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Gonz said:It's about...screw it, we've been over what it's about 1000 times.
So, tell me again. Real slow, so I get it this time.
Gonz said:It's about...screw it, we've been over what it's about 1000 times.
Gonz said:
Puma said:There were scuds fired off at the start. A massive salvo of 6 I believe.
"I heard reports that we fired Scud missiles on Kuwait. I would like to tell you that we don't have Scud missiles, and why they were fired, I don't know," he told Reuters.
Leslie said:
Somewhere behind those green-gray eyes, Josh remembers where he's been. And that he'll be going back. He remembers scrambling to get on his gas mask and get into a bunker the day he arrived in Kuwait when Scud missiles were flying overhead.
The Marines had been loaded onto buses after their February flight into Kuwait and taken to Camp Commando to await the war.
"There were scud missiles falling 300 feet from the edge of the compound," said Cpl. Brian Baugh.
"You could watch the Patriot missiles come up and intercept them like that," said Staff Sgt. Jose Tablada III, tracing the triangulation with his hands.
The threat of chemical or biological attack, the Marines said, was among the most disturbing thoughts as they waited. Just waiting was difficult enough.
"Toilet paper is a lot better than baby wipes,"
Puma said:They might not have been actually scuds, they were missles and they exploded in Kuwait.