Southern living - the rules

SouthernN'Proud said:
NO 100 lb catfish here that I know of. Mebbe in the river though...I'll ask about.

Whoa, chuckie. If you can't supply 100lbs flatheads, I win by default.

Trout tastes better than catfish anyway.

No argument there. But I can get 5lb trout right here in my own back yard. Just because some people are satisfied with tiddlers, doesn't mean all of us are.
You'll need a decent sized river for flatheads. I'd think. The Hiawassee's known to have them, but be prepared to night fish. They tend to be nocturnal.
S&P, there are 100 pound catfish in Percy Priest (I'm told) as well as Center Hill. The source of this information says he doesn't know from personal knowledge but expects there's some in Dale Hollow, Cordell Hull and Kentucky Lake as well. :D
chcr said:
S&P, there are 100 pound catfish in Percy Priest (I'm told) as well as Center Hill. The source of this information says he doesn't know from personal knowledge but expects there's some in Dale Hollow, Cordell Hull and Kentucky Lake as well. :D

My ex-grandfather-in-law holds or held the record for the biggest catfish pulled out of Percy Priest. Something over 67 pounds I believe.

I've a close friend who lives on Center Hill and owns a boat and a beer cooler. Hmmm....

I do most of my fishing in Paint Creek, Camp Creek, Nolachuckey River, or Douglas Lake near Leadvale. More out of not owning a boat than anything else. Donations may be sent to www dot buysnpafuckinboat dot org. :swing:
Catfish and Crappie are my favorite freshwater fish, walleye seem to have a lot of irritating little bones.
tommyj27 said:
Catfish and Crappie are my favorite freshwater fish, walleye seem to have a lot of irritating little bones.

Really? I've never noticed. Northerns yes, walleye no.
Professur said:
I'm not so sure about the paint job on that one... but I have to wonder if greenfreak was over for a visit at the time the picture was taken.

My daddy is from Texas so I just cracked up when I read this :D

9. Tea - yeah, we have tea. It comes in a glass over ice and is sweet. You want it hot -- sit it in the sun. You want it unsweetened -- add a lot of water.
God, I LOOOOOVE sweet tea. No matter how hard I try, I can't get it "right" here at home. The first thing I do when I get off the plane in Austin is get a cup of sweet tea. Then, as soon as I get to DeLeon or Dublin, I get a Dublin Dr. Pepper ... ahhh ... pure cane goodness...

18. Grits are corn. You put butter, salt, and maybe even some pepper on them. If you want to put milk and sugar on them, then you want Cream of Wheat- go to Kansas. That would be I-40 west.

*makes a face* I never did like grits. Daddy made it for us often but I just couldn't acquire the taste for it. I imagine it's much like non-Hawaiians tasting poi :D .. but I do love cream of wheat. Daddy would cringe when we asked him to make it for us :D
We used to catch 60 pound and up channel cats on the Beaver River in my old home town. I even landed one, once. I had to throw it back, though, because I couldn't haul anything that big on my bicycle (I was 13 at the time). :p

As for the best tasting freshwater fish...I like largemouth bass. You just have to be careful with the cooking time, or it will dry out.
HomeLAN said:
Depends how it's prepped, and the water conditions where you caught it.

Ever had Snook? Salt water fish, but it tastes like fresh water, has a consisitancy like fresh, and is probably the tastiest stuff I've ever eaten. It's good enough that I'll plan my next trip to North Captiva around snook season.

Have you ever tried scamp? It's in the grouper family, and most folks around here will tell ya it's the tastiest fish in the Gulf. If you guys ever come to Panama City Beach, try the scamp at Capt. Anderson's.
Sharky said:
Have you ever tried scamp? It's in the grouper family, and most folks around here will tell ya it's the tastiest fish in the Gulf. If you guys ever come to Panama City Beach, try the scamp at Capt. Anderson's.

Those eyes make it look manufactured, though. :lol:
Inkara1 said:
That you in the pic?

Nope, I nicked that pic offa Gooooogle Image Search.

Gato_Solo said:
Those eyes make it look manufactured, though.

Those bug-eyes are a dead giveaway that the fish was brought to the surface with an electric reel. The rapid decompression causes the eyes to pop out of their sockets. It can also happen if you reel 'em up fast enough with a hand-crank reel. You see that a lot with grouper and snapper.
Sharky said:
Those bug-eyes are a dead giveaway that the fish was brought to the surface with an electric reel. The rapid decompression causes the eyes to pop out of their sockets. It can also happen if you reel 'em up fast enough with a hand-crank reel. You see that a lot with grouper and snapper.

Ahhh...lazy fisherman. :grinyes:
S&P said:
owns a boat and a beer cooler. Hmmm....
Ah. A good friend then.

BTW, I don't know for certain that anyone's ever caught a hundred-pounder out of Percy Priest, but a number of friends who fish all seem to agree they're there. :D