R.I.P. Eugene Jack Armstrong and Jack Hensley

freako104 said:
Have you actually studied Islam? All you have proven to me even with your "sources" is that you only know how to take what is said out of context.

You're not trying to tell me that a Worlds Religion class taught in a Liberal American University would promote acceptance of Islam are you? And I'm guessing that course has been offered in the 3 years since 9-11. Did the class teach you "Yes, they attacked America, but they really aren't that bad if you simply accept their ways." Opinions provided by the ACLU, no doubt. The info I've quoted above isn't out of context; it is the context: "Context--the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event; "the historical context"; The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting..." Do you think your Muslim bud has been trying to convert you? It's possible: They do want to take over the world you know. Ask him if he would sign up here and give his firsthand impressions about terrorism, killing Americans, his Islamic views of Jihad, and oppressing women. It would be interesting to see his true side come out when he deals with people that don't easily soak up "the religion of peace."
But what did you think of clitorectomys, and the look on Sharbat Gula's face? You can't take the look in her eyes "out of context" in the after picture can you? She's a former National Geographic cover girl, and you can tell that the years of Muslim oppression--or should I say Mohammed's feminist leanings, she has suffered through have taken their toll on her.


Well-Known Member
Gonz said:
What happens if they don't have a compass?

You borrow one. I used to work in the hotel industry and after a while of Muslims asking if I had a compass when they stayed with us...I went to a $store and bought one for jsut such a circumstance.

If you don't have access to a compass, the sun sets in the west and rises in the east. You can guage which direction you must be facing with this info and a map. In doubt...go to a Mosque (which most will do) and do as everyone else does.

** As for the population thing... a lot of 'Christians' will say that they are when asked on a questionnaire, but never go to church. Questionnaires sometimes don't have a 'no religion' option...and without an option, North Americans will tend to tick off 'Christian' if they can't just ignore the question.

Unless they're actually Muslim, people won't tick off 'Muslim' just for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
MrBishop said:
You borrow one. I used to work in the hotel industry and after a while of Muslims asking if I had a compass when they stayed with us...I went to a $store and bought one for jsut such a circumstance.

Really? I just pointed out the south shore to them and let them work it out. S'not my problem that the south shore happens to be east of Mtl.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Here I thought chcr being facetious and being answered in kind would be a two post gig. Have we hit union status yet?


Well-Known Member
The Other One said:
You're not trying to tell me that a Worlds Religion class taught in a Liberal American University would promote acceptance of Islam are you? And I'm guessing that course has been offered in the 3 years since 9-11. Did the class teach you "Yes, they attacked America, but they really aren't that bad if you simply accept their ways." Opinions provided by the ACLU, no doubt. The info I've quoted above isn't out of context; it is the context: "Context--the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event; "the historical context"; The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting..." Do you think your Muslim bud has been trying to convert you? It's possible: They do want to take over the world you know. Ask him if he would sign up here and give his firsthand impressions about terrorism, killing Americans, his Islamic views of Jihad, and oppressing women. It would be interesting to see his true side come out when he deals with people that don't easily soak up "the religion of peace."
But what did you think of clitorectomys, and the look on Sharbat Gula's face? You can't take the look in her eyes "out of context" in the after picture can you? She's a former National Geographic cover girl, and you can tell that the years of Muslim oppression--or should I say Mohammed's feminist leanings, she has suffered through have taken their toll on her.

He hasnt been trying since I ask him the questions and he answers them. He accepts me for my beliefs as well as other friends who have other beliefs. I can ask him if you want me to. Think of it this way. Muhammed would abhor what the women are going through in the ME. But there are branches of Islam which are following an assassin who had supposedly followed him and this is the more violent sects of Islam. I said out of context for one important thing: I think of it this way. You quote the most violent parts. The Bible has incest and violence in it. Does that mean that Xtians are violent by themselves? Or maybe for the violent acts committed we can say things like

Let he that is without Sin cast the first stone(stoning)
burning the witches
killing the non believers(Egyptians were killed, Crusuades, Spanish Inquisition)

but all of that would be out of context from the Bible. the Qu'aran I see in the same light. It has that but there is reason for it. The teachers had taught that Muslims did it but it was extremists that did it and most are peaceful people. Sadly people are going to judge them by what they see in the media and what they are told. Usually by non Muslims. Ill take the word of a Muslim over a non Muslim any day if it pertains to Islam since they would know more about it

Thulsa Doom

New Member
why freako havent you heard that christianity is really about bloodthirsty smiters who simply want to kill every non christian they encounter? and they want to take over the world and convert everyone including all the cats and dogs and toads and bugs and rocks? and they all live in a compound in south texas with enough ammunition and explosives to take out 1000 federal office buildings? It says so in the bible. well at least if you selectively sample sentences from the bible you can make it look that way. and hey thats good enough for propaganda and wack jobs right? and theres hundreds of web pages out there saying the same thing so it must be right. dont believe all this turn the other cheeck stuff. its just a smoke screen to make you think they are harmless.

and if you think the muslims and the christians are bad wait till you hear about them crazy fire eyes buddhists... they want to eat your children.


Well-Known Member
there are some that are bloodthirsty. But not most. Same to Islam. but somethine I have heard is that the Devil can quote the Bible to suit his needs. A friend who I talked to and saw this thread said that. I see it happening mostly from the right wingers and religious right. now in India there are violent Hindis and Buddhists. Does that mean all are? or maybe just a sect that is there. same with the Christians. A small sect does abortion clinic bombings, killed abortion doctors and in the past some killed heretcis and such. Does that mean that all will justify? what about most? same to Islam. Not all are justifying what happened. Most hated it. but sadly they arent being heard.


New Member
freako104 said:
not yet he is still in their custody although the paper here says we are not going to negotiate so it seems certian he will be killed :(

Yup, a special news bulletin here is saying that the poor bugger has been killed.....still not "officially confirmed" but there seems little doubt :eh: