Robertson: U.S. should 'take out' Venezuela's Chavez

Idiot doesn't realize that if you off a president, you martyr him. And you can't control his successor. That's why you have a 200 billion dollar war. To get control of his successors.
At least, you hope the gunman wouldn't.

Do you americans have something against letting people in front of cameras posess brains?
on exporting Communism and Islamic extremism across the Americas.

While I agree that he is a leftist, I do not agree on the islamic extremism part :rolleyes:
"This is in our sphere of influence, so we can't let this happen," he said.
Is it just me or does this guy feel that the sphere which is the earth is part of his 'sphere of influence' ?
chcr said:
Sorry rr, but I find that typically christian.

Being a Christian, I resent that remark. I find it hypocritical, to be sure, but not Christian. Not everybody who claims to follow a philosophy is telling the truth. You should know that, at least. :rolleyes:
Perhaps I should have said typical of the way christians are represented in the media, although I know plenty who actually have that kind of attitude. :shrug: I know plenty who are more openminded too, understand, still that "holier than thou" attitude seems more prevalent than not to me.
I know plenty with that attitude, too. I know more without it though. SnP is right on, Pat is NOT representitive of most Christains. Pat is a politician who uses Christianity as his vessel into peoples homes.
rrfield said:
I know plenty with that attitude, too. I know more without it though. SnP is right on, Pat is NOT representitive of most Christains. Pat is a politician who uses Christianity as his vessel into peoples homes.

I quite disagree. Pat is a horse's ass, regardless of political or religious affiliation. ;)
Are you kidding? He is my hero, i would send him my money and first born child.

That is what the christian god asks for again right? Maybe not, I tend get my deities all mixed up sometimes.
CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuela's vice president accused religious broadcaster Pat Robertson on Tuesday of making "terrorist statements" by suggesting that American agents assassinate President Hugo Chavez.
"The ball is in the U.S. court, after this criminal statement by a citizen of that country," Rangel told reporters. "It's huge hypocrisy to maintain this discourse against terrorism and at the same time, in the heart of that country, there are entirely terrorist statements like those."

The U.S. government distanced itself from Robertson's comments.


Wonder if he can be arrested for inciting terrorist acts. Nah, he doesn't look Muslim enough. :shrug:

The comments "reveal that religious fundamentalism is one of the great problems facing humanity in these times," Rangel said.
chcr said:
Perhaps I should have said typical of the way christians are represented in the media, although I know plenty who actually have that kind of attitude. :shrug: I know plenty who are more openminded too, understand, still that "holier than thou" attitude seems more prevalent than not to me.

So. Since you tend to notice the ranting, fundamentalist type of Christian more than the quiet, unassuming Christian, who lives in the world, and not of the world, then all are painted by the same brush? Sounds like bullshit to me...or an attitude that is extremely prejudicial...;)
ekahs retsam said:
Are you kidding? He is my hero, i would send him my money and first born child.

That is what the christian god asks for again right? Maybe not, I tend get my deities all mixed up sometimes.

No. It isn't what is asked.