, "This stuff is material stuff. I can paint this, cover that," said Hodges.

It's the racism he didn’t expect in the community where he lives and teaches elementary school.

"You would think things would be different than it is. What's gonna happen after tomorrow? Let's say Obama does win, then what?"

The New Black Panther Party has over 350 of its members on the ground in 15 Cities in order to ensure that people of color particularly our women, youth and elders, are ensured their right to vote and in order to provide security protecting our people in the face of real and confirmed Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, KKK, Aryan Nation and other White Supremacist threats.

racism protecting against racism. how 21st century
350 people against "Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, KKK, Aryan Nation and other White Supremacist threats"?

Pretty well outnumbered aren't they?
The people have spoken. Instead of lions roaring for liberty, it sounds like lambs bleating for handouts. April 16, 2010 will be very interesting when they realize that spreading the wealth first entails gathering the wealth.
The people have spoken. Instead of lions roaring for liberty, it sounds like lambs bleating for handouts. April 16, 2010 will be very interesting when they realize that spreading the wealth first entails gathering the wealth.

Oh it was lions for liberty alright, instead of of more of the handouts for the rich and the corporations of recent years.

On April 16, 2010 most of America will be paying less taxes.

You haven't been really following things much have you?
In all fairness, and trust of the American system of Government, let us not hasten the death of the Republic nor capitalism too soon.

Obama is our President. All of us. Unlike the left who acted like children for 8 years, we don't need to carry on about our President being hitler or stupid or any of that crap. He is the leader of our land, by the will of the people.

Allow him to set hsi staff.
Allow him to take office.
Allow him to make proposals to the Congress & to the people.
When & if he proposes law or regulations that aren't suited for
the American system, go after that will all guns blazing.