Report says Iran not working on "nookyaler" weapons

[Crossing my I's and dotting my T's for Spike]

"Contextually" the quote was the point, not who said it.
"Churchill said something like" he has spoken EVERY WORD in that quote.
You promote Myths EVERYDAY

The quote itself is a myth and the person you attributed it is wrong. So you think since he said "heart" one day and "man" on another that makes you accurate? :laugh:

..still waiting for you to actually say something relavant to the thread.

I have, when are you going to? More trolling on the agenda?

You are so funny, such a refined non-thinker.

Oh there it is! I knew you couldn't make a post without the trolling insults. :toast:

You've proven me wrong again, you have contibuted to the thread...

I have no idea what has changed. Maybe being determined to do something isn't the same as doing it. Maybe Mr. Fingar was just wrong. Your report makes no mention of what that assessment is based on so it's pretty hard to tell.

What do you think has changed?

...Thanks for that deep insight.


The quote itself is a myth and the person you attributed it is wrong. So you think since he said "heart" one day and "man" on another that makes you accurate? :laugh:

Just making the point of your selectivity in narrow thinking.

Clue: the saying is not a myth, its been spoken many times.

A myth is that you know what your talking about.

Silly litte man.


While the NIE judged that "in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons
program," a footnote that accompanied this judgment defined "nuclear weapons
program" as "nuclear weapon design and weaponization work and covert uranium
conversion-related and uranium enrichment-related work...we do not mean Iran's
declared civil work related to uranium conversion and enrichment." [Emphasis

However, declared "civil" conversion and enrichment can easily be applied to
the construction of nuclear weapons. Indeed, uranium enrichment is the most
problematic part of constructing a nuclear weapon. The military design phase,
which the NIE judges to have ceased, is less problematic than enrichment.

Non American Source

Come on Twister, address the issue, quit polling and trolling
More trolling insults!

Glad you could address the issue in depth. :laugh:


Trolling in every post. Keep it up.

Clue: Who you attributed the saying to is a myth. The words in the saying are a myth.

A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

I think you've succeeded in proving your dedication to trolling is unrivaled of any troll anywhere on planet earth. We should now throw great parties, and name a troll star after you.
.... The words in the saying are a myth.

M'kay, ... well that'll be your little secret.

THIS is rhetoric, THAT is rhetoric, Something irrelavant here, troll, whine, tit-fot-tat, more rhetoric there, I did not - show me where!, narrow intospective, exteme unrelated diversion.

In weeks, I can't think of a single case where you posted ANYTHING with smidge of objectivity or a day without you insulting someone.

Even your Avatar wreaks of depravity.
In weeks, I can't think of a single case where you posted ANYTHING with smidge of objectivity or a day without you insulting someone.

Well you certainly wouldn't recognize objectivity.

But please, oh please please please please find an example of me insulting someone who did not insult me first. I would just love that. It's gonna have to be easy if it's a daily thing right?

Really, you're projecting again. Go ahead and prove me wrong tho'.

For you we could look at just about any post you've made for the trolling insults.

[Mostly for the sake of humor, but largely true all the same]Well RM, as far as politics, there is no right or wrong, so to speak, only "right", and "wrong". I know its a complex and abstract concept, but its for the point I am trying to make, largely irrelevant anyway.[/Mostly for the sake of humor, but largely true all the same]

[Dead serious, and speaking as one with formal training in the field of psychology]For me pesonally, Id rather be happy than right, but I ilke it best when I am right and happy, but failing that I'll settle for just happy and clueless. It wasn't a question that was for answering publicly anyway, it was meant rather as just a rhetorical question. It's something that's often asked in AA and NA, and your answers, and the people who answered at all, AND the exact answer they gave, do not surprise me at all.

For those of you who did answer it, so far, all show that as far as emotional and psychological health, and here I am being dead serious, you are either just joking, or else could perhaps use some therapy.

Those of you are on the needing therapy end of it are the type that are in danger of becoming megalomaniacs, if you ever taste any real power.[/Dead serious, and speaking as one with formal training in the field of psychology]
As for gay people it’s already proven that a large percentage of them are republican senators, and other less prominent members of the religious right, and just in denial of their homosexuality, which to me is pretty much the most conclusive evidence that homosexuality is not a choice. If it's so attractive to be homosexual, why would you join hate groups like the religious right, and much of the Republican Party, and live a secret homosexual life?

The only thing wrong with homosexuality is that the world doesn’t accept it and live and let live. The bible is a fiction novel (yes catocom, its true and if you want that debate I can prove it conclusively in one post, but as for convincing you I did well, who knows....). That is not to say the bible is not rife with spiritual wisdom that should be applied to one's life, no matter whether you are religious or not. Trouble is, its way to complex and dangerous in the hands of most people and is better left alone. The notion that it is the infallible "word of God" is one of the most heinous lies ever told. and perhaps also somehow oddly true at the same time.

Well actually let me clarify, a little more, "fiction novel" is a terminological inexactitude, and an extremely simplistic, and insulting (to some) way to label it, and not even close entirely accurate. More accurately it is a history and superstition book, with many cases of "divine inspiration" within it, that is just as subject to "revisionist history" as any other....Or at least it's the best I can explain my understanding of it.
And as for homosexuality being a sin? If it is, the people who wrote the bible did not know it was because there is no word for homosexual in the language in which the bible was written. It is only a misinterpretation, based on the bias of the people who authored modern language translations.

I know the Christians in here are probably thinking I just blasphemed, and that ok with me, because I consider myself a Christian by default, but I despise the label of Christian. I believe in the golden rule. My culture is by default Christian, and this is the Christian version:

Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

That is the new covenant, and anything anyone tells you some "scripture" means, that does not pass that litmus test is bullshit. Of course that tiny section of the bible, being the only really relevant and practical spiritual wisdom anyone would ever need, requires deep study to even come close to making a good effort living up to it, and human beings are rarely capable of such perfection, because it’s not just black and white, it's that and every shade of grey all at once.

I have Christian friends who are really worried about my "default Christian status", and they are always asking me questions trying to convince themselves I'll make it to heaven with them. Silly simpletons I think to myself, but never say. When I say default Christian, I mean that it’s my culture and the religion I know and I am comfortable in traditional Christian churches (catholic and Episcopal and Lutheran and the like but certainly terrified and rightly so of evangelicals). I believe that Jesus was a great man and teacher and he was of "god", but no more than you, I, the next person, tree, or rock on the ground. God is ALL, and nothing, all at the same time to me. That golden rule is central to every major known religion, yet religion is a major cause of evil the world over. What that says to me is that all religions are man's attempt to put "god in a box" and god doesn't fit in a box. It’s certainly possible to find ones way to god through any handy religion, but it’s equally possible to find it in agnosticism. But I personally think one truly finds god, being a true agnostic is the only real way to be. Because there is a god, I'm not it, and I know very little beyond that. I try to live by the golden rule and for me that’s more religion than I can handle.
I'll settle for just happy and clueless

Really? While happy and aware would be nice (but wildly unlikely in today's global political and economic climate) I'd much rather be pissed off, horrified, disgusted, you name it... and aware than happy and clueless. :shrug:

Of course, pissed off, horrified, disgusted, you name it... and completely deluded is another question altogether... ;)
As for gay people it’s already proven that a large percentage of them are republican senators

Numerically and statistically impossible. Rest of diatribe rendered useless. Please deposit twenty-five cents for the next three minutes.
So you contend that your statement, verbatim, is possible? That means there would be fewer than 40 gay people alive. I dispute that.
I just said I too believe in god, but I would wager you'd disagree....

Oh well, I know what I know and you don't!

na na na na na na!
