Termites (aka lil' house eatin' sumbitches)

Bugger me..........can't yer feed the hungry lil' sods twigs or summit? :confused:

Or like.....maybe build houses out of bricks,y'know?
Professur said:
Anyone wanna bitch about cold canadian winters again???

Didn't think so.

I can insure against termite damage. Not sure what you're gonna do about your issue. :p
Oz said:
Bugger me..........can't yer feed the hungry lil' sods twigs or summit? :confused:

Or like.....maybe build houses out of bricks,y'know?
They eat anything made of dead wood ... like houses and books and whatnot. unfortunately, the vast majority of houses are still made of wood. Even pure brick homes are not immune. They build little mud tunnels up along your foundation and look for anything that they can munch on. Its just a way of life... like snow up north. Its just something that you have to look out and prepare for.
I just spent 4 hours pulling 200+ nails out my deck so that 14 boards could be moved to expose the ground for the re-poisoning of my foundation. What fun. My hands feel like hell. *hammer crowbar hammer crowbar hammer crowbar smash spider hammer crowbar*
unclehobart said:
cypress ... lucky SOB

More of a matter of convenience than choice - they had to clear quite a few cypress trees to build the house, and around here it's cheaper to rent a portable sawmill and mill the wood onsite than have lumber hauled in.

I feel for you, Unc. I can't imagine how it must feel to discover termite damage in your home. Hopefully you have discovered the worst of it, and it can all be repaired.
unclehobart said:
At least I have the repair bond. It reduces my bottom line to like 200$ instead of like 10,000+.

That's definitely a good thing. :cool:

Still, the shock and horror of discovering that insects are eating your home must be significant.
I paid a shitload.

Didn't shock me to find damage one bit... nor the extent of it.

Traps are the whole basis of the sentricon style of termite control. They are bait traps in the yard every 6 feet of so apart around the exterior of your house with a slug of wood that all termites find irresistible. When an inspection finds that one of the traps is full of termites, it is replaced with a piece of wood that is a vicious slow acting poison.
Standard treatment still requires that holes be drilled in the foundation around the house every foot, once every five years and filled with a rather potent chemical that serves to dry up termites... which is death to them. Termites simply must have plenty of moisture to survive.
*sigh* Looks like they can't even get started until this friday. They wanted to continue it through into the following monday, but no matter how many times I told them that I was going to be out of town until wednesday, it just wouldn't sink in. So... barring a cancellation, I'm looking at having open gutted holes in my walls for 3+ weeks.

*insert minor griping and whining diatribe*