See as usual, everyone sees what they want to see here, both sides spin the rhetoric as if to try and "convert" the other side, but we all know that can't happen and it just gets hotter and hotter and meaner and meaner and nobody ever learns the truth.
For you folks that’s where it always returns to: Conservatives are ~nazi’ish , Bush is liar, Halliburton, and its Americas fault.
I’m not trying to convert you or Spike, I can't do that, I don't have that power. ...your both lost in some feel-good world that has
never existed.
and others, show you facts and relationships you completely ignore and fall back on the good ol’ spoon fed bullshit and evasive tactics.
I have begun to have a theory about the healthiest attitude for me to take in here is on each thread my goal is why I call, "one and done" posting. Get in say what I believe based on my ideals and stop arguing.
Translation said:
‘I throw a fit, then I stick my fingers in my ears and sing’ - *LALALALALA*
I notice you never replied to that other thread, you know …about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
See what the TRUTH here really is and I am gonna just not use names but you all know who you are if you are honest with yourself is:
One of us see news that gets our proverbial, "panties in a bunch", and writes a mini blog about it based on what we believe is the truth.
Then someone on the other side of the political aisle spins it their wand and hits the ball back.
OK, this is basically what we call “reasonable debate”
Glad your making your secret society meetings
And all the while the people on the left seem to think the media is a branch of the government, and the people on the right believe that the media is the people on the left writing fairy tales and on a global political scale....
Get ready for it, cuz its coming like a fly ball out of LEFT FIELD at you head and you might be about to be caught daydreaming on the job....
I, ‘er um …IIII’m not sure how to address this…
We KNOW the MSM is whacked.
You think they’re whacked, because they’re NOT WHACKED ENOUGH.
The truth in most of these matters things are far, far too complex for any one of us "Joe Schmoes" arguing political ping pong, will ever be able to really understand what the real truth is at all....
So in the grand political scheme, here is how complex nationwide and global wide issues happen to us all.
1. The thing that happens happens....
2. The media spins it to what they want depending on what outlet....
3. People on each side of the political aisle spin it to their individual needs
4. The man/men, or woman women, or any combination, in power do their agenda no matter what the truth is....
5. The media spins it to wherever they have to and reports what supposedly happens....
6. All of us here who care so passionately play political ping pong, and worry about the state of the nation....
....7. Wet hair, apply shampoo, lather, rinse repeat if necessary....
I don’t base my thought on a single article… I base MHO on my phenomenological view; including what I know of human nature thru real life with what-ever information stimulating the thought.
I read left, right, and center news, lots of it….I’ve interacted with both really good and really fucked up people.
Versed in:
Plato, Socrates, Homer, Aristotle, Tolstoy, Erich Fromm, Dostoevsky, Freud, Nietzsche, Thich Nhat Hahn, Ghandi, Darwin, Twain, Bertrand Russel, Jakob Bronowsky, Steinbeck, Eric Hoffer, Camille Paglia, etc…
An extensive knowledge of
Buddhism, Hinduism, Judeo-Christian, and less so Muslim faiths and their respective value systems.
***Some things are timeless and worth the effort to understand the concepts.
And nobody wants to admit we individual peons know varying degrees of truth, but on these issues, the common man can only take what he believes, ad take in what news he is told, and form an opinion and hope he/she is right.
All individuals, that aren't in the political game themselves never understand the actual truth, we just take in as much info as we can get, form an opinion, hope we are right and hope for the best...
Some very good insight there, but one person does make a difference, everyday. One REALLY has to consider what their reading and not pee all-over themselves because it feels good. You need to consider the rational and variables of it, not just the emotion.
But I see people on both sides take their opinions to extreme degrees that SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME....
Good, thats healthy …its been a scary place for 400 million years and NO artificial regulation is going to change that discipline.
I am sorry but I see two people, here that seems to have a "terrorist mentality", and I must prefix this by saying that I am sorry I read this out of what I see you two say in here, but it's gonna seem like a personal attack no matter who makes me feel this way, but I just have to say it come hell or high water....
But understand, the fact that what this person says makes me feel like they have a terrorist mentality, means nothing as all this is, is what I call a political ping pong forum....
Ok well I was gonna drop both names, but to save my ass, I will just drop one, and it's the one who is banned anyway, and hopefully dropping this name will not hurt the other one's feelings, but I feel anyone who can see where I go with this, knowing from where I started out politically, should know who I think number two is right away, but until number two is banned, if ever, I ain't dropping that name so don't ask...
Now this is a perfect example of what both you and spike do, trying label someone as ‘lame, Nazi, terrorist, bad, stuped, uneducated, bigot, general death and destruction’ etc...
I won’t parse my words, pot kettle black. You are, in my mind, A ‘progressive’ liberal that has fallen for the company line that is attempting to subvert the values that made this nation great.
(with/without knowledge of it, or intended malice) Stripping freedoms in the name equality, breeding socialism and re-distribution of wealth under the false pretense of ‘provide for the general welfare’ Destroying the Judeo Christian values of our heritage (…and I’m no religious fanatic I assure you)
I don’t pretend to be someone’s friend with ulterior motives. IF I have issue, I confront it directly, honestly, and upon the
very rare occasion with overwhelming physical force.
Sometimes, a man must fight, …I’m not going to rationalize why now.
I am no terrorist, I think you need to re-examine your thoughts on that.
OK, I don't know him and I heard a lot of sick sense of humor in what he'd always say, but I also felt cold hate and rage every time I read a post of his, and the simple explanation of why is, that he seemed to believe, (and here is where most of you will totally get who number two is, but please just keep it to yourself)....
He stated his opinion, repeatedly indicated to me that he believed, that the other side of the political aisle were traitors, and therefore, and he said this more than ones in exact terms....EVIL!
That’s terrorist mentality in my book and it scares me....
Yeah, whats written on a forum is ‘mean and scary’
What scares me is the promotion of ideals that seek to destroy the freedoms that this nation and life afford me and my family. The propagation of hate and disdain, the quest for control of, and by, my government by people that think life is a grantee of happiness. Freedom is an Ideal, a value, being stripped away and under control by the left. (Reps too to a
much lesser extent)
Every day is great, and the pursuit of happiness makes it better. Freedom is worth fighting for, and NEVER has been free.
Well that’s my best lesson on what spin is and showing all of you how objective I wish I was....but anyway.....I am tired of writing another meaningless novel, so I bid you all a happy day....
This may sound odd Mark…
…I’m glad to see your going thru the trouble and effort to ‘write-out’ like this. I see something in it…something good happening. You’re breaking away from the traditional method you’ve used for years of cut and paste and run. You’re thinking as an individual, that’s where honest individual opinions begin.
Sometimes, writing it out encourages new truths to become evident, the
opportunity so to speak.
[back to asshole]
*I was going to give you a link, but I don’t think you’re quite ready to see it yet…*
[/back to asshole]
Churchill once said something like:
A man who is under 30 and is not a liberal has no heart; …a man over 30 that is not a conservative has no brains
Mark, in many of the signatures, here in this very forum, are some words that IF… you take the time ponder them objectively, there’s a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom to be had. (no, not mine or spikes).
I get mad too …Truly, being an asshole is not my regular gig, I’m getting old and it makes my neck hurt.
So my friend, time for me to watch "Iron Giant" with the kids, they've been waiting for me....