somebody tell me...


<b>mod cow</b>
what the fuck is it with women?

somehow if you're planning to meet some chick and you're 5 minutes late, all hell breakes loose...
but when SHE totally forgets about it in the first place, you should be able to understand...

makes no fucking sense. ah well....women....
Or when they wear something with 78% of their breastessees hanging out and keep trying to remind you where their eyes are...:eek6: I think they do that shit on purpose....
They are the evil spawn of Satan. As soon as you figure that out, you'll be alot better off.
oh don't worry, PT...enough experience with that already....but still, it fucking sucks.
the bitch is off to spain for a week...and i'm not the one saying bye bye this time, that's for sure.
there are a few nice girls out there (like 5%), but the majority are bitches (the rest) :D
We're not all like that, as GF just gotta be patient enough to find the right one.
I don't think the percentages are that great Luis. Just the ones you like.:D It's funny i have friends both men and women that swear the same thing. When i bring up the point that they keep starting these relationships in bars they discount it. Just an example. It's all in where you look.
Leslie said:
We're not all like that, as GF just gotta be patient enough to find the right one.

seriously thought she was with the 5%.....learned a lot today again, or so it seems
i thought i would know her after a year+ of close contact...seems that was quite naïve to think of me....ah well.
Shadowfax said:
what the fuck is it with women?

what the fuck is it with women????(hey you said to tell you ;) jk. not everyone is bad shadow. but i do understand you were hurt in the past. jsut make sure you dont carry it over to any other relationships youll get into.
Well, just to make y'all jealous, I've found the perfect woman :D She's fucking nuts about me and I'm the same about her :)

Incidentally, I've just gotten my first drunken phone call from her :headbang:... "elloooo Jon i love you loads i'm a bit pissed but a love you loads louise's here go n' sleep with that bloke i'll ring you later Jon love you loads n' i'm missing you a hell of a lot..."*click*
