Jump into the hole!!!!
When none of that shit happens, will you STFU then?
probably not.
The overwhelming majority is going towards the banks and car manufacturers. You can blame the bankruptcy on those two and teh rest on trying to pull your respective asse(t)s out of your of own conspicuous consumption greed.■The virtual bankruptcy of our economy. The deficit is at $2 trillion and rising with the overwhelming majority of the money spent to grow the federal government.
Bush had 11 more than Obama, answering to nobody but Bush...yet I don't recall the bleating about HIS czars, eh■More than 35 “Czars” controlling billions of dollars and making management decisions about everything from our auto industry to “green” jobs to urban development. These Czars answer to no one but Barack Obama!
He's not socializing health-care..he's ppanning on giving the uninsurabe(according to big insurance) an option to be insured. He should've gone for the whole hog.. single-payer universal health-care. Shame that he didn't. As for putting insurance companies out of business..don't be stupid. They aren't going to lose anyone they hadn't planned on insuring anyway. The public option will get the uninsureable... as a positive fringe benefit, it MIGHT get the big insuance firms to lower their rates..but somehow, I don't think so.■A maniacal attempt to socialize our health care! Contrary to his stylish rhetoric, the Obama plan will put private insurers out of business and put bureaucrats in charge of our health care. Anyone who has stood in line at the Post Office or waited in a security line at an airport has had a glimpse of a future with government-controlled health care.
That jump from 20% to 28% is Bush's. Bush's cuts don't come into effect yet.. which frankly, won't affect anybody on here, or pretty much anybody you are likely to meet. They reduce teh taxes on the top 5% of earners...which is the 'trickle-down' economics BS that didn't work when it was first created and won't work now. In the meanwhile, the other 95% are getting a tax cut. Ditto for the capital-gains tax■Raising our taxes. Obama’s first budget will consume 28% of the entire GDP! 28%! He plans to repeal the Bush tax cuts, raise income taxes, the capital gains tax and block the repeal of the estate tax (death tax) for the sake of “morality,” he said. But there is nothing moral about taking more and more of your family’s income to feed his socialist agenda.
The Death tax is going to be repealed automatically in 2011. It was written into the bill by Bush himself...“The top capital-gains rate for families making more than $250,000 would return to 20% -- the lowest rate that existed in the 1990s and the rate President Bush proposed in his 2001 tax cut. A 20% rate is almost a third lower than the rate President Reagan set in 1986,” wrote Obama advisors Jason Furman and Austan Goolsbee in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal.
Obama is actually trying to fix the tax-cut before it goes down by 60% automatically.Currently, the first $3.5 million of an individual's inheritance and $7 million of a couple's inheritance are exempted. The Obama administration would change how assets are valued.
Lawmakers are likely to tackle the estate tax issue this year to avoid confusing changes over the next few years. The tax-cut package enacted under President George W. Bush provides for the estate tax to be repealed for fiscal year 2010 -- October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010.
If Congress fails to act, estate taxes in fiscal 2011 would revert back to levels that existed before Bush took office. The exemption would fall to $1 million and the top rate would move back to 55 percent from the current top rate of 45 percent.
You really need to stop believing Obama and his press-boy, they lie.
47%, unprecedented fall from grace.
The White House lashed out at the Gallup Poll on Tuesday after the survey's daily tracking numbers showed President Obama's approval rating dropping to a new low of 47 percent.
Asked for a response to Monday's tracking poll, which placed Obama's approval numbers among the lowest of any recent president in December of his first year in office, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs mocked the reliability of the widely respected polling firm.
"I tell you, if I was a heart patient and Gallup was my EKG, I'd visit my doctor," Gibbs said. "If you look back, I think five days ago, there was an 11-point spread, now there's a 1-point spread. I mean, I'm sure a 6-year-old with a crayon could do something not unlike that. I don't put a lot of stake in, never have, in the EKG that is the daily Gallup trend."