The day the Earth nearly stood still

You can't get the number of individual investors together in the space of 2 hours that it would have taken to sell off 5.5 billion dollars in mutual fund assets on 9/15/08.

George Soros? A coalition of countries that were eager to have 0bama elected? Motive, weapon, opportunity.

Remember Zero said "Call me if you need me" when McCain suspended his campaign to fly to D.C. during that week? Zero was in on the deal. It was not important to him then yet now he's pushed a bloated "stimulus" bill down our throats to "correct" it. Yet I assume the consensus among many here is "oh, well. Shit happens." :shrug: It is an issue that has been swept under the rug.

The run on the market was an orchestrated event and the American people are entitled to know who was behind it.

Let the hearings begin!

You mistake the ability of individuals to move moeny around during a run.

To give you an (a calm trading day), NASDAQ has moved $1,267,686,509.00 since first bell. That's just the NASDAQ.

Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- An institutional fund run by Bank of New York Mellon Corp. designed to work like a money-market account fell to less than $1 a share after losses on debt issued by bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

The $22 billion BNY Institutional Cash Reserves fell to $0.991 a share on Sept. 16, according to an e-mail sent by a bank representative to one client. BNY Mellon has ``isolated the Lehman assets in the fund into a separate structure,'' Ivan Royle, a spokesman for the New York-based company, said today in an e-mailed statement.

The fund invests cash deposited as collateral by clients who borrow securities from BNY Mellon, the world's largest custody bank. Lehman debt represented 1.13 percent of the fund's holdings, according to the statement. Royle declined in an interview to say whether investors withdrawing money from the fund would realize losses.

The BNY Mellon fund, while not a registered money-market fund, is ``generally managed to be compliant with the investment-related provisions of'' U.S. law governing the accounts, according to a bank brochure.

Reserve Primary Fund, the oldest U.S. money-market fund, on Sept. 16 became the first in 14 years to fall below the $1 a share price, known as ``breaking the buck.'' Investors pulled 60 percent of their money from the $62.6 billion fund on Sept. 15 and 16 before withdrawals were delayed.
Money-market funds, considered the safest investments after bank deposits and Treasury debt, strive to preserve a $1-a-share net asset value, meaning that investors can always get back their principal. Companies including Wachovia Corp. have pledged to support their money-market funds with losses linked to Lehman....
You must be speaking of the filthy, traitorous left who would rather see this country go up in flames at the hands of a socialist than governed by a Republican. :shrug:
Nope, i was was referring to someone on the traitorous right who was lighting the country up in flames which have to be put out by the current admin.

The one still avoiding the question out of fear.
To get an answer one actually has to ask a question. Otherwise you are relying on the mindreading abilities of someone. :shrug: Has there been a question in the last 6 posts?
You mistake the ability of individuals to move moeny around during a run.

To give you an (a calm trading day), NASDAQ has moved $1,267,686,509.00 since first bell. That's just the NASDAQ.

The DJIA has dropped 2,000 points since election day. Quite the vote of confidence, that.
Yeah, Bush really did a number on the economy. It's going to take some work to turn things around.

What, exactly, did BUSH do?

He doesn't pass expenditures - he can't. His proposed tax cuts incresed revenue, beginning several years ago. Although, even that wasn't his doing, it was up to Congress. The war that was brought upon us...Congress. Medicare medicine coverage - Congress. Deficits - Congress. Budget shortfalls - Congress.

The President may make suggestions & use the bully puplit to badger the Congress but he cannot do anything, except use a VETO & that can be overridden guessed it - CONGRESS.

The President can share the blame, especially if he's the one pushing for certain legislation or he can get credit for the same share, however, the President is not the arbiter of economies. Sometimes they have great ideas (Reagans tax cuts from 72% to 28%) and sometimes they're victims of poor legislation and sometimes they push for crap (Medicare drug plan). Either way, the President is not to get credit nor blame for actions that must be placed upon the heads that write & pass this legislation. Congress.
Wow, if Bush had no part in any of these things why even have him in office? Why would we even need a president at al if they don't do anything?

Don't blame Congress for Bush's war. The buck stops at his desk. Commander in Chief and all.

Somehow Jim thinks Obama is responsible for the stock market :laugh:
Wow, if Bush had no part in any of these things why even have him in office? Why would we even need a president at al if they don't do anything?

Head of State & somebody has to host International Dinners.
Again...he's gone. You may allow your vicioussness & hatred to wane. It's doing nobody any good. Let it go, you'll feel better, he can't scare you any longer.