Somebody Straighten Me Out......

gato you got Cs because you're probably too smart to totally flunk out even without trying at all. shit my first two years of undergrad were my "drug phase" and i got mostly Bs while my brain was on jupiter. and saturn. oberon...

bush has an (acknowledged) average IQ. that means ~100. now, given the bias of that test in favor of certain groups of people, it's entirely possible that a real figure is more around 85. that means "slow." not "imbecile" or "moron," but not none whiz kid neether.
That "unmotivated, uncaring jackass" knew that Saddam was pure evil and had to be removed.

Former Nigerien Prime Minister Ibrahim ((MAYAKI)), who was Niger's Foreign Minister from 1996-1997 and Niger's Prime Minister from 1997-1999 and who has maintained close ties to the current Nigerien Government, stated he was unaware of any contracts being signed between Niger and rogue states for the sale of yellowcake during his tenure as both Foreign Minister and Prime Minister, MAYAKI, HOWEVER, DID RELATE THAT IN JUNE 1999 BARKA ((TEFRIDJ)), A NIGERIEN/ALGERIAN BUSINESSMAN, APPROACHED HIM AND INSISTED THAT MAYAKI MEET WITH AN IRAQI DELEGATION TO DISCUSS "EXPANDING COMMERCIAL RELATIONS" BETWEEN NIGER AND IRAQ.


MAYAKI SAID HE UNDERSTOOD ROGUE STATES WOULD LIKE TO EXPLOIT NIGER'S RESOURCES, SPECIFICALLY URANIUM, but he believed that the Nigerien Government's regard for the United States (U.S.) as a close ally would prevent sales to these states from taking place despite Niger's economic woes.

I realize the truth that GWB is not the fool you'd like to portray him as
hurts your tender lib sensibilities. :shrug:
doesn't matter if he's liberal or conservative. he's dumb. he should be an embarassment to you and your partners in blind orthodoxy. he's made ya'll look stupider than governor moonbeam.
doesn't matter if he's liberal or conservative. he's dumb. he should be an embarassment to you and your partners in blind orthodoxy. he's made ya'll look stupider than governor moonbeam.

I stop short of calling the man dumb. He's got Dan Quayle beat all to hell, but that's not really saying too much either. He has yet to tread into the IQ abyss that IS Al Gore. Next to Jimmy Carter, W looks like Einstein. Then of course, there's Ozark Pecker Boy, who's still trying to grasp the concept of "is"...hey, let's use it in a sentence for him. Ahem. "Your wife IS the loser of the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008." That help any?

I've said it many times. W has been a catastrophic letdown in my eyes. But stacked up beside eskimo Al or Ketchup Boi, I think we're better off even if the man couldn't say the word "nuclear" to save his ass.
i don't think al lacks basic intelligence. it's just that he's a raging prick.

but i think we can all be happy now that supercunt has lost the democratic nomination. hopefully she'll fuck right off and crawl back under bill's el camino.
..... I think we're better off even if the man couldn't say the word "nuclear" to save his ass.

Thankfully he understands what they are and what they can do in the wrong hands, and he won't yield to, concede to, or appease the belligerent demands of a terrorist state.
yeah, i think we all understand that atom bombs make big boom.

if he's "unwavering" it's because he's got a cartoonist sense of good guys and bad guys. i bet cheney made him watch star wars a bunch of times right before march of 2003. you can spout all the tough talk you want. it won't talk him into being any smarter, or erase his monumentally expensive blunders.

if he were a declared democrat and did exactly the same shit while in office, you'd be condemning him left and right. you're incapable of criticism of bush because you're too busy trying to be on the right team.
i don't think al lacks basic intelligence. it's just that he's a raging prick.

but i think we can all be happy now that supercunt has lost the democratic nomination. hopefully she'll fuck right off and crawl back under bill's el camino.
So long as Obama doesn't fuck the pooch and ask her to be VP, that is.

Lord help us all if he does.:yell:
So long as Obama doesn't fuck the pooch and ask her to be VP, that is.

i don't think he wants her in there. because he's smart enough to understand that she'll act like a "co-president" and bill would be sticking his nose in everything as well.
So long as Obama doesn't fuck the pooch and ask her to be VP, that is.

Lord help us all if he does.:yell:

With all of the dead bodies surrounding the Clintons it would be the worst political decision in all of political history. To put someone in the position of "one heartbeat from the presidency" who shows evidence that they may have no compunction on stopping that heartbeat ... :gun:
if he were a declared democrat and did exactly the same shit while in office, you'd be condemning him left and right. you're incapable of criticism of bush because you're too busy trying to be on the right team.

We'd be more vocal about his failed & miserable domestic policy (save the tax cuts) but we'd still agree with the need to blow some terrorist shit up.

because he's smart enough to understand

As long as the American people are also. This man is a full blown marxist.
We'd be more vocal about his failed & miserable domestic policy (save the tax cuts) but we'd still agree with the need to blow some terrorist shit up.

The problem is your guy never figured out how to do that correctly. Instead he invaded Iraq. :laugh:

As long as the American people are also. This man is a full blown marxist.

Your guy is a fascist then. :rolleyes:
Who's my guy?

Obama's voting record & talking points come right from the if we can't make our own we'll take yours playbook.
..... he should be an embarassment to you and your partners in blind orthodoxy.

yeah, i think we all understand that atom bombs make big boom.

President Bush understands that some people shouldn't be allowed to make big boom. said:
Furthermore, the documents indicate a clear and sole military purpose to the atomic technology involved – as if there were any peaceful purpose for a nuclear warhead. This runs directly counter to the repeated denials made by Tehran that their known uranium-enriching program was for domestic energy production. And this enriching will soon be up to 6,000 centrifuge cascades, meaning they would have sufficient fissile material to detonate this warhead by this autum.;_ylt=ApVBp03ufb7KGMAqMWnKXTas0NUE said:
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks "unavoidable" given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's deputies said on Friday.

Others would like to soothe:

GWB said:
We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.

All the tough talk in the world won't change opinions that have been shaped and set in stone by 8 years of the left's and media's attacks on and portrayals of the President.

Any blunders he's made would not even be on the table if he hadn't been strong on the GWoT.

I don't criticize the President because I am on the correct team. :shrug: