100:1 they live a better lifestyle than my wife & I.
DAMN you Error!.....Don't you have any idea how bad it is when I have to concede a point to Gonz?
Moreover I am forced to agree with him.
....sperm & egg donors....
....surrogate mom....
Everything had been going so well today, now it's a far worse day than yesterday's first hour was in the space of less than a minute!

Being rich and so driven for their careers, well I have to say that I am conservative enough I can't respect that much either. At least it's a good job for you, and I hope they pay you very well, and that you are very good at it.
Perhaps one member of the family could take a few years off till the infant is of school age, and do with a few less televisons, perhaps a less "look-at-me-I-am-a-rich-bitch-fat-cat" extravagant home, and try a novel old concept called parenting. The first three years of a child's life are the most formative. For all intents and purposes Error, you are the infant's mother.
If it were my child, I wouldn't have an employee bringing it through the most formative years.