gato you got Cs because you're probably too smart to totally flunk out even without trying at all. shit my first two years of undergrad were my "drug phase" and i got mostly Bs while my brain was on jupiter. and saturn. oberon...
bush has an (acknowledged) average IQ. that means ~100. now, given the bias of that test in favor of certain groups of people, it's entirely possible that a real figure is more around 85. that means "slow." not "imbecile" or "moron," but not none whiz kid neether.
bush has an (acknowledged) average IQ. that means ~100. now, given the bias of that test in favor of certain groups of people, it's entirely possible that a real figure is more around 85. that means "slow." not "imbecile" or "moron," but not none whiz kid neether.