shit, almost the same response as mine.
well, time for inpatient treatment for me.
Until things go all to hell...
Too much time in the great white NW.
your infantile palate is your own problem.
i can think for myself. and that means i realize that there is no correct team.
Someday I wanna grow up & be like minkey.
... it's more that you're on the downward slope of the life cycle...
but i think you should try putting something new in your mouth. at a rest stop.
Speak for yourself. I'm gonna live forever.
i don't think it's growing up... it's more that you're on the downward slope of the life cycle...
Ain't but two things on the planet capable of surviving nuclear attack. Cockroaches and Waffle House, and I don't see no hashbrowns comin' out yer piehole dude.
well, we do know enough not to pay $5.00 for a cup of coffee & you are buying our corn to put in your gas. WHo's dumber?
Got it in one. Here's the issue, though. Too many people vote party instead of substance. In my last vote, I had a choice between Bush and Kerry. I chose the lesser of two evils. If the Democrats had somebody of substance, instead of sound bites, they would've gotten my vote. Our country has become...even before Bush said it, a "with us, or against us" society. I'm sure you've seen it.