Back to topic if you will permit me.
I did a bit of reading about Chavez...just to see where Robertson might be coming from, and he is so far in left field that I don't quite get where his religion has anything to do with his argument.
Chavez is a democratically elected president (more so than Bush, because the USA is a federation and not a democracy). Venzuela enjoys freedom of the press, religion, assembly etc... much like all
free nations.
Chavez himself is left-leaning. His major faux-pas is his moral support of Cuba's dictator (not becasue Castro's a dictator, but because of Castro's
efforts, failed or not, at establishing a more social culture).
Chavez has also managed to piss off the upper-crust rich folk who live in Venezuela because he's trying to nationalize oil production. That is, the profits from the sale of crude and gas goes towards infrastructure and the poor, education and medecine...instead of into the pockets of the wealthy.

*and idea which Canada has recently floated in the media*
Since the rich own the newspapers, TV etc... they are constantly attacking him in the press. They are also 'asking for help' to 'overthrow a communist-leaning' president out of office, from...guess who? The USA. Thus allowing them to take back oil production for themselves.
Chavez is also trying to unite the southern nations of South America in order to give them more financial strength in order to resist Washington's dominating influence regarding exports (particularly of oil). In addition, he's trying to gain a greater independance from his neighbours.
I'm wondering if all this will tick off Washington enough that we'll see another incident like in Haiti. Aristide forced to resign and leave his country by armed thugs, at gunpoint , to American troops who 'just happened to be on hand to accept his resignation and give him a plane ticket out' instead of being there to help defend yet another annoying but democratically elected President.
Time shall tell, but Robertson's comments are pretty indicative, no?