Somebody Straighten Me Out......

you'll get no argument...

well, we do know enough not to pay $5.00 for a cup of coffee & you are buying our corn to put in your gas. WHo's dumber?
i'm not buying your lousy corn. i ain't eatin' it and i ain't burnin' it. i do keep a couple of cobs in a bucket of water next to the toilet though.

i get starbucks for free. though i'd not pay for it if'n i didn't because it's really not that great. in a broader sense, your infantile palate is your own problem.
i can think for myself. and that means i realize that there is no correct team.

Got it in one. Here's the issue, though. Too many people vote party instead of substance. In my last vote, I had a choice between Bush and Kerry. I chose the lesser of two evils. If the Democrats had somebody of substance, instead of sound bites, they would've gotten my vote. Our country has become...even before Bush said it, a "with us, or against us" society. I'm sure you've seen it.

BTW...I was never into anything stronger than alcohol during my college days. I just had a penchant for sleeping in and ignoring certain assignments I thought were useless. I got great test scores...I was just too bored to do the 'homework'.
Someday I wanna grow up & be like minkey.

i don't think it's growing up... it's more that you're on the downward slope of the life cycle... already a stubborn old fogey that knows what he knows and ain't trying nuthin new. in both butter and ideas.

but i think you should try putting something new in your mouth. at a rest stop.
well, we do know enough not to pay $5.00 for a cup of coffee & you are buying our corn to put in your gas. WHo's dumber?

There's 200 Starbucks in Indiana. Seems you're buying plenty of it.

Also, although I'll only go there 1-2 times a year in a pinch I'm pretty sure you can get a big assed cup of coffee for about 2 bucks.
Question: is the starbucks coffee (presumably espresso) the same kind that's sold every else, or is the other cheaper stuff not espresso? Cos the coffee costs only marginally more here (maybe 0.50c more for the smaller cup size). I refuse to buy it though cos they serve it in buckets & it tastes like shit.
I don't drink coffee. If you stop at the local convenience store, you can get a 8-14oz cup for about a buck. From there, it becomes a specialty/niche market.
starbucks isn't much more than anywhere else at this point when you're talking drip coffee, which is anywhere from $1-2 typically depending on size. when it gets to espresso-based drinks, you get into the $3-4 range. starbucks ain't so great, but it's notably better than convenience store/gas station crap. there's plenty of really good coffee around me. i pay $2 for 'americano' which is 3 shots of expresso with hot water added. hear that gonz? two dollars.
There's a non-chain coffee shop near my work that makes me a "depth charge" for $2.25. That's a large cup of strong coffee with a shot of expresso dropped in.

My caffeine tolerance has dropped off lately so it's got to be a special situation.
Got it in one. Here's the issue, though. Too many people vote party instead of substance. In my last vote, I had a choice between Bush and Kerry. I chose the lesser of two evils. If the Democrats had somebody of substance, instead of sound bites, they would've gotten my vote. Our country has become...even before Bush said it, a "with us, or against us" society. I'm sure you've seen it.'s Obama lookin' to you?