Report says Iran not working on "nookyaler" weapons

Naw, I'm giving you every chance to make a statement, you're focusing on me. (as usual)

Nope, I have replied to any rational questions but I'm certainly going to keep pointing out your trolling.

I read your innuendos and statements and consider them as a whole, I'm guessing you fit somewhere in my threat list.

More trolling. Just can't help yourself. :laugh:

Being PC has never been a trait I've cared for. I think for too long we have let jerk-offs go unchallenged. Always feearing the victimization and belittlement you so readily rely on as your defense or argument.

The thing is you're not actually challenging anything at all. Has nothing to do with PC, just everything to do with being a forum troll.

I'm sick and tired of the liberal lies, manipulation, bullshit. is most of America.

Your Heydey is over, too many Americans are waking up, The Giant is once again Awakening. The minority skweeky wheel is about to get greased.

Do you have any information that substantiate these statements about "most of America" or this minority you speak of?

Anything? No?

More conservative lies and bullshit from the troll. :p
See as usual, everyone sees what they want to see here, both sides spin the rhetoric as if to try and "convert" the other side, but we all know that can't happen and it just gets hotter and hotter and meaner and meaner and nobody ever learns the truth.

I have begun to have a theory about the healthiest attitude for me to take in here is on each thread my goal is why I call, "one and done" posting. Get in say what I believe based on my ideals and stop arguing.

Everyone here knows where each other one stands on the issues, yet all of us enjoy this game of ideological ping pong in some way or it wouldn’t just go, on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on....

See what the TRUTH here really is and I am gonna just not use names but you all know who you are if you are honest with yourself is:

One of us see news that gets our proverbial, "panties in a bunch", and writes a mini blog about it based on what we believe is the truth.

Then someone on the other side of the political aisle spins it their wand and hits the ball back.

So all of us on the political spectrum will do this ad infinitum....

And all the while the people on the left seem to think the media is a branch of the government, and the people on the right believe that the media is the people on the left writing fairy tales and on a global political scale....

Get ready for it, cuz its coming like a fly ball out of LEFT FIELD at you head and you might be about to be caught daydreaming on the job....

The truth in most of these matters things are far, far too complex for any one of us "Joe Schmoes" arguing political ping pong, will ever be able to really understand what the real truth is at all....

So we get the ball spin it the way we believe and hit it back....simple as that. I have always seen this and never just came out and articulated it like this before, because I suffer from a desire to want to communicate what I believe, and be agreed with and all of us suffer from that to varying degrees.

[TRUE, "No Spin Zone Begins"]

So in the grand political scheme, here is how complex nationwide and global wide issues happen to us all.

1. The thing that happens happens....

2. The media spins it to what they want depending on what outlet....

3. People on each side of the political aisle spin it to their individual needs

4. The man/men, or woman women, or any combination, in power do their agenda no matter what the truth is....

5. The media spins it to wherever they have to and reports what supposedly happens....

6. All of us here who care so passionately play political ping pong, and worry about the state of the nation....

....7. Wet hair, apply shampoo, lather, rinse repeat if necessary....

[/TRUE, "No Spin Zone Ends"]

And nobody wants to admit we individual peons know varying degrees of truth, but on these issues, the common man can only take what he believes, ad take in what news he is told, and form an opinion and hope he/she is right.

All individuals, that aren't in the political game themselves never understand the actual truth, we just take in as much info as we can get, form an opinion, hope we are right and hope for the best...

But I see people on both sides take their opinions to extreme degrees that SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME....

I am sorry but I see two people, here that seems to have a "terrorist mentality", and I must prefix this by saying that I am sorry I read this out of what I see you two say in here, but it's gonna seem like a personal attack no matter who makes me feel this way, but I just have to say it come hell or high water....

But understand, the fact that what this person says makes me feel like they have a terrorist mentality, means nothing as all this is, is what I call a political ping pong forum....

Ok well I was gonna drop both names, but to save my ass, I will just drop one, and it's the one who is banned anyway, and hopefully dropping this name will not hurt the other one's feelings, but I feel anyone who can see where I go with this, knowing from where I started out politically, should know who I think number two is right away, but until number two is banned, if ever, I ain't dropping that name so don't ask...


OK, I don't know him and I heard a lot of sick sense of humor in what he'd always say, but I also felt cold hate and rage every time I read a post of his, and the simple explanation of why is, that he seemed to believe, (and here is where most of you will totally get who number two is, but please just keep it to yourself)....

He stated his opinion, repeatedly indicated to me that he believed, that the other side of the political aisle were traitors, and therefore, and he said this more than ones in exact terms....EVIL!

That’s terrorist mentality in my book and it scares me....

Well that’s my best lesson on what spin is and showing all of you how objective I wish I was....but anyway.....I am tired of writing another meaningless novel, so I bid you all a happy day....
You know, until Americans rule the world guys like this are just gonna believe these people don't share our relgion, so we cant trust them, so lets just work on exterminating them.

He says they are working on nukes, all evidence we can gather says no, he says their lying without actually saying they are lying. He wants war with Iran, all the Republican candidates do (I hope not but save for Giuliani, I can't imagine that they don't, and perhaps even Giuliani), but they know that if they start it before he leaves office, it will be political suicide that could potentially kill the party off permanent like.

But if they get elected, and I mean any Republican, I think we will be invading Iran in his first term, and if they can rig the next election after that, Syria in the second term, unitl we start world war three and the rest of the world defeats us.

I'd take bets on that, but it is againt the rules here, hope I never have to find out.....

The previous report in 2005 said that they WERE trying to make a bomb. How is this report more credible than the last one, which was written by the same people, outside of your partisanship?
Yeah well they are just a bunch of sand ni**ers who don't have a clue, fire up the camps....

Scramble the bombers, and sign another contract for Haliburton to rape their land for our lifestyle....
See as usual, everyone sees what they want to see here, both sides spin the rhetoric as if to try and "convert" the other side, but we all know that can't happen and it just gets hotter and hotter and meaner and meaner and nobody ever learns the truth.

For you folks that’s where it always returns to: Conservatives are ~nazi’ish , Bush is liar, Halliburton, and its Americas fault.

I’m not trying to convert you or Spike, I can't do that, I don't have that power. ...your both lost in some feel-good world that has never existed.

I, and others, show you facts and relationships you completely ignore and fall back on the good ol’ spoon fed bullshit and evasive tactics.

I have begun to have a theory about the healthiest attitude for me to take in here is on each thread my goal is why I call, "one and done" posting. Get in say what I believe based on my ideals and stop arguing.

Translation said:
‘I throw a fit, then I stick my fingers in my ears and sing’ - *LALALALALA*

I notice you never replied to that other thread, you know …about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

See what the TRUTH here really is and I am gonna just not use names but you all know who you are if you are honest with yourself is:

One of us see news that gets our proverbial, "panties in a bunch", and writes a mini blog about it based on what we believe is the truth.

Then someone on the other side of the political aisle spins it their wand and hits the ball back.

OK, this is basically what we call “reasonable debate” infinitum....

Glad your making your secret society meetings ;)

And all the while the people on the left seem to think the media is a branch of the government, and the people on the right believe that the media is the people on the left writing fairy tales and on a global political scale....

Get ready for it, cuz its coming like a fly ball out of LEFT FIELD at you head and you might be about to be caught daydreaming on the job....

I, ‘er um …IIII’m not sure how to address this…

We KNOW the MSM is whacked.

You think they’re whacked, because they’re NOT WHACKED ENOUGH.

The truth in most of these matters things are far, far too complex for any one of us "Joe Schmoes" arguing political ping pong, will ever be able to really understand what the real truth is at all....


So in the grand political scheme, here is how complex nationwide and global wide issues happen to us all.

1. The thing that happens happens....

2. The media spins it to what they want depending on what outlet....

3. People on each side of the political aisle spin it to their individual needs

4. The man/men, or woman women, or any combination, in power do their agenda no matter what the truth is....

5. The media spins it to wherever they have to and reports what supposedly happens....

6. All of us here who care so passionately play political ping pong, and worry about the state of the nation....

....7. Wet hair, apply shampoo, lather, rinse repeat if necessary....

I don’t base my thought on a single article… I base MHO on my phenomenological view; including what I know of human nature thru real life with what-ever information stimulating the thought.

I read left, right, and center news, lots of it….I’ve interacted with both really good and really fucked up people.

Versed in: Plato, Socrates, Homer, Aristotle, Tolstoy, Erich Fromm, Dostoevsky, Freud, Nietzsche, Thich Nhat Hahn, Ghandi, Darwin, Twain, Bertrand Russel, Jakob Bronowsky, Steinbeck, Eric Hoffer, Camille Paglia, etc…

An extensive knowledge of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judeo-Christian, and less so Muslim faiths and their respective value systems.

***Some things are timeless and worth the effort to understand the concepts.

And nobody wants to admit we individual peons know varying degrees of truth, but on these issues, the common man can only take what he believes, ad take in what news he is told, and form an opinion and hope he/she is right.

All individuals, that aren't in the political game themselves never understand the actual truth, we just take in as much info as we can get, form an opinion, hope we are right and hope for the best...

Some very good insight there, but one person does make a difference, everyday. One REALLY has to consider what their reading and not pee all-over themselves because it feels good. You need to consider the rational and variables of it, not just the emotion.

But I see people on both sides take their opinions to extreme degrees that SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME....

Good, thats healthy …its been a scary place for 400 million years and NO artificial regulation is going to change that discipline.

I am sorry but I see two people, here that seems to have a "terrorist mentality", and I must prefix this by saying that I am sorry I read this out of what I see you two say in here, but it's gonna seem like a personal attack no matter who makes me feel this way, but I just have to say it come hell or high water....

But understand, the fact that what this person says makes me feel like they have a terrorist mentality, means nothing as all this is, is what I call a political ping pong forum....

Ok well I was gonna drop both names, but to save my ass, I will just drop one, and it's the one who is banned anyway, and hopefully dropping this name will not hurt the other one's feelings, but I feel anyone who can see where I go with this, knowing from where I started out politically, should know who I think number two is right away, but until number two is banned, if ever, I ain't dropping that name so don't ask...


Now this is a perfect example of what both you and spike do, trying label someone as ‘lame, Nazi, terrorist, bad, stuped, uneducated, bigot, general death and destruction’ etc...

I won’t parse my words, pot kettle black. You are, in my mind, A ‘progressive’ liberal that has fallen for the company line that is attempting to subvert the values that made this nation great. (with/without knowledge of it, or intended malice) Stripping freedoms in the name equality, breeding socialism and re-distribution of wealth under the false pretense of ‘provide for the general welfare’ Destroying the Judeo Christian values of our heritage (…and I’m no religious fanatic I assure you)

I don’t pretend to be someone’s friend with ulterior motives. IF I have issue, I confront it directly, honestly, and upon the very rare occasion with overwhelming physical force.

Sometimes, a man must fight, …I’m not going to rationalize why now.

I am no terrorist, I think you need to re-examine your thoughts on that.

OK, I don't know him and I heard a lot of sick sense of humor in what he'd always say, but I also felt cold hate and rage every time I read a post of his, and the simple explanation of why is, that he seemed to believe, (and here is where most of you will totally get who number two is, but please just keep it to yourself)....

He stated his opinion, repeatedly indicated to me that he believed, that the other side of the political aisle were traitors, and therefore, and he said this more than ones in exact terms....EVIL!

That’s terrorist mentality in my book and it scares me....

Yeah, whats written on a forum is ‘mean and scary’ :faptard:

What scares me is the promotion of ideals that seek to destroy the freedoms that this nation and life afford me and my family. The propagation of hate and disdain, the quest for control of, and by, my government by people that think life is a grantee of happiness. Freedom is an Ideal, a value, being stripped away and under control by the left. (Reps too to a much lesser extent)

Every day is great, and the pursuit of happiness makes it better. Freedom is worth fighting for, and NEVER has been free.

Well that’s my best lesson on what spin is and showing all of you how objective I wish I was....but anyway.....I am tired of writing another meaningless novel, so I bid you all a happy day....

This may sound odd Mark…

…I’m glad to see your going thru the trouble and effort to ‘write-out’ like this. I see something in it…something good happening. You’re breaking away from the traditional method you’ve used for years of cut and paste and run. You’re thinking as an individual, that’s where honest individual opinions begin.

Sometimes, writing it out encourages new truths to become evident, the opportunity so to speak.

[back to asshole]

*I was going to give you a link, but I don’t think you’re quite ready to see it yet…*

[/back to asshole]

Churchill once said something like:
A man who is under 30 and is not a liberal has no heart; …a man over 30 that is not a conservative has no brains

Mark, in many of the signatures, here in this very forum, are some words that IF… you take the time ponder them objectively, there’s a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom to be had. (no, not mine or spikes).

I get mad too …Truly, being an asshole is not my regular gig, I’m getting old and it makes my neck hurt.

So my friend, time for me to watch "Iron Giant" with the kids, they've been waiting for me....
Blah blah blah....Long diatribe on my opinion on what markjs said, but at least I am mostly speaking from the heart and not my politcal biases just like markjs was in the post I am responding to....blah blah blah

[Direct to Research Monkey but all are welcome to read]

Just kidding about the quote RM. And thanks for the comment about how you are seeing that I am truly progressive, because that is the only label that fits me politically now.

When you speak from the heart and leave your political leanings aside, I like you, as a person and always have RM. And whether you know it or not I always respected you and thought political leanings aside, that you are a good person. I don't agree with a lot of your ideologies, and probably never will, but I have always known you are a good guy, and that if I'd met you in person we'd likely be friends.

Sometimes you are sarcastic and biting, (just like me) and come off mean. Sometimes you are so sarcastic and exaggerate so much about things I am on the opposite side of that I can't bring myself to even bother with your posts.

But the reason why I decided to decide you are irrelevant to me and never respond to or debate your posts, and rather simply pretend you don't exist...?

You are the only person aside from women (yes one can use the internet as a pickup bar and if you're good your good and boy I could tell ya some stories....Oh never mind!) that I ever had a "friendship" with outside the board that was ideologically my opposite. There was a time I was almost ready to call you friend and you reached out as such. I can't remember what happened, I think some nonsense about something in the Real World forum, but the truth of it is you sent me some biting and mean PMs, and hurt my feelings, and it actually got personal for the only time, other than with Wink in my entire history here.

That is not to say it hasn't got heated and emotional here, and other people might have felt it has been "personal" between them and I, but on my side, it never happened before and never since. Between you and I though from my side of it, it was personal and at that time had I kept debating you, I'd have gotten myself banned from the board, and sorry, even though for a while I had thought we were starting to become friends, you weren't worth that, so I washed my hands of it.

In AA and NA, I have finally tapped, who is Mark "in the dark" (nickname I picked up in my punk rock days of wearing all black and I still do) Sherrell, really is and how I can finally become, the best me I can be.

This means I am finally truly a political independent. Do I lean left? HELL YEAH and I know I always will on some issues, and issues I am VERY passionate about. Do I lean HARD right on some issues? It might scare people but yes I do and always have but those issues are usually less important to me and I don't talk about them as much here on this board.

The simple fact of it is that when I call myself a progressive it is not some PC way of saying a liberal. It is my way of saying "true independent” Something I have always known is the right politics to have. It's my way of saying I am always evolving and my political beliefs are always in flux because of that fact. I am progressive in that when I find a believe that makes more sense than one I have held erroneously before, through life experience, I change my belief. But the fact of the matter is that politics never are an "I'm right your wrong thing". Those of us who are as passionate about it, as I am wish that it were so, but passion behind your beliefs does not make them facts. I see that other person who I feel would be a terrorist if they could or possessing the terrorist mentality, is either just over passionate or sick, and I don't know really which and since this place is just for fun I don't care. The bottom line is politics is just our belief and approach at global problems and there is no “right or wrong”, rather just, destructive, non effectual, ineffective, effective, and very effective. No right and wrong, just what works, what doesn’t and what is counterproductive.

In the final analysis RM, what I am effectively saying, is I am sorry I let it get personal and I am sorry I chose to stop calling you friend. I cannot for the life of me remember, what it was that hurt me, not do I care. I just know the 12 steps of AA contain step 8 and 9:

The Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous said:
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Whether you feel it or not I feel I harmed you. I decided that you were a piece of shit, and irrelevant and basically “FUCK YOU RM, FUCK OFF AND DIE!“. So you finally replied to my post and I saw a glimpse of that guy I once liked and began to care about personally before I let myself get “righteously indignant” wrongly, so there’s a ninth step I didn’t realize I owed. I am sorry RM sorry I decided you were irrelevant. And I hope we can be “BBS friends” again in time, but the purpose of amends is not to fix thing for you, but to make me a better person, and after writing this novel I feel it did. How you feel about it is irrelevant, but I was wrong, now I’ve admitted it and I feel better. How you feel about it is largely irrelevant, but I have a feeling on how you’ll feel, but no idea if you’ll admit it.

[/Direct to Research Monkey but all are welcome to read]
Oh and nice touch of ego thinking you might be the one with "terrorist mentality", RM. Nope wasn't you.

Please, nobody try and guess and if you are that person and you know I was talking about you, please...keep it shut!

Terrorist mentality, and fanaticism, and passion are hard to ditinguish. Its probably a mix of passion and arrogance, and I am sure this person is no terorist, but to say anyone who disagrees with me is a traitor is bordering on sick.
Yeah well they are just a bunch of sand ni**ers who don't have a clue, fire up the camps....

You know, I've only heard that term by four people in my life. 3 were liberals & one was an Iraqi.

Scramble the bombers, and sign another contract for Haliburton to rape their land for our lifestyle....

That's right. Those Brazilians trying to get their crop to market so their family can survive another year don't count.

The Zimbabwian using that ambulance....screw him.

The Phillipino trying to heat his house. Bah. Oil is evil.
Thank You! Thank You! Oh, my, this is so unexpected! (sniffle) <wild applause>

I accept this award; and I want to thank all of the little people who make it possible to see them for what they are and how they stand against America and everything that is good and right such as liberty and freedom.

I wish to thank my parents and the soldiers of WWII without whom I would not have been born and, (sob) most of all, I wish to thank all of the leftist bastards who every day prove that their way is the wrong way and reveal themselves and their agandae for what they are.

Thank You!

Thank You!

<music plays>

<exit stage right>

But I see people on both sides take their opinions to extreme degrees that SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME....

I am sorry but I see two people, here that seems to have a "terrorist mentality", and I must prefix this by saying that I am sorry I read this out of what I see you two say in here, but it's gonna seem like a personal attack no matter who makes me feel this way, but I just have to say it come hell or high water....

But understand, the fact that what this person says makes me feel like they have a terrorist mentality, means nothing as all this is, is what I call a political ping pong forum....

Ok well I was gonna drop both names, but to save my ass, I will just drop one, and it's the one who is banned anyway, and hopefully dropping this name will not hurt the other one's feelings, but I feel anyone who can see where I go with this, knowing from where I started out politically, should know who I think number two is right away, but until number two is banned, if ever, I ain't dropping that name so don't ask...

Per your post HERE

Final word of advice for jimpeel, and I am done debating you....(If there is or ever has been an evil opposite anti-me here, you are it. You are intelligent, capable of finding endless stories and facts to "prove" your OPINION, AND OR POSITION, is fact, and the tenacity to want to never give up what you think is the good fight, and those are all admirable qualities unless you are EVIL! For whatever reason though, I am Luke Skywalker and you are Darth Vader....or vicea versa depending on who you ask....LOL)
For you folks that’s where it always returns to: Conservatives are ~nazi’ish , Bush is liar, Halliburton, and its Americas fault.

More trolling. Wow.

For you types it's always about Liberals are communist, the Clintons are liars, and making up some crap about somebody saying it's America's fault.

I wonder if you could come up with an example of someone here saying it's America's fault? No?

I’m not trying to convert you or Spike, I can't do that, I don't have that power. ...your both lost in some feel-good world that has never existed.

More trolling. You're a one trick pony aren't you?

In reality a world of facts, logic, and reason does exist. Try it out.

I, and others, show you facts and relationships you completely ignore and fall back on the good ol’ spoon fed bullshit and evasive tactics.

Facts from you? :laugh:

If you view spoon fed rhetoric and trolling as facts. Somebody might take you seriously if you cut out trolling with pathetic insults and learned to talk like a grown up. That's on you though.

I, ‘er um …IIII’m not sure how to address this…

We KNOW the MSM is whacked.

You think they’re whacked, because they’re NOT WHACKED ENOUGH.

Yes, the MSM media is whacked and leans to the right. You think they're not whacked enough.

Versed in: Plato, Socrates, Homer, Aristotle, Tolstoy, Erich Fromm, Dostoevsky, Freud, Nietzsche, Thich Nhat Hahn, Ghandi, Darwin, Twain, Bertrand Russel, Jakob Bronowsky, Steinbeck, Eric Hoffer, Camille Paglia, etc…

An extensive knowledge of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judeo-Christian, and less so Muslim faiths and their respective value systems.

***Some things are timeless and worth the effort to understand the concepts.

Yet you come in here and troll like a child throwing a tantrum. These people you mentioned didn't act like that. Did you not learn anything?

Now this is a perfect example of what both you and spike do, trying label someone as ‘lame, Nazi, terrorist, bad, stuped, uneducated, bigot, general death and destruction’ etc...

You're projecting again. The person most guilty on this board of throwing around insults and labels instead of debating is YOU. It's not even close because you do it in about every post you make. It's amazing that you could this blind to your hypocrisy. Do you even pay attention to what you type?

I won’t parse my words, pot kettle black. You are, in my mind, A ‘progressive’ liberal that has fallen for the company line that is attempting to subvert the values that made this nation great. (with/without knowledge of it, or intended malice) Stripping freedoms in the name equality, breeding socialism and re-distribution of wealth under the false pretense of ‘provide for the general welfare’ Destroying the Judeo Christian values of our heritage (…and I’m no religious fanatic I assure you)

:laugh: Holy shit! The very next paragraph after you accuse others of labeling. That is some seriously impressive self delusion you got going there.

Your hypocrisy is truly at an astounding level. Bravo.

What scares me is the promotion of ideals that seek to destroy the freedoms that this nation and life afford me and my family.

If that scared you, you wouldn't be a Republican.

Churchill once said something like:

Actually, there's no record of him ever saying that. Urban myth.


Wait, wait, me me me!

I want to be the one with the terrorist mentality!



I keeeeeel you!!!!"
But would you rather be right or happy?

I AM happy because I AM right.

  • I seek the good in things, not the bad.
  • I seek the truth, not the perception.
  • I seek freedom for all, not just freedom for the annointed.
Sorry, Dear, that job is taken. :D

You will have to be satisfied with the title of Sous Terrorist.



Wait, wait, me me me!

I want to be the one with the terrorist mentality!



I keeeeeel you!!!!"
More trolling. Wow....

Facts from you? :laugh:

I don’t think you’ld know a truth if ….“I DON’T LOVE YOU” was tattooed on the head of ‘Sancho’s Choncho’ and pressed against your forehead. :asshole2:

Actually, there's no record of him ever saying that. Urban myth.

WOW, apparently it actually goes back much further and has been repeated by many statesman, contextually speaking, there’s no myth.

* * * * * * * * * *

[Scooby-Doo] - Rhut-Ro-Raggy! - [/Scooby-Doo]

Looks like there’s international consensus happening…
France and Germany say Iran's nuclear program still a danger

The Associated Press
Published: December 6, 2007

PARIS: In a boost for the Bush administration, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France said Thursday that Iran's nuclear program remained a danger and urged continued international pressure on Tehran.


…If only we could get Switzerland and Christmas Islands to agree we could consider this to be REAL international support, eh Spike.
Actually, there's no record of him ever saying that. Urban myth.

He does have much to say that aptly describes many on this board. You will know who you are.

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
-Sir Winston Churchill

All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
-Sir Winston Churchill

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
-Sir Winston Churchill

Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
-Sir Winston Churchill

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
-Sir Winston Churchill

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
-Sir Winston Churchill

It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required.
-Sir Winston Churchill

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
-Sir Winston Churchill

Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.
-Sir Winston Churchill

One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.
-Sir Winston Churchill

When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.
-Sir Winston Churchill
I don’t think you’ld know a truth if ….“I DON’T LOVE YOU” was tattooed on the head of ‘Sancho’s Choncho’ and pressed against your forehead. :asshole2:

More trolling? How surprising.

contextually speaking, there’s no myth.

Contextually you attributed a quote to a person that there's no record of them saying. It's a myth.

It's also a myth and disproved that people change their political affiliation when they get old.

However studies do indicate "Whiners grow up to be conservative".
Contextually you attributed a quote to a person that there's no record of them saying. It's a myth.

[Crossing my I's and dotting my T's for Spike]

"Contextually" the quote was the point, not who said it.
"Churchill said something like" he has spoken EVERY WORD in that quote.
You promote Myths EVERYDAY

..still waiting for you to actually say something relavant to the thread.

It's also a myth and disproved that people change their political affiliation when they get old.

However studies do indicate "Whiners grow up to be conservative".

You are so funny, such a refined non-thinker.