Socialism = Communism

The ingredients of socialism are 90% of the ingredients of communism. Since socialism is a step towards communism, why wouldn't you need socialism? It is a key factor.
Gonz said:
The ingredients of socialism are 90% of the ingredients of communism. Since socialism is a step towards communism, why wouldn't you need socialism? It is a key factor.

As I said, communism requires socialism as a part of the process. It is not required in the final "product" (Although it has been used. Socialism, OTOH, has no need of communism. May I suggest you "read" the book?
freako104 said:
were the countries that were/are communist ever socialist?

Some of them. Cuba still is, more or less.
I have read it.

Communism is like kindergarten. Nobody is particularly great at anything & we should all share.

Socialism is like college. We should all share our strengths to make the whole better. When we get someting we'll share the stuff that sucks & keep for ourselves the good stuff.

Capitalism is like war. To the victor go the spoils.

Karl Marx said:
"Between capitalist and communist society lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat."

in the end, they are the same.
chcr said:
As I said, communism requires socialism as a part of the process. It is not required in the final "product" (Although it has been used. Socialism, OTOH, has no need of communism. May I suggest you "read" the book?

Some of them. Cuba still is, more or less.

thanks for clearing that up. I thought Cuba was exclusively communist
Shadowfax said:
now, do you really want to argue about something like this, while you know he won't change his mind, ever?

Not really, I just find it hard to disagree with someone who seems to think it's ok to espouse a system where a child with a brain tumour can be sent home to die because their father doesn't have the wherewithall to pay the insurance and insurance companies are permitted by the state insurance commisioner to cancell the policies of their 14,000 sickest patients because they are having a bad year (California 1989).

Either way if Gonz wants to argue that black is white I'll probably be on hand to provoke him...
freako104 said:
you or one of the other liberals on here ;)

The problem is I don't really fit into any of the American categories of pilitics (except Gonz's Communist category of course). By British standards I am indeed a liberal but that is a party affiliation. I firmly believe in cpaitalism, but I don't feel that it necessarily needs to exlude ideas like free healthcare at the point of delivery and welfare payments to those unable to work.

I firmly believe in Globalistation and I hope for democratic world government (not in my lifetime I'm sure) but I think that the UK government is not doing us any favours by tying us to an extreme right wing government on the other side of the world.
Gonz said:
I have read it.

Communism is like kindergarten. Nobody is particularly great at anything & we should all share.

Socialism is like college. We should all share our strengths to make the whole better. When we get someting we'll share the stuff that sucks & keep for ourselves the good stuff.

Capitalism is like war. To the victor go the spoils.

in the end, they are the same.

Then once again I will bow to the unspeakable depth and breadth of your lack of understanding that of which you speak. :rolleyes:

The quick 'n' easy way to remember the difference between Socialism and Communism is: Socialism is "from each according to their ability, to each according to their DEEDS," whereas Communism is "from each according to their ability to each according to their NEEDS."

Golly, exactly the same. :rolleyes:
Gotnolegs said:
Not really, I just find it hard to disagree with someone who seems to think it's ok to espouse a system where a child with a brain tumour can be sent home to die because their father doesn't have the wherewithall to pay the insurance

It's even more fun to disagree with someone who takes their understanding of life from a movie.
The quick 'n' easy way to remember the difference between Socialism and Communism is: Socialism is "from each according to their ability, to each according to their DEEDS," whereas Communism is "from each according to their ability to each according to their NEEDS."

Too bad that is bass-ackwards. John the working stifff could afford his health insurance. Bob the bum gets his for free because they up the TAXES John pays. So from the deeds to the needs. Yep, that is certainly a motivating factor to keep working, you get to pay somebody else's bills as well as your own. Not only that but when your wife needs a breast X-ray to determine if it's cancer, it'll only take 6 months to a year to get it. Yessir, that socialism is certainly a god send.
Gonz said:
It's even more fun to disagree with someone who takes their understanding of life from a movie.

Actually it was form an American writer, but I'd guess he was a communist so we can discount his views right?
Gonz said:
but when your wife needs a breast X-ray to determine if it's cancer, it'll only take 6 months to a year to get it. Yessir, that socialism is certainly a god send.

and which country are you basing this "fact" on?
Personal testimony from both Canada (Toronto) & Great Britain (England; Manchester)
Gonz said:
Personal testimony from both Canada (Toronto) & Great Britain (England; Manchester)


After working for ten years in the National Health Service in the UK I can quite categorically say that if such an occurence did take place it was an anomaly. Appointment systems are based around clinical prioritisation, patients are seen according to their need, not according to their ability to pay. Ok, mistakes are made, every now and again a patient will slip through the system without the appropriate actions being taken but this is thankfully rare.

Obvioulsy this is unfair and we should be freed so we are able to have the healthcare we can pay for.
Gonz said:
Too bad that is bass-ackwards. John the working stifff could afford his health insurance. Bob the bum gets his for free because they up the TAXES John pays. So from the deeds to the needs. Yep, that is certainly a motivating factor to keep working, you get to pay somebody else's bills as well as your own. Not only that but when your wife needs a breast X-ray to determine if it's cancer, it'll only take 6 months to a year to get it. Yessir, that socialism is certainly a god send.

You know, I've said time and again that socialism is not a workable concept in a human society. The discussion at hand is whether or not it is the same as communism, which it patently is not. You quote elemental differences while maintaining they're the same things. Circular argument again, I'm sorry I let myself get sucked into this one. Once again, everything says what you say it says regardless of what it actually says.
chcr said:
You know, I've said time and again that socialism is not a workable concept in a human society. The discussion at hand is whether or not it is the same as communism, which it patently is not. You quote elemental differences while maintaining they're the same things. Circular argument again, I'm sorry I let myself get sucked into this one. Once again, everything says what you say it says regardless of what it actually says.
You really might as well go outside, pick up a rock and argue with it. You might get farther.