
Ask the Iranians if saddam had them. They have all the proof I require.
Squiggy said:
This time you insist on having proof?......Theres a whole lot more proof in the data on this than there was for the reasons to create all that smoke in Iraq. And look how many that smoke killed.... :eek6:

In relative comparison to the amount of deaths attributible to cigarettes in a single year...its negligible.

In comparison to the amount of alcohol related deaths each year. Its inconsequential.

In comparison to the amout of automobile related deaths each year. Its miniscule.

The only thing it might be worth comparing to is the amount of accidental hand gun deaths a year..which is orders of magnitude less than the other three categories.
markjs said:
Tobbacco is poison, as I have said, go out and eat 5 packs of smokes and then come back and tell me it's harmless

Garlic is also poisonous...highly toxic and will kill you if you take it as an injection.
Oxygen is also toxic...too much of it will kill you...that's why we have anti-oxydents.

Tobacco is nasty...I can admit it to myself. It may cause cancer, or it may either case, I don't smoke in my house, I don't smoke around my son. I don't smoke around people who I know don't like it. I don't smoke in the office, in church, in buildings, in school etc... I don't smoke in a whole lot of places, but I do smoke. I've been smoking for 5 years now...I should never have started, but havn't managed to quit yet.

In the meanwhile...I don't need to be hasstled every time I light up! If you don't like it...walk away. DOn't give me any more stress than I already have. It's not helping me quit!!
I'm a smoker, I have tried to quit, but no luck so far, i respect non-smokers, I don't even smoke in teh line for the bus, I walk a bit away, so it doesn't blow in anyones face, but if I'm outside, smoking, i don't want to be hassled about it, and I have let people know that if I'm on in there face, they can keep there opinions to themselves
I am a non-smoker. In my life I have probably inhaled 10 puffs of cigarette smoke. I did so the other night and almost puked. It stings my throat and tatses like what I imagine asshole would taste like. For some reference, back in the day, I could inhale a bong hit like no other, so it's not like I am a weeking when it comes to inhaling smoke.

If I spend a night in a smoke filled bar, I wake up feeling much worse and worn down then if I had spent the night drinking in my house or a friends house. I almost never get hangovers. The bad feelings are all in my lungs.

As I said, my dad and brother smoke. When I get lung cancer and have to have a lung removed, I'll sue them to pay for the operation.

I don't have any breathing problem and my doctor says my lungs are clean.

And I inhale 10-20 cigs worth of smoke a day.
that's why we have anti-oxydents.

Actually that is for free radicals caused by smoking. That is Oxygen with 3 electrons so it desparatley steals any electrons from surrounding enviorment..that being your tissue of your organs. Free radicals are primarily cuased by smoking (one of the reasons smokers lungs wither away, that is due to free radicals eating away at tissue lining).

Oxygen in form of ozone is highly poisonious to us, that being O3, O2 is also dangerous if taken to much or if large amounts suddenly released near flames. Fire loves to feed on Oxygen.
I am willing to accept, on nothing but faith, that smoking causes cancer. I am willing to accept, on faith, that second hand smoke causes cancer. It's my new religion. Don't tread on me.

Good Bye Blue Monday!

rrfield said:
I am willing to accept, on nothing but faith, that smoking causes cancer. I am willing to accept, on faith, that second hand smoke causes cancer.


What else do you leave up to faith?
Buttcrackdivine said:
What else do you leave up to faith?
What's your sig pic? It doesn't work.....

Nevermind I can get it in it's own window, but it doesn't work on the board at least for me.
Buttcrackdivine said:
What else do you leave up to faith?

Things I take on faith: Things that conservatives refuse to admit despite all the evidence to the contrary. Why conservatives? As a general rule (though not always true), conservatives are religious. When pressed, they claim that they don’t need proof for everything; it is part of their faith.

I am fine with this. I do, however, expect the same respect when I claim asinine things to be part of my religion.

Listen: Seriously, how much science is needed to believe that cigarettes are bad for you and those around you? Hmm, they taste like ass, smell like ass, are highly addictive, make you cough, make you lose your sense of taste and smell, waste your money, make you look like an uneducated fool....and they don't even get you high ;)

Second hand smoke....You know that smoke that is rising up off of the cigarette? Yeah, that's the same stuff that's going into your lungs. Of course it's bad for those who are breathing it in! If it's not bad for you, then neither are cigarettes, period. Anyone who argues to the contrary is most likely trying to justify their own behavior.

It’s a very human thing to do.

I do it from time to time.

And so on.

Good Bye, Blue Monday!

I am fine with this. I do, however, expect the same respect when I claim asinine things to be part of my religion.

This comment is in regard to the fact you believed that question was more than just a simple question? It was a simple question. I didn't judge you on your beliefs.
Buttcrackdivine said:
This comment is in regard to the fact you believed that question was more than just a simple question? It was a simple question. I didn't judge you on your beliefs.

I figured that yours was a simple question. No judgement assumed.
When pressed, they claim that they don’t need proof for everything; it is part of their faith.

Which is part of the reason I'm not one of those conservatives. I prefer proof. Squiggy, before you start, refer to the last post like the one you're about to write & my reply. thank you