Space shuttle Columbia crashes

Yeah, just talking to her again, she said she saw the burning pieces coming down.
:eek5: I don't even like seeing the videos...Strage how it affects you so differently when you know there are real people dieing....
:eek5: I don't even like seeing the videos...Strange how it affects you so differently when you know there are real people dieing....We watch a hundred deaths a day on TV and don't think anything of it. But a flash in the sky when you know 7 real lives have just been extinguished , and your heart falters.....
I know, it's strange. On one hand, I think they knew there was a danger involved, but then again, they are people. I guess I'm still detached mostly from the fact that they were real people.
:crying3: thats so sad i wish we could do something for the families that lost someone. i cant believe it happened and Bush did offend me by saying terrorism had nothing to do with it. wasnt it some kind of malfunction? does anyone know about the shuttle that was to be launched in March? is it a no go?
freako104 said:
and Bush did offend me by saying terrorism had nothing to do with it

What's offensive with that? It's been talked about all day.
I agree, I think they ruled terrorism out in the first few minutes.
Bush offends me too....But it has nothing to do with anything he said today...Must've been yesterday....:tardbang:
Gonz said:
freako104 said:
and Bush did offend me by saying terrorism had nothing to do with it

What's offensive with that? It's been talked about all day.

I'm almost more offended by anyone and everyone who even remotely assumed it was a result of terrorism in the first place. Why can't we just grieve over the loss first instead of trying to blame it on something right away? Especially when it involves jumping to such extreme conclusions. I can't believe people out there are so ignorant that they see tragedy on TV and automatically blame it on terrorism. Quite sad. Scary, even. :(
I can't even imagine where the thought of terrorism would fit in this scenerio. Not a likely conclusion at all. Not even a likely possibility.
Yet it's the world we live in these days. Something blows up, terrorism is the first thought that comes to mind. :shrug:
exactly....and thats why it angers me....why bring it up in a time like this?

Its like me going to someone's funeral and commenting on how the gangs in the area probably caused it. Its sick. Twisted. Demeaning. Inappropriate. GAH! :grumpy: