Somebody Straighten Me Out......'s Obama lookin' to you?

Like a puppet. He talks a good game, but he hasn't said how he's going to do it. He hints at things like underfunding parts of one area to fund another area, but thats a recipe for disaster. Truth is, you can't do anything he says he's going to do without raising taxes and increasing the size of the government at an almost exponential rate. In short...he's not a good choice.
Spike - what exactly is the "coffee" bit in the depth charge? Is it drip with the espresso dropped in?

Thanks for the clarification guys.

One more question - the americano always black? Cos I could swear that I had a weak milky thing called americano when I was in California last year.

FTR, I usually drink a double shot espresso with a bit of milk foam (aka macchiato).
americano can had any way you want. just espresso in water. strong or weak as you like it. the convention, though, is around two shots espresso + ~10oz water. add a dash of milk and there you have it. weak milky thing. everybody else in the world seems to hate drip coffee. i guess i can't blame them. since i don't drink it. i think the americano is sort of an overture to habit. big cup of something that you swig from over a half-hour as you do your morning shit, as compared to the quick slug of some of the less voluminous espresso-based drinks. (most americans ain't so great at savoring, so if it's gonna last, it needs to be big.)

i do often make a quick espresso on a saturday morning, slug it back, and then go run errands and whatnot. but there's something not quite so satisfying about that little swig, even though the taste is much better.
Like a puppet. He talks a good game, but he hasn't said how he's going to do it. He hints at things like underfunding parts of one area to fund another area, but thats a recipe for disaster. Truth is, you can't do anything he says he's going to do without raising taxes and increasing the size of the government at an almost exponential rate. In short...he's not a good choice.

his stance on firearms pisses me off. classic doubletalk.
it's not very pricey. particularly when you consider that the coffee beans are from a super fancy-assed roaster in portland. very good coffee. makes most coffee look (er, taste) like the shit you get in a truck stop in south dakota (yeah you know what i'm talkin' about).

so for what you get, a pretty good deal.
makes most coffee look (er, taste) like the shit you get in a truck stop in south dakota (yeah you know what i'm talkin' about)


My drink of chioce & one remaining vice.
On Obama:

He just got caught in another mess. He talked down Countrywide Financial Corp. and now it turns up that one of his minions involved in his veep hunt had a sweetheart deal with countrywide.

The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that Johnson received more than $7 million in loans from Countrywide Financial Corp. The Journal reported Johnson received at least two loans at below-market rates as a result of a relationship he had with the company’s CEO Angelo Mozilo. The Journal reported there was nothing apparently illegal about the loan terms.

But the ties came under fire since Obama has criticized Countrywide on the stump. The company’s top executives were accused in March of exacerbating the home mortgage crisis.

Obama said at the time in a statement, “We should be reprimanding them, not rewarding them. Rewarding their bad behavior just encourages others to pursue the same kinds of irresponsible practices that led us into this financial mess in the first place.”
Obama claimed that Juim Johnson didn't work for him but now Johnson has quit. How do you quit from a job you never held?

I think I'll go over to Home Depot, Lowe's, Starbuck's, Bed Bath 'n Beyond, Michael's, The Outback, and TGI Fridays today and quit. I'm sure they will understand a guy quitting who has never worked for them.

The adviser Barack Obama tapped to lead his search for a running mate has stepped down amid criticism from Republicans about the Washington insider’s lucrative past with financial corporations and lenders.

Jim Johnson, a former Fannie Mae CEO who also helped vet running mates for Walter Mondale in 1984 and John Kerry in 2004, was under fire following reports that he received favorable loan terms from a mortgage lender Obama has sharply criticized on the campaign trail.

The Obama campaign announced Johnson was stepping down Wednesday, after three straight days of criticism.
