Really, though... if I were caught pigging some 13-year-old down the street,
What you miss is that 13 is below the age of consent in every state in the Union. Even the TX law set the age at fourteen until 2005 and then only with the permission of the parents.
As an aside, since you say marriage is between the participants and God only... one, do you endorse polygamy?
I don't
not endorse it. I feel that if a man wants many wives or a woman wants many husbands, that is between them and is none of my business. A man or woman should be able to take on as many lovers -- "wives" or "husbands" -- as they are able to keep. There are numerous men and women who have one state sanctioned spouse but many lovers. The consenting adults laws take care of that. How are the consenting adults laws any different than polygamy other than there are no vows, religious or otherwise, exchanged other than "Hey baby, let's"? If that is polygamy then the soap operas practice polygamy every day.
The only difference between polygamy and any "open marriage" is that the state sanctions the consenting adults; but the state squelches those who do so under the tenets of their religion.
What, pray tell, is the difference; besides the fact that the consenting adults of the open marriage call their lovers their "lovers" and the polygamists call their lovers their "wives"?
If a man lives with two or more women as consenting adults but never calls them his "wives" is it polygamy; or is it merely state sanctioned "consenting adults"?
What if your own daugher involved?
She is her own person. I don't deign to tell thirty-six-year-old people what to do.
Two, since Lori and I aren't members of any particular religion, when we do get married, will it be invalid according to you?
No. Marriage is no longer a rite of religion; and that is what is lost on most people. It is a rite of the state and you only do so by their permission. You buy their document, you pay their fees, and they ALLOW you to marry. Without the document, and without the fee, they deny you their permission to marry.
The Constitution, however, declares that the state shall not interfere with those things which are of the church. If you want to get married at city hall then you have fulfilled your duty to the state by allowing them to allow you to do so. If you get married in any church, however, you are still bound by the state as the church is restrained from marrying you if the state has not given the church permission to do so.
There is always the "common law marriage" wherein two people live with each other for a state defined period of time and they are considered married. The problem is ... what if there are a number of people living together in a "common law marriage"?
Consider this: If the FLDS church were instead the
"Fuckfest Temple of Free Love" and no one there called anyone else there their spouse; and the kids were all bastards would that be all right? The state says it is through their consenting adults laws. As long as they do not claim to be married, spiritually or otherwise, and there is no monetary arrangement for sex the state stays out of it.
So what is the motive of the state; revenue enhancement; serfdom of the citizenry; what?