That's it, we're toast

Leslie said:
yeah...but we also have Bryan Adams and Celine Dion...they're our invasion repellent...NOONE wants to be here ;)

Think I'll start the search for oil in your chambre à coucher...I'll leave the towel behind... :brow:
Gato_Solo said:
If that were the case, we could've just invaded Mexico. Mexico has about the same amount of oil, and is much closer. That could also solve the problem of illegal aliens, and your visa conundrum, Luis... :D

That's the favourite excuse for those that refuse to accept that the war IS about oil. ;)
Luis G said:
That's the favourite excuse for those that refuse to accept that the war IS about oil. ;)
And that oil line is a favorite buzz-line for those who have only 1 agenda. ;) I'm not saying that oil wasn't a reason. Just not the only reason. Most folks who were against the war like to gloss over everything except oil.
Gato_Solo said:
Oo la la... Je suis enamouré et très heureux. Quelle femme... :grinyes: suis tres amoureux aussi... j'aime beaucoup mon grand houseboy, sans serviette ;)
Gato_Solo said:
And that oil line is a favorite buzz-line for those who have only 1 agenda. ;) I'm not saying that oil wasn't a reason. Just not the only reason. Most folks who were against the war like to gloss over everything except oil.

Gato, I understand that oil was not the only motivation. The point is, we were lied to about the reasons, and I think if you believe there were humanitarian concerns, you are being naive. I cannot but believe that oil was the primary motivation by a very large margin.
chcr said:
Gato, I understand that oil was not the only motivation. The point is, we were lied to about the reasons, and I think if you believe there were humanitarian concerns, you are being naive. I cannot but believe that oil was the primary motivation by a very large margin.
What I was pointing out was that, if you believe oil was the primary reason for the invasion of Iraq, then you are being naive. ;) I've stated before why we went in in other threads, and even Squiggy believes as I do on the primary reasons.
Okay, believe what you want to. I will. :D The Bushes, however, are big oil, I just can't believe it's not their major motivation. Evidently, others are more trusting of known liars and thieves than I am.
Gato_Solo said:
...and even Squiggy believes as I do on the primary reasons.

:confuse3: Eh? Squiggy believes whole heartedly that Bush's main reason for going to Iraq was to gain control of their oil for his Buddies...And I'm STILL pissed that SA has not had to answer for 9/11...

Its not about us USING their oil. Its about us controlling it.
Its not about us USING their oil. Its about us controlling it.
It's about the big oil companies controlling it. Has nothing to do with national affiliation, they could care less.
oops...:retard: I should have stated it better. But you got it, chcr...Now Iraq is just another country that can't undermine the big oil companies control over the world market anymore...I have to assume Iran is next.
Squiggy said:
:confuse3: Eh? Squiggy believes whole heartedly that Bush's main reason for going to Iraq was to gain control of their oil for his Buddies...And I'm STILL pissed that SA has not had to answer for 9/11...

Its not about us USING their oil. Its about us controlling it.

Ahem...I'll repeat the ideas you also stated for those who weren't paying attention.

1. 9/11 stirred up a hornets nest.
2. No one country was directly responsible for the attack*.
3. The US went to war in Afghanistan to topple the Taliban, but that fight proved to be too small.
4. Saddam Hussein was acting belligerent, and we needed a larger show of force, so we invaded Iraq.

Sound familiar, Sqigmeister?
Um NO...Doesn't sound familiar at all. I'm pretty sure that I can state that NONE of those remarks came from me. The first may have been in passing amidst a much heavier discussion. Its a rather obvious characterization. But the rest are totally unfamiliar. Methinks you may have me confused with someone else Gato. I think EVERYONE knows I hold SA responsible for 9/11. I always have. I'm ceretain that I never stated the 3rd or 4th....:confuse3:
Of course it's not about oil, it's about liberating the people... Giving them things like freedom of speech, American Building contracts, and McDonalds... :retard2: Funnily enough, since their 'liberation', crime and rape are up. Hmmm.

On another tangent, how long do you think Rumsfield et al are going to continue deluding themselves that the fighting is just coming from Saddam insurgents? :retard2:
Squiggy said:
Um NO...Doesn't sound familiar at all. I'm pretty sure that I can state that NONE of those remarks came from me. The first may have been in passing amidst a much heavier discussion. Its a rather obvious characterization. But the rest are totally unfamiliar. Methinks you may have me confused with someone else Gato. I think EVERYONE knows I hold SA responsible for 9/11. I always have. I'm ceretain that I never stated the 3rd or 4th....:confuse3:

It was during another discussion, and I'm sure it was you, because right after you posted that, I replied that when I said it, I was justifying the war, but when you said it it was okay. :shrug:
BeardofPants said:
Of course it's not about oil, it's about liberating the people... Giving them things like freedom of speech, American Building contracts, and McDonalds... :retard2: Funnily enough, since their 'liberation', crime and rape are up. Hmmm.

On another tangent, how long do you think Rumsfield et al are going to continue deluding themselves that the fighting is just coming from Saddam insurgents? :retard2:

It's about...screw it, we've been over what it's about 1000 times.

Crime is up, so what. That's not atypical of a war zone. The fact that the Iraqi police force is small doesn't help but it is growing daily. They'll control their crime. Hopefully not in a tyrannical fashion, as per previous dictators.

Rumsfeld, from what I've heard, has said Ba'athists & terrorists. He's not limited himself to one group only.
Gato_Solo said:
It was during another discussion, and I'm sure it was you, because right after you posted that, I replied that when I said it, I was justifying the war, but when you said it it was okay. :shrug:

You'ld have to show me, Gato. None of that is what I've ever thought or felt and I don't recall saying any of it.....:shrug: I've been screaming that we need to blow SA off the fucking map since long before the war. All the way back to my first month at OTC. It isn't me you're thinking of. Really.