
Peanuts come in a pod-like shell, from a bush, like peas. Most other nuts form as singles, and grow on trees, not bushes.
2 the hardy Eurasian climbing plant that yields pods containing these seeds. • Pisum sativum, family Leguminosae (or Fabaceae; the pea family). The members of this family (known as legumes) are sometimes divided among three smaller families: Papilionaceae (peas, beans, clovers, vetches, brooms, laburnums, etc.), Mimosaceae (mimosas, acacias), and Caesalpiniaceae (cassia, carob, and many tropical timber trees).

pease |pez| plural noun archaic peas. ORIGIN Old English pise [pea,] (plural) pisan, via Latin from Greek pison. Compare with pea .
Professur said:
Peanuts come in a pod-like shell, from a bush, like peas. Most other nuts form as singles, and grow on trees, not bushes.

They also grow underground, not above. ;)
AlphaTroll said:
I thought I had a little pimple or summin on my chin, on the spot where I'd knocked myself with the breadboard. Turns out to be a splinter and I can't get it out without digging in my face. Or I have to wait for it to fester or summin.

Put some super glue on your index finger, then touch the splinter area with same said finger. hold in place briefly and....well when the finger comes off, so will the splinter. Works every time.
I will kick you repeatedly and superglue your finger to your broken nose :p

(And if I weren't such a clever chick I'd probably have fallen for that :rofl: )
When I went to bootcamp my company was filled with farm girls. when one of them said something about peanuts growing in sand I was sure they were teasing me. Turns out it's true.
Cranberries grow in water, did you know that?
Oh, I forgot to answer you! Nope hun, deleted my account - due to MSN I somehow got a faring virus on my system, finally managed to kill it & decided screw msn.