So: What would YOU do.

I'd go to OTC and post all kinds of inflamatory things and tell everyone liberals are traitors! I'd make and find all kind of funny Obama slur pictures and post them all. That would show people to staighten up and fly right! Go back to Church! Realize that all other countries are inferior to us, and be willing to start as many wars as it takes to keep it that way!
Oh sorry you meant me the ruler? I like what 2minkey has in post #12.

I also would require a lot more transparency on the part of financial institutions. Regulation may not be as necessary if they have to be honest and open with what they are up to.

I'd pull out of Iraq and all these costly foreign wars as fast as it feasible. We can't afford to keep trying to mold them into a puppet state since it is so obviously not what they want. Fighting a war that is against the will of the people is a lesson we should have learned in Vietnam. It just won't work. Hell back in the time of Vietnam the Generals and military commanders were against a fell scale war. They knew it was un-winnable but the politicians insisted, and look what it got us?
no one has ever successfully sued for a $12mil paper cut. sometimes juries do award absurd amounts... when it is clear that the company in question is a bunch of shits, and deserve it. juries are made up of everyday people. show them you are a raging cock, and they'll reward you accordingly.

i can't believe you're siding with the man here.

but it's cool. you're canadian. you think we're all sue-happy in the US. of course i happen to know very well that ya'll are pretty quick to formalize complaints, too. :circle:
The man ain't heavy - he's my brother (singing)

Complaints..sure. Sue for damages for bruising your inner child, not so much :)
I'd go to OTC and post all kinds of inflamatory things and tell everyone liberals are traitors! I'd make and find all kind of funny Obama slur pictures and post them all. That would show people to staighten up and fly right! Go back to Church! Realize that all other countries are inferior to us, and be willing to start as many wars as it takes to keep it that way!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to randomJACKASS again :rainfrow:
I'd pile serious moneys in infrastructure..especially coast-to-coast faster transport for goods and people. Bullet-train comes to mind. Toss some serious ky on products coming in from the NAFTA family... remove trade imports/exports and tariffs on the full range of products and services to boost manufacturing from 'local' companies. Bully up trade tariffs from overseas (especially China and India) - in order to help companies to make the right choice in buying locally and hiring locally.

*points and laughs*

Who do you think OWNS america? Take a good long look at who's buying all the US gov't debt to pay for all these 'stimulus packages'. China, that's who. You try and stop them exporting cheap crap into your economy, and very soon, you won't have one.
the thing is...
How many are willing to get off their asses and Go to work.

well if you don't, you go to the camps.

I did mention the camps right?

If you get welfare, you get checked by a doctor, if it turns out you CAN work, you get the work at the camps.

no I am not serious.
*points and laughs*

Who do you think OWNS america? Take a good long look at who's buying all the US gov't debt to pay for all these 'stimulus packages'. China, that's who. You try and stop them exporting cheap crap into your economy, and very soon, you won't have one.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

That, old son, is why no intelligent person gets into politics 'for the public good'. Only short term personal gains drive these people. Why do you think I favour a monarchy so much. A king doesn't work 4 years and then slack off on the public's back for the rest of his life. He knows that every decision he makes he's going to have to live with long term ... as will his children. It also means that they can plan long term, tho. They can take 40 years to build a bullet proof economy. They can fund roadworks over 90 years so that they highway system doesn't drive the country so far into debt that it takes longer to pay for the system than it'll last.
What if the king is evil?
He won't suffer, but the people will.
He'll keep enough happy to rule the rest with slavery.
What if the king is evil?
He won't suffer, but the people will.
He'll keep enough happy to rule the rest with slavery.

Isn't that exactly what you people decide every four years anyhow? Which "king" can keep just enough people happy enough to not revolt?

If a King is evil ... he doesn't stay king very long ... at least not with an armed peasantry.
there is talk of butchering the 2nd amendment.

I voted for the most righteous person on the ballot imo.

Give me, now, 25 trillion, and I'll make things right.
Hurry! If you wait it'll be more!
Come on now!
That IS the POint!

man, I'm wore out now.
Where's my limo?
plan 1

fire every ceo currently in charge of a damn thing. also replace every member of congress

with who you ask? im glad you asked

id put snoop dog, larry the cable guy, britany spears, shakira, kid rock, dr phil and ryan seacrest in charge of everything. they have each proven they can make money with absolutely nothing to market sell or offer to anyone

plan 2

let the guy from the shamwow commercials run it all. cause, you KNOW he can't do this all day...
well if you don't, you go to the camps.

I did mention the camps right?

If you get welfare, you get checked by a doctor, if it turns out you CAN work, you get the work at the camps.

no I am not serious.

If you're not, then this guy is. :shrug:

"Obama volunteers hunt budget support in Birmingham, Alabama grassroots campaign"

"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
let the guy from the shamwow commercials run it all. cause, you KNOW he can't do this all day...


there is talk of butchering the 2nd amendment.

I voted for the most righteous person on the ballot imo.

Give me, now, 25 trillion, and I'll make things right.
Hurry! If you wait it'll be more!
Come on now!
That IS the POint!

man, I'm wore out now.
Where's my limo?

Talk of butchering it? Obviously you haven't been paying attention. Since when did you need a permit to exercise a right? It's long since been gutted, cleaned and hung on a hook, along with most of the rest of your so called rights. I hate to break it to you, brother, but you've been had.
1. Suspend capital gains taxes for 6-12 months.

2. Lower tax rates across the board.

3. Suspend corporate taxes for 12 months.

4. Revert Social Security policy to 1935 rules.

  • [a] Get rid of payments to widows
    Get rid of SSI payments to all other entities
    [c] Call in all of the bonds created since Lyndon Johnson "borrowed" the SSI budget to pay for an unpopular war.
1. Suspend capital gains taxes for 6-12 months.

2. Lower tax rates across the board.

3. Suspend corporate taxes for 12 months.

4. Revert Social Security policy to 1935 rules.

  • [a] Get rid of payments to widows
    Get rid of SSI payments to all other entities
    [c] Call in all of the bonds created since Lyndon Johnson "borrowed" the SSI budget to pay for an unpopular war.

I like 1, 2, & 3.

get the money back in the hands of the people.