Buttcrackdivine said:
What else do you leave up to faith?
Things I take on faith: Things that conservatives refuse to admit despite all the evidence to the contrary. Why conservatives? As a general rule (though not always true), conservatives are religious. When pressed, they claim that they don’t need proof for everything; it is part of their faith.
I am fine with this. I do, however, expect the same respect when I claim asinine things to be part of my religion.
Listen: Seriously, how much science is needed to believe that cigarettes are bad for you and those around you? Hmm, they taste like ass, smell like ass, are highly addictive, make you cough, make you lose your sense of taste and smell, waste your money, make you look like an uneducated fool....and they don't even get you high
Second hand smoke....You know that smoke that is rising up off of the cigarette? Yeah, that's the same stuff that's going into your lungs. Of course it's bad for those who are breathing it in! If it's not bad for you, then neither are cigarettes, period. Anyone who argues to the contrary is most likely trying to justify their own behavior.
It’s a very human thing to do.
I do it from time to time.
And so on.
Good Bye, Blue Monday!